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Are 7.0 Arsenal mercs getting any love?


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  • 4 weeks later...
Like in the title, has any1 played arsenal on pts and share their view on the class?


Can these new changes put us back in the fight for the 1st dps spot place on the meters? Or are we still being pushed back by other classes?


I'd say all classes are getting streamlined and nerfed. It's not looking good.

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Arsenal/ Gunnery is in a good spot with a nerf in mobility - a huge choice between survivability of Echoing Deterrence vs Hold the Line to cleanse roots. Otherwise, the overall damage and especially the single target burst are BUFFED. AoE Cleaving potential is nerfed due to a reduction in the base damage of the AoE cleaving versions of Grav Round/ Tracer Missle and Demolition Round/ Heat Seeker Missle.
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Arsenal/ Gunnery is in a good spot with a nerf in mobility - a huge choice between survivability of Echoing Deterrence vs Hold the Line to cleanse roots. Otherwise, the overall damage and especially the single target burst are BUFFED. AoE Cleaving potential is nerfed due to a reduction in the base damage of the AoE cleaving versions of Grav Round/ Tracer Missle and Demolition Round/ Heat Seeker Missle.


It is always entertaining when someone that plays other classes says another class is in a "good place" with a nerf. Years of assassins and marauders whining about mercs instead of learning to play. Arsenal / gunnery was at the bottom of dps in 6.0 and did not get any boost to that in 7.0 yet they took away support abilities. So yeah, if you listen to people who play some other classes, don't know how to play, or are trolls then, yeah, mercs are in a good place.....



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Arsenal/ Gunnery is in a good spot with a nerf in mobility - a huge choice between survivability of Echoing Deterrence vs Hold the Line to cleanse roots. Otherwise, the overall damage and especially the single target burst are BUFFED. AoE Cleaving potential is nerfed due to a reduction in the base damage of the AoE cleaving versions of Grav Round/ Tracer Missle and Demolition Round/ Heat Seeker Missle.


So what do you actually main because it isnt merc :)

mobility and utility were our strengths, we most a lot of both, and our damage is still far below most... how the hades is that in a good place unless you are one of those that didnt know to not shoot into the giant glowing shields.

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I concur, I main Arsenal Merc, it's the spec I enjoy playing the most. In 6.0 I wouldn't break the DPS meters but I could hang decently with people and engage in all content. In 7.0 I'm struggling to get past 20K dps in HM+ while other specs do 27K without even breaking a sweat. I've got 110% accuracy, 13.7% alacrity (I hear 15% is the target but that's hard to get in 326 gear) and honestly it's not like I can massively screw up the Arsenal rotation, it's kinda one of the reasons why I'm playing it.


Not to mention I now have to make fantastic choices such as do I take Hold the Line to help with various mechanics or should I opt for the Responsive Safeguards (reflect) defensive cooldown? Do I want to have a useful defensive cooldown such as a 60% Kolto Overload or do I want to do more dps by activating Thrill Of the Hunt?


Why does Bioware hate Mercs? Can someone from the balancing team actually explain their moronic decisions for this patch? Are we all supposed to play Juggs and Maras sitting on the boss's behind 24/7 as dps since apparently it's evil to have other utility skills?

Edited by mstangescu
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I wish they would give arsenal mercs something resembling love. Right now the current top parse is about 25% higher than what arsenal can do. I seem to recall a dev interview a while back where they said they want rdps within 5-10% of the top. I would kill for that then I could at least use arsenal in operations again. I don't know if it's just that they ignore mercs for the most part or it's that there are so few of us left actually playing arsenal that they don't get much feedback and just figure it's okay. Fury maras doing over 32k dps while we struggle to get close to 25k.
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I wish they would give arsenal mercs something resembling love. Right now the current top parse is about 25% higher than what arsenal can do. I seem to recall a dev interview a while back where they said they want rdps within 5-10% of the top. I would kill for that then I could at least use arsenal in operations again. I don't know if it's just that they ignore mercs for the most part or it's that there are so few of us left actually playing arsenal that they don't get much feedback and just figure it's okay. Fury maras doing over 32k dps while we struggle to get close to 25k.


I wonder though if anyone doing what they are was intended? It feels to me more like they are over tuned than we are under.

Regardless no one should do 40% more than any other class, period.

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There would be MANY people playing Arsenal if it wasn't so bad right now. Mercs and PTs are very popular choices for obvious reasons. I'm not sure why SWTOR insists on making players feel weak when playing them. DPS wasn't great in 6.0 but between Blazing Bolts on the move and other utilities I could make up for it. Now they've removed those abilities and put them up in a "choice" against essential DCDs and dps is even weaker comparatively than last patch.



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Guys , simple fact, most devs play jedi knights or sith warriors, they don't play Mercs and Arsenal was on their "hate" list because if they can't one shot us in pvp , then they had to nerf us. It's been that way for a long time. Before we could figure a way around all the nerfs and still get decent dps in ops and fp's , but with this new way to build , even I who used to be able to wrangle good dps in hm ops can't seem to even get decent dps ><. In the malgus fight, I kept dieing from his pull ( you know pull and drop through the floor NOT because he actually killed me or I had dmg :mad: ) because I dared to have responsive safe guards and not hydraulic over rides :mad: how dare I , I know. So really what would piss of a warrior/ knight more, not letting him pull us or having his crap splash back in his face. Having both to a warrior or knight in pvp, omg that is too powerful. Just look at it from a "pvp" perspective rather from our eeek narrow minded pve perspective.
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In reviewing the top parsing specs accordingly to the parsely leaderboards, the answer is a resounding no, were literally bottom of the barrel.

Put whatever stock you will in 6.5 dummies but based on that we are dead last and well behind the top parses by as much as 9K differential.

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The dummy parsing is one thing, small samples, unrealistic preparation etc etc


But ixale farms data from tens of thousands of actual fights from people who use starparse and you can see per boss how crippled the class is at producing a fair share of damage for the team.


The window lickers perform worse on the class, the top 1% perform vastly worse on the class. There is no fight anywhere that redeems the low damage output in single or multi target scenarios.



Edited by Gyronamics
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