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[Ruins of Nul: Story Mode] One Shot by Malgus


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Also would this bug possibly be faction specific? My JC healer had no problem with this but my SI sorcerer is stuck.


My experience thus far with five different characters is that the melee toons all aced it, but my ranged Bounty Hunter character can't last ten seconds without being slammed through the floor. Not sure what it is about that particular character, but I've tried everything I've seen mentioned here to no avail - hiding behind a pillar, luring him to the edge, etc. Either she still dies from cumulative area effect damage, or the instance resets once Malgus gets down to about 30 percent. I've been playing this game since Beta. I've been a subscriber since launch. And honestly, this whole expansion has been such a momentous cluster**** that I'm seriously considering cancelling and walking away for the first time in over ten years. It was a bad idea all around i.m.o. and would have been even if they'd actually bothered to fix the bugs before launch. As it is, I can't imagine another game property surviving such a colossal screw-up.

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I successfully did it this week on Veteran mode on my sorc healer. Basically we just kept moving nonstop and not a single person got pulled through the floor. Not sure if that was just lucky or what. Pretty sure we had a jugg, a sin and a sniper. Edited by Barcstradamus
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Actually, YES--> https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10015070#edit10015070 .... however, i wouldn't exactly call it a "satisfactory" type update. :cool:


Hardly answer at all since the Moderator posted the same in this thread further back.... Completely ignoring the fact that MORE people are reporting this as NOT working then there are people saying it IS working.

Also it seems a greater % of Empire players then Republic Players can use the "Work around"

Edited by Pervejbirk
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:( tried the walk-a-rounds...never worked for me. 10x ea type people are talking about just on my sentinel, as this the only toon i have progressed to that point. Running around perimeter or staying near entry path broken pillar has not worked at all. 8 out of 20x i got insta zapped by lightning while running to heal point, the other 12x comps either bugged and/or malgus and comp's bugged at same time not moving and for no apparent reason still got reset 0dmg from nothing at all. pain in the a s s.
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No. I had no issues on my Sith Warrior and so far I have.. I believe.. 30-40 tries on my Jedi Shadow and still couldn't finish the fight.


Yeah it's kind of strange I see a lot of people not having issues with warror/knight class , myself included. But most other classes are bugged for some reason.

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Well if Relentless Assault is the issue a smart person would deactivate that ability until the bug is fixed. I am stating a smart person however. What does Bioware care if they piss off the community? Also while you're at it bring back Darth Marr we prefer him to Malgus.


Yes, you would think the smart thing to do would be to disable the problem that is causing the issue. Same thing with other areas like the purifier droids. Reduce how may spawn or the timing of the spawns and reduce npc damage and health just so people can progress. The stupid onslaught with malgus as your companion is another example where people are just stuck. Something that could be implemented fairly quickly. But nope. Bioware is just going to drag this garbage out for as long as they can I guess.

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Right,, tried all tactics and ideas mentioned, including BW's and for the n'th time (i stopped counting at 35 attempts) i got wiped by malgus,, i tried all possible things,, having rivix tank, heal, dps,, being outside the forcefield and let rivix solo him, standing at the pillar at the rock,, all to no avail,, seriously,, BW,, is THIS what i came back for after a years break from being a subber??? C'mon,, don't drop to the level of what happened to WoW or EvE online,, get your act together and make it atleast soloable for story!! Edited by Ooyama
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So i tried to play this on my new lvl 80 char to find it is broken i ended up quitting the mission after being stuck with the regent boss. I killed about 15 Volatile Monitors and mobs to find the shield did not drop once :(

Now i cant do any flashpoints or some Companion alerts as it keeps telling me to reset all flashpoints which i have excerpt Ruins of Null as there is no reset option on it its missing :mad:


My other favorite Mmo sto would of at lest removed this content by now to stop it from braking peoples games and thats F2P all content.

What do you do with our money sit getting stoned all day ? i really want to know the answer to this




(If anyone got any idea's on how to fix this please let me know. Thx in advance for any help.)

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Now i cant do any flashpoints or some Companion alerts as it keeps telling me to reset all flashpoints which i have excerpt Ruins of Null as there is no reset option on it its missing :mad:


That, at least, I can help you with. You need to reset your phases. Right click on your portrait, select 'other' and select Reset Phases or reset Local Phases whichever it says. Then you should be good to go for flashpoints, ops, general story phases etc. You don't need to reset that FP as it does that on its own. I hopped out of it on my scoundrel after my first disastrous attempt to look up some tips, and when I tried to jump back in (I hadn't done anything in between, just went afk a bit) it started right back at the beginning. And as much as I'd like to abandon, or even drop kick, this mission, it's considered vital and can't be dropped. Would that it could!


As to the 'it's only on Faction X' theory, i can verify that at least for me there has not been a single faction OR build I've been able to get through the Malgy fight. That includes painstaking experimentation with my placement, the combat role of companion, etc. It's just shameful. I may have said it before but if this crud isn't fixed by the time my subscription is up, it's (sadly) bye bye to my favorite MMORPG.

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