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So... are we getting NEW tacticals?


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I mean, if you remove some, you should be adding some...


There weren't any on PTS, so...


My guess is we'll be told they 'will be looking at this' after 7.0 launches to 'monitor' feedback and so on. This will be evidenced by absolutely no other communication on the topic, as is usual for them.

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There weren't any on PTS, so...


My guess is we'll be told they 'will be looking at this' after 7.0 launches to 'monitor' feedback and so on. This will be evidenced by absolutely no other communication on the topic, as is usual for them.


Well, on PTS my Slow Mercy was working just fine too...

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There weren't any on PTS, so...


My guess is we'll be told they 'will be looking at this' after 7.0 launches to 'monitor' feedback and so on. This will be evidenced by absolutely no other communication on the topic, as is usual for them.


they have been "looking into this" on dual spec since 2014 now...LOL

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Then 7.0 some classes will keep their good tactical while other classes won't.


Bioware please.


It depends on the discipline. Some of them are getting one of the removed tacticals baseline, so whatever tactical they equip in 7.0 will be on top of that, like having 2 tacticals equipped. It definitely will be worse for some disciplines but not all of them.

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I don't understand. They removed the BiS tactical for some specs (Carnage, AP) but did not touch other classes?

How is that supposed to work at level 80?


The AP tactical, Powerlode, is baseline for the class in 7.0.


Not sure about Fanged God Form, or what energy management for Carnage will be in general. It's possible they baked it into the class too, though. The PTS certainly did not have the final class changes on it.


I'd be much more concerned about how the new level scaling works, the combat/skills/passive redesign, how grindy and unintuitive the gearing system is, the increased difficulty of all PVE group content when many players already have difficulty with it in 6.x (even if over-geared and with much friendlier scaling in place), bugs that will result from so many changes to the game, etc.


In short, your focus for what's wrong with SWTOR won't be a tactical once 7.0 hits.

Edited by arunav
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The AP tactical, Powerlode, is baseline for the class in 7.0.


Not sure about Fanged God Form, or what energy management for Carnage will be in general. It's possible they baked it into the class too, though. The PTS certainly did not have the final class changes on it.


I'd be much more concerned about how the new level scaling works, the combat/skills/passive redesign, how grindy and unintuitive the gearing system is, the increased difficulty of all PVE group content when many players already have difficulty with it in 6.x (even if over-geared and with much friendlier scaling in place), bugs that will result from so many changes to the game, etc.


In short, your focus for what's wrong with SWTOR won't be a tactical once 7.0 hits.


From what I heard, they added the effect of the AP tactical into the spec.


Carnage... I don't know. Neither do I know what they are planning for Slow mercy (RIP) and my fun AoE tactical for arsenal...


Guess I have to figure what tactical to use for Carnage now (just saw the dev post about no tacticals being added). Suggestions?

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Play Fury instead? :)


In all seriousness, there are so many changes in 7.0, I think folks may end up playing different classes/specs, after reviewing and trying out what's in each skill tree, figuring out which skills or passives they can put up with not having access to.


I'm going to give 7.0 a shot, but feel as though its design approach is, especially at this point in the game's life and having played since 1.x, not for me.


There are too many games and fulfilling hobbies out there that are actually enjoyable. Investing further time into mindlessly grinding old content for gear, which is mostly what is being offered, isn't worth it. Everyone will have to decide for themselves, and BW no doubt expects some longtime subscribers to leave, given the PTS feedback.

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Play Fury instead? :)


In all seriousness, there are so many changes in 7.0, I think folks may end up playing different classes/specs, after reviewing and trying out what's in each skill tree, figuring out which skills or passives they can put up with not having access to.


I'm going to give 7.0 a shot, but feel as though its design approach is, especially at this point in the game's life and having played since 1.x, not for me.


There are too many games and fulfilling hobbies out there that are actually enjoyable. Investing further time into mindlessly grinding old content for gear, which is mostly what is being offered, isn't worth it. Everyone will have to decide for themselves, and BW no doubt expects some longtime subscribers to leave, given the PTS feedback.


Well I have one of each dps spec right now, I'll probably try them out then switch if I don't like it...

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From what I heard, they added the effect of the AP tactical into the spec.


Carnage... I don't know. Neither do I know what they are planning for Slow mercy (RIP) and my fun AoE tactical for arsenal...


Guess I have to figure what tactical to use for Carnage now (just saw the dev post about no tacticals being added). Suggestions?


Carnage has problems generating enough rage. Fanged God Form addressed this nicely. Without it, Carnage will have to use The Prosecution tactical for single target. It buffs the highest damage ability but doesn't address the rage problems. It's back to long periods of low damage, basic attacks to build rage. But I haven't seen the changes to their utilities/passives. Maybe there is something that helps with the rage problem.

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Carnage has problems generating enough rage. Fanged God Form addressed this nicely. Without it, Carnage will have to use The Prosecution tactical for single target. It buffs the highest damage ability but doesn't address the rage problems. It's back to long periods of low damage, basic attacks to build rage. But I haven't seen the changes to their utilities/passives. Maybe there is something that helps with the rage problem.


I guess I'll see how bad it is then switch to fury yet again if it's bad. It's unfortunate because I really enjoyed it but definitely not without Fanged God Form. Did I enjoy spamming massacre? Not one bit, but unless they give us more energy regen there's just no point.


And I know that anni is supposedly the best but it's just too awkward for me for soloing... would just stink to end up having all my marauders being fury.

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