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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you ppl saying the nerf was good understand eco?


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The nerf was terrible... you people who are saying "nerf slicing, I have 2 gathering skills and wasn't making as much as slicers with one" cut your own throat.


The money the slicers were putting into the economy BUYING STUFF FROM NON SLICERS is now gone. Did your servers AH just die, or the prices you were getting plummet?


Guess why. If they haven't yet, they will.



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No, slicers put money into the economy by printing money. The other gathering skills destroy money. The rest is just money moving about.


Slicing as it was would create rampant inflation, where you'd eventually have to be a slicer, or a crafter selling to slicers, to be able to afford anything worthwhile that could be traded.


Personally I'd like slicing credit missions to be replaced by some other sort of mission, so that skills are on a level playing field, and then the economy balanced around that.

Edited by Darzil
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It's still a "GATHERING" skill that allows you to get credits for doing nothing but clicking. The credits are still out there you just need to click a little more now. It takes a little longer to get them now. Oh the humanity!


Anyone that says getting credits by simply clicking their companions out on missions or clicking on nodes in the open world is "not worth it" is either A. a liar that wants their "I'm rich button" back or B. a FOOL!

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No, slicers put money into the economy by printing money. The other gathering skills destroy money. The rest is just money moving about.


Slicing as it was would create rampant inflation, where you'd eventually have to be a slicer, or a crafter selling to slicers, to be able to afford anything worthwhile that could be traded.


Slicing would not inflate the market much compare to lv 50 pumping money into the market. The credit you see from lv 20 were suppose to be for lv 50 where they make way more money by questing, dailies etc. The only problem is low level character able to unlock the lv 50 payment earlier than expected.

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Slicing would not inflate the market much compare to lv 50 pumping money into the market. The credit you see from lv 20 were suppose to be for lv 50 where they make way more money by questing, dailies etc. The only problem is low level character able to unlock the lv 50 payment earlier than expected.


Level 20 or 50, it's still the same overall amount of money coming into the economy from one player's missions, so no different in overall inflation.

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Level 20 or 50, it's still the same overall amount of money coming into the economy from one player's missions, so no different in overall inflation.


This Exactly!

The credits are still obtainable BW just slowed the rate at which you can obtain them.

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Level 20 or 50, it's still the same overall amount of money coming into the economy from one player's missions, so no different in overall inflation.


I'm saying people are exaggerating the inflation effect cause by slicing alone because the money from slicing is minimal at best compare to income at high level. Even lv 30+ will start raking in more money from questing than to slice. The inflation is inevitable pre and post nerf.

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Big surprise another qq thread about slicing. Simple Math on why it was bad.


Scavenging earns X when selling goods to vendors

Slicing earns Y when selling goods to vendors


If Y > X then the system is broken. No? Theoretically the only time you should be making money is by getting a higher level of good and getting lucky. You should not be able to run any gathering skill mission and then vendor the product for a HUGE profit. That is broken. If other Gathering skills could do the same thing it would be a different story.

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Anyone that says getting credits by simply clicking their companions out on missions or clicking on nodes in the open world is "not worth it" is either A. a liar that wants their "I'm rich button" back or B. a FOOL!


I don't want to burst your bubble but slicing doesn't make money anymore. In fact it makes you lose approximately 500 credits a mission. And if you are "LUCKY" you lose entire sum. Slicing was made for non-crafters so they could play the game and earn money now slicing is ruined. Even if you go looking for the lockboxes it is still not what it meant to be.

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Add to this that slicing profits are SET IN STONE.


They have a hard cap and cannot increase beyond a certain point. They cause early game inflation (which is actually a good thing, not all inflation is bad.) but it actually helps to regulate late game inflation as it establishes a baseline earning level which creates a spending cap for many players.


The leading cause of inflation is not "slicers" or "gold farmers" (by the way, they serve the same purpose. You're going to have one or the other in this game, and if you just really love gold farmers, then you enjoy that.) but basically your average greedy player who says to himself "If I can get 20 credits for [item], I bet I can get 25... maybe 30."

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What you say is hilariously wrong sorry. You seem to be the one whi doesnt understand economy.


Ye you right Slicers have less money to buy the stuff other players sell and other players therefore also have less money.

BUT those other players also need less money cause less money in the economy means they can buy items cheaper also.


The thing is though that the large amount of money pushed into the game by slicers would just cause inflation ingame. All items would just cost more. An item that cost 100 credits would then cost 1000 credits to buy.


The only difference after the nerf is that slicers dont exlusively have the by far best (and maybe even only realistic) way of generating money.


Its all about balance, if one preofession trumps the others conderning revenue production then all other professions seem lame.


I am sorry you cannot see that and in a selflish manner only think about your personal advantage over others ingame rather then wanting balance and a healthy game.

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Big surprise another qq thread about slicing. Simple Math on why it was bad.


Scavenging earns X when selling goods to vendors

Slicing earns Y when selling goods to vendors


If Y > X then the system is broken. No? Theoretically the only time you should be making money is by getting a higher level of good and getting lucky. You should not be able to run any gathering skill mission and then vendor the product for a HUGE profit. That is broken. If other Gathering skills could do the same thing it would be a different story.


First. You don't get anything return from mission other than lockbox or if you crit, a mission discoveries or schematic that are vendor trash and sell little at AH like purple mats from any other profession.


So, excluding schematics and discovery as they are counted as purple mats.

Lockbox vs green mats.


Lockbox return a fix price Y while Mats price is depends on the market from X to Z. Slicing were balance and base on the assumption that X < Y < Z where Z is unlimited and uncapped but Y is capped at the appropriate level for the mission bracket.

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Slicing nerf really didn't effect the long term economy as a whole, it only effected inflation or what a credit is worth. It doesn't matter if the price of goods falls because it still balances out in the economy, your less credits still buys the same ammount of goods in the end. The nerf only effects slicers, they don't have an unlimited credit supply and actually have to put effort into their skill.
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I don't want to burst your bubble but slicing doesn't make money anymore. In fact it makes you lose approximately 500 credits a mission. And if you are "LUCKY" you lose entire sum. Slicing was made for non-crafters so they could play the game and earn money now slicing is ruined. Even if you go looking for the lockboxes it is still not what it meant to be.


This isn't true at all, slicing missions still make a profit, just not as MUCH. I averaged from 350-550 a mission yesterday, but 20-40 minutes to make 400 on average is debateable whether it's worthwhile or not... but no, slicing does not LOSE money.



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Slicing nerf really didn't effect the long term economy as a whole, it only effected inflation or what a credit is worth. It doesn't matter if the price of goods falls because it still balances out in the economy, your less credits still buys the same ammount of goods in the end. The nerf only effects slicers, they don't have an unlimited credit supply and actually have to put effort into their skill.





Edited by CapC
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This isn't true at all, slicing missions still make a profit, just not as MUCH. I averaged from 350-550 a mission yesterday, but 20-40 minutes to make 400 on average is debateable whether it's worthwhile or not... but no, slicing does not LOSE money.




wait until you run a 2k mission and only etting back 1.2k

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What you say is hilariously wrong sorry. You seem to be the one whi doesnt understand economy.


Ye you right Slicers have less money to buy the stuff other players sell and other players therefore also have less money.

BUT those other players also need less money cause less money in the economy means they can buy items cheaper also.


The thing is though that the large amount of money pushed into the game by slicers would just cause inflation ingame. All items would just cost more. An item that cost 100 credits would then cost 1000 credits to buy.


The only difference after the nerf is that slicers dont exlusively have the by far best (and maybe even only realistic) way of generating money.


Its all about balance, if one preofession trumps the others conderning revenue production then all other professions seem lame.


I am sorry you cannot see that and in a selflish manner only think about your personal advantage over others ingame rather then wanting balance and a healthy game.


LOL... this is ridiculous. It's a basic economic principle that the more money being pumped into the economy, the more spending, and the better off everyone is.



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Slicers were NOT sinking money into the player economy. This is the misunderstanding that is overlooked all the time. Slicers were getting all their skills, bag upgrades and then their bank upgrades while spending money on vendors who crafted things 3x better than current crafters.


People who dont think this should let me know by level 20 in pre nerf slicinig, how many bag expansions did you have and how many bank expansions they had.

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wait until you run a 2k mission and only etting back 1.2k


I AM running 2k missions... and continue to make a profit on every mission except the one of 20-25 that fails. Not a big profit, but positive numbers. (400-600 or so)



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Slicers were NOT sinking money into the player economy. This is the misunderstanding that is overlooked all the time. Slicers were getting all their skills, bag upgrades and then their bank upgrades while spending money on vendors who crafted things 3x better than current crafters.


People who dont think this should let me know by level 20 in pre nerf slicinig, how many bag expansions did you have and how many bank expansions they had.


I have only 1 bag and no bank expansion and i don't even bother to get the 5000 bag expansion until i need to and I'm a slicer. I use the credits I gain from slicing to get stuff i can't craft or things i need from AH

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Its all about balance, if one preofession trumps the others conderning revenue production then all other professions seem lame.


I am sorry you cannot see that and in a selflish manner only think about your personal advantage over others ingame rather then wanting balance and a healthy game.


I guess by this logic we are going to see a ton of Bioanalysis crafters as for the most part, the rest are garbage that can be farmed easily.


You sir fail.

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I was thinking about this earlier this morning during a short commute and I realized something about all the crafting. Both scavengers and bio's have three methods of obtaining their ingredients: missions, nodes, or dead mobs. And these mobs are the most prevalent types in the game (robots or animals). Slicing is either pick up a node or do a mission. Archeology is the same way - node or mission only.


So slicing needed balancing and needed to be leveled in the same manner as other skills? Then fine, cut the paltry 1-10% return on the missions, but make it the same as other skills and let slicers get an extra loot on higher level mobs. This loot might return credits, missions or schematics. Then it would truly be fair, right? I mean, the anti-slicing brigade just wants everything to be equal, right? But somehow I think they won't here.


And I'm only saying this partially as a joke. I notice on my scavenging and bio toons, I have tons of extra money. On my archeology toon I don't because I have to do more missions to level my crafting - I can't gather from a dead mob.


So more mob gathering for archeology and slicing.

Edited by Msbungle
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I don't want to burst your bubble but slicing doesn't make money anymore. In fact it makes you lose approximately 500 credits a mission. And if you are "LUCKY" you lose entire sum. Slicing was made for non-crafters so they could play the game and earn money now slicing is ruined. Even if you go looking for the lockboxes it is still not what it meant to be.


Another post that is either a lie or ignorant of the facts. I hate to burst your bubble but the fact is it is profitable to both gather or run missions for credit. The consensus among the people that have collected the data is that it is still profitable but a big waste of time.

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