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Can't give Fen Zeil armor? Only a customization?


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Really? This has to got to be laziness at it's best. We were able to give Altuur any armor we wanted but for the season 2 companion we can only use one of a couple customizations?


Yah, they posted a little while ago that the companions that don't have gear slots were intentionally done so because "developer vision". So apparently it is OK for Mandalore to run around in a slave bikini, that's within their vision, but it's not ok for Nikko to take off his hat. Player enjoyment is not a factor in their decisions. And it really, really has nothing to do with them being cheap.

Edited by Damask_Rose
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  • 3 weeks later...
Sure... because nobody who is playing 10-year-old RPG is in it to "role-play" with their characters?? The first thing I wanted to do is pay some heavy galactic coins to turn Fen Zeil into an awesome gun-slinging "Cad Bane" looking bounty hunter. Well... money lost for Bioware me thinks!
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I'm not a huge fan of the really "alien" looking alien companions (unless they are cute, where is my Ortolan :p), but if I can change their armor, I'll probably still use them occasionally if they're freebies. I use Altuur sometimes, despite his squeaky voice and anteater face (he's a kinda neat character), but I doubt I'll be using Fen Zeil.


The excuse of wanting to maintain the integrity of their vision (or however they phrased it) just boils my blood, because they only seem to care about that with the male companions. They let us change the armor of Shae, Ranos, and Hexid, but not Arcann, Niko, or Paxton. :mad: If they or applied this reasoning more equally, I'd still be annoyed but would be somewhat understanding.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sure... because nobody who is playing 10-year-old RPG is in it to "role-play" with their characters?? The first thing I wanted to do is pay some heavy galactic coins to turn Fen Zeil into an awesome gun-slinging "Cad Bane" looking bounty hunter. Well... money lost for Bioware me thinks!


I was planning on doing the same lol Oh well, their corner-cutting is dollars out the window :rolleyes:

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I'm not a huge fan of the really "alien" looking alien companions (unless they are cute, where is my Ortolan :p), but if I can change their armor, I'll probably still use them occasionally if they're freebies. I use Altuur sometimes, despite his squeaky voice and anteater face (he's a kinda neat character), but I doubt I'll be using Fen Zeil.


The excuse of wanting to maintain the integrity of their vision (or however they phrased it) just boils my blood, because they only seem to care about that with the male companions. They let us change the armor of Shae, Ranos, and Hexid, but not Arcann, Niko, or Paxton. :mad: If they or applied this reasoning more equally, I'd still be annoyed but would be somewhat understanding.


Well, they have to pacify those that need that slave outfit on their female companions. I mean that is soooo important. Lol

Even Senya can wear gear. Been waiting for Arcann custom slots since 2015 I think? It's a joke at this point that development is this lazy.

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Sure... because nobody who is playing 10-year-old RPG is in it to "role-play" with their characters?? The first thing I wanted to do is pay some heavy galactic coins to turn Fen Zeil into an awesome gun-slinging "Cad Bane" looking bounty hunter. Well... money lost for Bioware me thinks!


I was planning on doing the same lol Oh well, their corner-cutting is dollars out the window :rolleyes:


They know full well that many players want to do just that, which is why they added a Galactic Season achievement that grants you the Outlaw customization for Fen Zeil minus the hat and breather of Cad Bane.


Fen Zeil's Outlaw Customization


Instead of spending heavy coins on that, you have to spend regular time finishing the GS objectives each week so that you will be able to complete the required 100 next to 100 Season levels and a maxed out Shadow Syndicate reputation rank before the Season is over.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Here is their reason for the decision:


Fen Zeil Customization

We understand that there is a desire for Fen himself to be more customizable in his appearance as we did with Altuur. I’m happy to go into some additional detail here as to why he is currently set up the way he is.


We want players to have the opportunity to express themselves through their Companions, and customize that experience. For many that is dressing their Companion in any outfit they desire, and while we want to offer that option there are often times when that becomes more difficult to support, both technically as well as when we wish to maintain character integrity.


Our outfit system allows players to equip themselves (and sometimes their Companions) in outfits which reveal skin (such as the torso, arms, legs, hands, and feet). This requires that the character has the appropriate art made for each of those regions. There are many characters in the game which currently do have the art to support this, and attempting to work around this would not be in the best interest of the player or look of the character.


Other times we opt to keep a certain look or style to a Companion to maintain the integrity of that character. While we may offer alternative looks for them, their outfit is part of what makes them unique and definable at a quick glance. There is never any question of which Companion just ran by when it is Nico or Arcann. Fen Zeil is a character we wish to maintain this integrity with.


Understanding however that customization is important, we created some additional skin variants for Fen which players will be able to earn and/or purchase throughout the Season. We did this with the intent to offer players more immediate options should players desire them, while maintaining the character integrity we believe is important for him.


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Sometimes they mix both systems. You can dress Lana as you want only if you don't use her traditional customization. This is imo a pity because removing that customization makes her look older. I don't understand why they didn't release her traditional outfit separately from her face and hair customization.


(And I badly wish they'd release a "young" (SOR era) Lana face and hair customization.)

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Sure... because nobody who is playing 10-year-old RPG is in it to "role-play" with their characters?? The first thing I wanted to do is pay some heavy galactic coins to turn Fen Zeil into an awesome gun-slinging "Cad Bane" looking bounty hunter. Well... money lost for Bioware me thinks!


Lol, me too. I try to make all my bounty hunter companions look like epic bounter hunters from the movies and shows, so I was stoked to given Fen that Cad Bane look

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Here is their reason for the decision:


As someone who has worked in corporate customer service for years, I call BS on their so called "reason". :mad: This is what my bosses like to call "Positive Positioning" and honest people call Bald Face Lying because they don't want to admit the truth. Arrrgh! BRKMSN just shared it, he's not the person who came up with this steaming pile of Bantha PooDoo

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Particularly when they let people play dress-up barbie with this type female companions but Not the male.


Khem Val. Jakkaro, Paxton, Broonmark, Fen Zeil, Nico, not to mention the cartel companions:

Choza, Hemdil, K'krohl, Rokuus (although Leyta and Verroa are female - I think),Blizz, (treek is female), -

it IS obvious that more of these "non-outfitable" characters are male.

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Particularly when they let people play dress-up barbie with this type female companions but Not the male.


Khem Val. Jakkaro, Paxton, Broonmark, Fen Zeil, Nico, not to mention the cartel companions:

Choza, Hemdil, K'krohl, Rokuus (although Leyta and Verroa are female - I think),Blizz, (treek is female), -

it IS obvious that more of these "non-outfitable" characters are male.


While there might be a proportionally higher pool of human female companions that are fully customizable, almost all of the companions you have named here are alien species with unique body proportions. They wouldn't be fully customizable even if they were female, because no regular armor from your Collections would fit them.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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No armor would fit them? I beg to differ.

It didn't "show" on the character visuals, BUT - back when companions used to have to be gearred (yes, I've been playing that long), you used to be able to place on Khem Val. At least they came up with customizations that had him wearing more than a breech cloth.:D


If "fitting" was the reason, you wouldn't have the same armor that fits a Body Type 5 Male Sith Pureblood ( I think they are the tallest playable species?) fit a little type 1 female twillik.

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While there might be a proportionally higher pool of human female companions that are fully customizable, almost all of the companions you have named here are alien species with unique body proportions. They wouldn't be fully customizable even if they were female, because no regular armor from your Collections would fit them.


I would be perfectly satisfied if we could customize all of the standard body ones: Nikko, Paxton, Arcann*, Hemdil, Rokuss, Veerona, Nuray, Fen Zeil. Oh look, only one is female. While they are at it, maybe they could fix the skins for Vector, Scourge and the Gamorian Bodyguard so they can wear outfits that have some bare skin. It's only been a known issue for 9 years. Oh, look, all males. When Ashara had a skin issue it was fixed right away so she could wear a bikini.


*It is debated if Arcann is a standard body type 2. I think he is. I believe the "extra bulk" is just his unique armor.

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No armor would fit them? I beg to differ.

It didn't "show" on the character visuals, BUT - back when companions used to have to be gearred (yes, I've been playing that long), you used to be able to place on Khem Val. At least they came up with customizations that had him wearing more than a breech cloth.:D


If "fitting" was the reason, you wouldn't have the same armor that fits a Body Type 5 Male Sith Pureblood ( I think they are the tallest playable species?) fit a little type 1 female twillik.


You said it yourself, even though you could equip armor to some of these companions when they still gained their stats from gear instead of Influence, it didn't show on their character models and you had to use the customization slot to change their visuals.


And yes, "fitting" is the fundamental reason for why they cannot wear the armor, because a Dashade, a Wookie or a Jawa have body proportions that are totally different from the body type 1 through 4 (there is no 5) of the playable character models. It would mean a lot of extra work to adept all armor sets to those unique character models.


Ever wondered why we only have 4 body types to choose from and no sliders to finetune your character's body proportions? This is it.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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  • 1 month later...
While they are at it, maybe they could fix the skins for Vector, Scourge and the Gamorian Bodyguard so they can wear outfits that have some bare skin.


Actually, they can. You just need to get customization for Scourge, then put on the desired outfit.


For the Gamorian Bodyguard I'm not sure if you can expose skin. I have him with my trooper so he is geared up in Havoc Squad armor dyed blue-and-white like the rest of my troopers companions (except for the droids). His name is "grunt". :D

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Actually, they can. You just need to get customization for Scourge, then put on the desired outfit.


For the Gamorian Bodyguard I'm not sure if you can expose skin. I have him with my trooper so he is geared up in Havoc Squad armor dyed blue-and-white like the rest of my troopers companions (except for the droids). His name is "grunt". :D


Using a customization is a workaround, not a fix, and not a very good one at that. I prefer original Scourge and original Vector over any of the customizations. Unless they stealth fixed his skin, your bodyguard will have a unitard and bra under any revealing outfit, just like default Vector and Scrouge. Try it. It's pretty funny.

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