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WOW! BW lied to us. What a shocker.


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All you had to do was make it to where the ranged classes can share weapons, and that force users can actually use the most basic of force skills and not be limited by lightsaber, and to be able to change combat style on the fly in PVE ONLY. But no. Instead you took away stuff, and are just letting us use another class' spec? LOOOL.


10 years ive asked why certain force users were too stupid to use force push and pull (for example) or why the devs made the cringey choice to force all bounty hunters to use pistols because of ONE famous BH in the movies (and now shows of course).


It's simple, let us use any gun for any gun skill, and any melee weapon for any melee skill. No reason my BH merc shouldnt be able to use a rifle, and your disgusting company marketed the changes as though that was the plan.


Im glad im only out 15 bucks for the sub and not 40 bucks like most MMOs charge for their expansions, so I guess there is that. You are truly an out of touch, ridiculous company. Maybe if you spent more time actually worrying about gaming instead of social issues and wokeness, your games wouldn't be so mundane.

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Doing what you suggest would require them to make new animations, which I assume they were too lazy to do. However, they didn't lie. Plenty of us understood what they meant. Criticize them for not doing enough if you want, but they did what they said they were going to do. You were the one who misunderstood.
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They didn't lie. You just misunderstood.


This 100%. OP No offense but it's not their fault if you have the reading comprehension of a 5th Grader. It's been explained several times how this expansion would work and it's obvious you read none of it

Edited by Zergnaut
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This 100%. OP No offense but it's not their fault if you have the reading comprehension of a 5th Grader. It's been explained several times how this expansion would work and it's obvious you read none of it


Bioware Quote below:


While the current array of Class and Advanced Class options allows you to create characters resembling many of your favorite characters, they don’t cover all of the most popular character/combat combinations from other Star Wars media. Boba Fett is a bounty hunter who primarily uses a rifle, Captain Rex is a soldier who fights with two pistols, and so on. Wouldn’t it be great if SWTOR let you create and customize these awesome characters, and more?


For Legacy of the Sith, our goal is to do just that. By separating your combat gameplay choice (Advanced Class) from your storyline choice (Class), you can make characters with new story and gameplay combinations that allow you to create your own personal Star Wars characters. In order to make the new options clearer, we’ve updated the names:


A personal favorite: Combat Styles! More options than ever to customize your gameplay!


Bioware did not outright lie to you, but they did intentionally mislead you. They bent the truth as far as they possibly could. You can't create a Bounty Hunter that uses a rifle, but you can play the Sniper class while playing the Bounty Hunter story.


Bioware was well aware of the fact that the SWTOR community wanted more customization. They intentionally marketed this expansion as an update offering "more customization" even though they're literally offering everyone less.


This is absolutely deceptive marketing OP.

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Doing what you suggest would require them to make new animations, which I assume they were too lazy to do. However, they didn't lie. Plenty of us understood what they meant. Criticize them for not doing enough if you want, but they did what they said they were going to do. You were the one who misunderstood.

No it wouldn't as the animations are already there. Bioware has been lazy since day one. Their claim to fame was Neverwinter Nights and KOTOR a style that they should have stuck with because they continue to screw up as MMO developers. I will tell them the same thing I said during testing over ten years ago they have to change the way they look at things and listen more to the community as a whole and actively join the community for discussions. If they continue to fail on this level EA's investors will start firing those responsible for the bad choices made.

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There was no lying involved. They told us what they will do. It was just that too many players didn't want to believe it. The blame for the disappointment is on everyone who thought that the patch would miraculously be different than stated. This patch is exactly as advertised. It was male cow's excrement from the beginning. You just didn't want to believe it
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No it wouldn't as the animations are already there. Bioware has been lazy since day one.

We are talking about a *core* design of SWTOR here, namely binding actions and class/spec together. Which means if, for example, you want to have force pull+push on all force users, you have to provide these actions for all 4 classes. Maybe lets not stop there and go further? Eventually you will see that classes/specs sharing so many things the entire design becomes obsolete.


Now, yes, there are other game systems out there which offer you many more degrees of freedom; imagine a blaster using force user who controls the flights of the bullets similar to something

already. But you will need to completely redesign SWTOR from scratch for that, and this game was never meant to be overly complex to begin with. That is one of the sacrifices on the altar of simplicity. It also has nothing to do with being lazy, because you suffer in other ways in return in terms of design, i.e. it doesn't come for free.
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