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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So was the point of the 10th anniversary to get us to cancel our subscriptions?


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Yup I'm done. Was there at launch, got my Malgus statue. Have come and gone, always returning when an expansion came out to play through. How laughable is this 'expansion', although I'm not laughing. Have cancelled and uninstalled. I may return one day, but it will have to be to something special. Quite disappointing.


World of Warcraft just dropped 9.2, and while some things in the past have been a bit questionable I'm really enjoying the latest update there. I'll give them my money.



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Yup I'm done. Was there at launch, got my Malgus statue. Have come and gone, always returning when an expansion came out to play through. How laughable is this 'expansion', although I'm not laughing. Have cancelled and uninstalled. I may return one day, but it will have to be to something special. Quite disappointing.


World of Warcraft just dropped 9.2, and while some things in the past have been a bit questionable I'm really enjoying the latest update there. I'll give them my money.




I still have my Malgus statue too. Shame the lightsaber broke off the hand during a move. I packed it with a ton of bubble wrap and it still got knocked around =/

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The saddest part of this, is that the game is in outage by majority and bioware hasn't said a SINGLE THING, I haven't seen a single CM say anything at all.

They just don't give a crap, they are like children closing their eyes pretending it's not real and hoping it goes away soon.

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The saddest part of this, is that the game is in outage by majority and bioware hasn't said a SINGLE THING, I haven't seen a single CM say anything at all.

They just don't give a crap, they are like children closing their eyes pretending it's not real and hoping it goes away soon.


So the same reaction the majority of the playerbase has towards this patch. Who'll blink first?

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I have to say I have more moderate feedback regarding the changes with 7.0. There are things I really like and there are some things I really don't - note: I have only been playing since 6.0. And I imagine for most the list for each will differ based on the game experiences that keep them playing and subscribing. That said, I think there are some changes that make no sense regardless of the different player experiences they are catering to, especially when we know how much the bottom-line matters in the end.


As we know the bulk of their top-line comes from ongoing subscribers and CM purchases, so why would you...


1) Implement changes that make it harder to play more alts? I spend more CCs the more alts I make and play, but the changes like perpetual gear grind, conquest target increase, lower conquest points awarded, low legacy-wide caps on currencies, or others that are alt-averse would likely generate a negative impact to CM spend levels.


2) Kill your CM weapon sales (and to some extent Hypercrates) by making players trying to advance their gearing use generic weapons for months? I was ok with no weapon in outfitter (or least would like to see it sometime), but this is a big step backward. And kind of insulting to offer these cool new weapons for GS2 that I will not get to use until they release weapons in outfitter or bring back mods to non-NIM raiders. I probably would have blown some CCs at claiming some of those early, but no way if I can't use them.


3) Alienate your ongoing subscriber base? Even if you were just trying to squeeze as much revenue as you could until the game is killed off, releasing an overwhelming amount of unpopular changes to a loyal subscriber base would be counter to that, especially in the wake of all the costs associated with designing and implementing those changes.


4) Not recognize that a large portion of your subscriber base is playing as many hours as they are able to already? Anything that would reduce that number risks a hit to that base. What are they offering their subscribers to keep them prioritizing their discretionary time with SWTOR, or better, what are they planning that could compel them to play less or quit. Retention is always easier than growth and is the larger % of your top-line. You never want to attempt to attract new/returning subscribers at the expense of your base.


Related but separate, I am surprised that they are not taking an approach where subscribers still pay a one-time premium for the 'expansions' - other games do this and provides a basis for larger budget/resources where their break-even is more predictable. No one wants to pay more if they don't have to, but our expectations need to be tempered if we are not willing to collectively do so.


Another thing that should temper our expectations is the F2P/PP aspect. I am all for making the game available to as many players as possible, but we can't expect them to be able to afford to execute as we would like without a strong, consistent subscriber base - with a lot of players subbing for a month to get new content then unsubbing, we shouldn't expect hours and hours of new content to be created because the top-line consistency is not there. If you subscribe to Apple TV or similar you don't get to keep watching if you unsub - not exactly the same but the economics play out similarly.


If I had a seat at the table I would suggest putting more into new outfits and other CM offerings - catering to subs and non-subs both. This may not be as much of an attraction to some players, but so many seem to play a lot of alts and I think this would be the most cost-effective way to increase the bottom-line numbers. Variety is the spice of life and keeps me wanting to play more. And after all, space barbie is the true end-game right? :)


I do hope they listen to the feedback and figure out how to strike a better 'middle road' for all of us. I am optimistic they will.

Edited by HypSpec
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Sadly I have wondered this.


I have been in the game, subscribed, since July 2012, minus a few months when I had to take care of a sick relative.


I had renewed my game time right before 7.0, but unless there are some drastic changes, I will not renew my sub, after almost 10 years of being a sub.


This "expansion" feels like a mess. Also, I respect that everyone has different things they like to do in game and different play styles, but so many of these changes impacted my enjoyment of the game, including the loss of friends playing.


The game feels so restrictive and limited now (restricted missions, flash points, etc.), along with some seemingly gratuitous or convoluted changes. I posted a more detailed post elsewhere, but currently, I just can't see a reason to continue my sub, but I am hoping that will change.

Edited by NaiadL
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same here, sub ends March 5th and will

not be renewing. Never had a game company

make me not want to play their game.

Bug after bug and no fixes, unwanted and

unneeded changes. Very lackluster gearing

system now, and underwhelming expansion

that should have been called a "patch" at most.

Edited by Crackreaper
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Sadly I have wondered this.


I have been in the game, subscribed, since July 2012, minus a few months when I had to take care of a sick relative.


I had renewed my game time right before 7.0, but unless there are some drastic changes, I will not renew my sub, after almost 10 years of being a sub.


This "expansion" feels like a mess. Also, I respect that everyone has different things they like to do in game and different play styles, but so many of these changes impacted my enjoyment of the game, including the loss of friends playing.


The game feels so restrictive and limited now (restricted missions, flash points, etc.), along with some seemingly gratuitous or convoluted changes. I posted a more detailed post elsewhere, but currently, I just can't see a reason to continue my sub, but I am hoping that will change.



Thats the best way to put it "restrictive" now. They seemed intent on sucking every bit of fun out of every single way to play the game. No system was safe from restricting fun. Add the bugs and total silence on top of that from the dev's and I would love to know how many subs have actually been canceled. They timed it perfectly too with Lost Ark launching happy to welcome the cancellations here. I wonder if Amazon paid Bioware to tank their own game at this point lol.

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