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Glaring Warzone Imbalance issues.


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Is the game really working as intended if I get 2 shotted by Agents?


As a commando healing at lvl 18 I have 2 heals (3 if you count the heal over time from spamming hammer shot)


I am forced to stand still to heal. I HAVE to eat every flipping back stab ambush whatever, and my healing heals on average from 1/3 of what I'm getting hit for, how is that balanced?


It's not... Bioware has 2 options. Bracket 50's separate from the rest of us, or go to Cross Realm Warzones and make a decent filtering system.


I don't understand from a marketing stand point if you reward the winners and screw over the losers.


The game rewards ppl who RUSH to 50 and gear out, and slaughter anyone wanting to pvp as they level...



THIS IS bad for buisness, I don't understand other than that lvl 50's will have poor que times. If bioware is going to normalize stats they need to elimination Expertise in warzones. Normalize their stats to have the same efficency as a lvl 10 queing up. That metans reduce crit, surge, power, the works, and zero expertise.


The idea is that I'm supposed to enjoy the overall experience the game has to offer from lvl 1-50, not at lvl 50 when I'm done with all my storyline.



This issue is as pressing as a companion not having any dialogue with you all the way to 45 (kira carsen still is broken after the alleged "fix")


If this bio-ware wants to keep it's subscribers, they will realize that warzones are a large part of the pvp. And it needs to be fair, not just rewards ppl who sink copius amounts of time into the game to get an edge...


It still baffles me that I can get hit twice and drop.... ON what planet does that make sense? Is it to benefit the ppl who have no skill?

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I would say you need to spend less time on the forums and more time leveling. Don't hate on the people that are 50 already. You say the game should be great 1-50 and not just at 50. Well, that comes from the storyline but I'm afraid that the game focuses too much 1-49 and not for 50s.


You are going to spend most of your time at level 50. This is an mmo not a rpg.

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I would say you need to spend less time on the forums and more time leveling. Don't hate on the people that are 50 already. You say the game should be great 1-50 and not just at 50. Well, that comes from the storyline but I'm afraid that the game focuses too much 1-49 and not for 50s.


You are going to spend most of your time at level 50. This is an mmo not a rpg.


i agree with everything u said but this is an mmorpg not just one or the other lol

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