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Snowball Solution!


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For those of us that find the snowball cannon an incredible annoyance, I offer DEV a solution.


When one character fires the snowball cannon at another it instantly flags that offender as open to PvP by the offended. This will be incredibly satisfying to slap the sunshine out of said snowballer :p:D

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For those of us that find the snowball cannon an incredible annoyance, I offer DEV a solution.


When one character fires the snowball cannon at another it instantly flags that offender as open to PvP by the offended. This will be incredibly satisfying to slap the sunshine out of said snowballer :p:D

Hmm. Shame about all the lowbies on the Fleet, I guess, snowballed by the maxbies in the hope of being able to gank them.

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For those of us that find the snowball cannon an incredible annoyance, I offer DEV a solution.


When one character fires the snowball cannon at another it instantly flags that offender as open to PvP by the offended. This will be incredibly satisfying to slap the sunshine out of said snowballer :p:D


Seriously. Only game in the world where the Devs literally give trolls ammunition to annoy people endlessly.

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This problem (I should confirm its existence, even though my characters didn't suffer too much of such offense) can be solved in other way: when a character gets shot by this cannon, it becomes temporarily invulnerable to repeating shots, approx. the same way how the invulnerability is applied during the dialogs. Character in such state cannot be targeted by any other snowball cannon. The time of this effect should be enough to discourage a potential troll, maybe the same as the snowflake effect lasts (5 min) or slightly less. Common snow bomb (not from the cannon) can still be thrown at such character.
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For those of us that find the snowball cannon an incredible annoyance, I offer DEV a solution.


When one character fires the snowball cannon at another it instantly flags that offender as open to PvP by the offended. This will be incredibly satisfying to slap the sunshine out of said snowballer :p:D


The snowball spam ran its course a very long time ago, and certainly needs to die, but I don't think enabling PvP with a troll many dozens of levels higher than the average player will do the trick. They should instance the effect, i.e. you throw a snowball, you hear it, you see it, I don't. Or have it work like the rest of the troll abilities, group members only.


I'm sure the obnoxious sound and animation inconceivably seemed like a good idea to someone, but the reality of players who grew up with lead water pipes just spamming it endlessly gets pretty old.

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In truth if the snowballs annoy you that much, just stay out of places people tend to hang out. Don't go to fleet or Odessan for example. Stay on your SH's if your waiting for quue's, or just go to other planets. I seldom see snowballs on the other planets.


I'm not a fan of them, but I just minimize my exposure to them, while I still play the game the way I want.

Edited by Toraak
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Click to remove the buff as soon as it lands, It cancels the effect and if it's a troll it annoys them. I had a guy follow me for an hour throwing snowballs, cancelling buff, rinse and repeat. He started whispering me more and more to stop cancelling his snowballs, even got pretty descriptive about it. Amused the hell out of me.


Would be nice to have a rakghoul stim equivalent for it though, or an item. Heck give the user a title of "Party Pooper" when it cancels "x" amount of snowballs. I'd use it just for that alone.

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Click to remove the buff as soon as it lands, It cancels the effect and if it's a troll it annoys them. I had a guy follow me for an hour throwing snowballs, cancelling buff, rinse and repeat. He started whispering me more and more to stop cancelling his snowballs, even got pretty descriptive about it. Amused the hell out of me.


Would be nice to have a rakghoul stim equivalent for it though, or an item. Heck give the user a title of "Party Pooper" when it cancels "x" amount of snowballs. I'd use it just for that alone.


They want you to remove the buff. If you remove the buff they can get another chance at a parcel. If you leave the buff on, it'll annoy them more, since they want as many people as possible to throw snowballs at. They can't get a parcel from someone that they already hit with a snowball who has that buff.

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More simple solution already existing in some games : option to agree to get events on you or not


I dont remember how its formulated, but what it does, its does not ennoy those who are under the *attack* but it still allow people to use those on anyone to complete their achievement or their fun


Old game doing this LOTRO and since some long years already. You never see anyone complaining since


I dont care myself but i can understant that it bothers some. As i often said : al ittle is good and funny but after a time its become bothering.


But dont dream, SWTOR will never implement this.

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They want you to remove the buff. If you remove the buff they can get another chance at a parcel. If you leave the buff on, it'll annoy them more, since they want as many people as possible to throw snowballs at. They can't get a parcel from someone that they already hit with a snowball who has that buff.


Well bugger me lol, that will teach me to try and be smart without any research! Cheers for that! :D

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