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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

First real failure of an expansion in Swtor


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I think the biggest thing that's annoying me now is the sheer silence from BioWare. The devs/community manager NEEDS to say something, anything at all. They need to give us some kind of road map and a deeper level of communication of what they truly plan on doing going forward.

don't worry, they're gonna response in a couple of weeks & the whole roadmap will be nothing but bug-fixes.

someone else said it in another thread : vote with your wallets, it's the only way they're gonna (eventually) learn from this.

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true 5.0 was bad but like raansu said, 7.0 is way worse, atleast 5.0 had the whole KotET chapters at launch.

this time nothing will safe them , even all the white knights / swtor defenders are quiet as hell lol.

this game is done....not now not tomorrow but i think it'll happen this year...


I whole heartedly agree that 7.0 is volumes worse than 5.0. The rage was similar and maybe not as bad as 7.0. But Bioware still stayed silent for months till they announced the departure of Ben Irving from swtor.

What really surprised me is they promoted him, put him in charge of Anthem and he took a bunch of swtor Devs with him. Then Anthem fails and those same devs come back to swtor and destroy it with 7.0.

Makes me wonder if it’s the dev talent or mismanagement.

I also think EA will pull the plug on swtor this year. I can’t see swtor recovering from this and the EA guys are quick to save a dollar if they can.

Edited by Totemdancer
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I really hope the game will survive. It means so much to me, and have so many fond memories of it. I've been playing since launch. :( When Ossus, Mek-sha, and Onderon came out, I was happy to see that the game was on the right track again.

Now this happens...:( Revert these horrible changes please, and let's pretend it never happened.

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I recently came back and subbed in anticipation of 7.0. There's so many things about this game I like in comparison to WOW, which I played for over a decade. I'm still leveling through 6.0 content and am a very casual player so mostly I focus on quests and storyline.


My thoughts are that I like the second combat play in that it makes things more interesting and fun.


I don't understand WHY developers in games like to take things AWAY from people that they grew used to and enjoyed/liked. Why take away abilities people had before? I was pissed to see that many abilities I enjoyed on my characters were now either eliminated or made into a choice that I had to sacrifice something else to get. WHY piss people off unnecessarily?


The UI doesn't really bother me but again..Why fix what isn't broken?


The biggest problem I see here is that this really isn't an "expansion" as much as a large patch. I've been hearing that you can level up and go through the content in less than 2 hours and there really isn't much to this expansion..just another storyline ending in an expansion


As a casual player, I want more content and storyline. I'm not all that interested in raids or endless grinds for gear that doesn't interest me but it seems that here no one is completely happy or satisfied in this regard. There doesn't seem to be anything for anyone in 7.0. As far as I can see, there's either too much tinkering and not enough content. :confused:

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The response to anything has to be cleared by EA. We will get one it will be some corporate mumbo jumbo but it will happen.


Not everyone is giving total freedom like D2R developers to say what they want when. Honestly though that is in part Keith's fault sometimes you have to say no but have logical reasons why (mostly based on monetary reasons its the only language that its going to get through).


Keith seems very non confrontational. Don't actually know but just the vibe he gives on in interview etc. I have told my boss that my Team is not doing things many times but always had reasons why.( I have flat out refused and been willing to walk away especially if it affects my team personal life.)


I feel like this team works for a paycheck not towards a common goal. There is a big difference between working for someone and with. I have always said I don't have people that work for me, I have people that work with me. I don't think this is the case at Austin. That falls on leadership. I doubt we know who that person is but they don't get it.

Edited by TmoneyTime
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I whole heartedly agree that 7.0 is volumes worse than 5.0. The rage was similar and maybe not as bad as 7.0. But Bioware still stayed silent for months till they announced the departure of Ben Irving from swtor.

What really surprised me is they promoted him, put him in charge of Anthem and he took a bunch of swtor Devs with him. Then Anthem fails and those same devs come back to swtor and destroy it with 7.0.

Makes me wonder if it’s the dev talent or mismanagement.

I also think EA will pull the plug on swtor this year. I can’t see swtor recovering from this and the EA guys are quick to save a dollar if they can.

the whole anthem thing is pretty funny , ben irving went from swtor to anthem, then anthem failed & he left that game too lol.

i didn't even know some anthem devs went back to swtor....now 7.0 makes sense.

i'll give this game a couple of months at best. fall 2022 or spring 2023 they pull the plug.

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I read through all these comments. I totally agree with the first assessment. I'm not good at putting everything I feel into constructive words. However, I'm glad to see others have done a really good job. I agree this is the worst update I have seen. I have been here since beta as a sub. Not sure if I will stay longer or not.

I loved the gearing system of 6.0

I think the ability to play As an Agent Merc is good, I just want all the abilities back

Same Warrior assassin is great. Once again give me my lost abilities back. This part is good. You just took too much away.

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the whole anthem thing is pretty funny , ben irving went from swtor to anthem, then anthem failed & he left that game too lol.

i didn't even know some anthem devs went back to swtor....now 7.0 makes sense.

i'll give this game a couple of months at best. fall 2022 or spring 2023 they pull the plug.


Chris Scmitt is the main dev I’m referring to who went from swtor to anthem and back to swtor again. He’s the lead designer on swtor and all the **** decisions started when he came back. I believe he is the main architect to many of the things that were changed since his return.

Edited by Totemdancer
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