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Stop comparing a game that just launched to a game thats been out for 7 years


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Multiplayer != MMO.


Put your bicycle helmet back on before you hurt yourself.


Massively Multiplayer Online game = MMO, and TOR has all three. Hope that doesn't strain your thinking process too much to have the acronym explained.

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If you want the same features as a 7 year old game you need to remember that they have tuned WoW for 7 years and implemented lots of content, for SWTOR creating more classes, quests, endgame content such as raids or more fine tuned PvP is going to take time.


While you use the "why cant they implement stuff thats in a 7 year old game" you miss the whole point that this content takes time to develop. All of this is going to be added in due time, but they cant just release thousands of more quests out of thin air, since this game, compared to for example WoW, actually has great storylines for the quests it might take even longer.



What would you rather do: Postponing SWTOR release date with 3 years and expect more content or actually enjoy the game and the current content right now? While waiting for more.

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Dude... cmon. WoW is 7 years old and TOR lacks its features..


Its like if a car designer took some features from a 7 year old car, then left out others. You'd be asking "what the hell, this 7 year old car has more features than this brand new one"


No, No, cars do not progress with age, MMO's do.

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Multiplayer != MMO.


Put your bicycle helmet back on before you hurt yourself.


Massively Multi-player Online Game. This simply means more than a handful of people are playing and can interact with each other on a persistent server.


Any other definition you have applied is not inherent to the actual definition.

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That's the key RIGHT THERE, without people to play other than the ones who don't mind the single player aspect, all of the bugs, and the lacking features, how long do you think the game will last? Look at how Age of Conan went with people clamoring about things wrong with it and people like you saying "Just leave, we don't care".........oh wait this is your first MMO (not really an MMO) never mind.


Heck even the mighty WoW is suffering from the "Then leave we don't care" people, their subs are dropping like flies!


Granted I am using your post as a launching platform and a lot of what I have to say is not directly related to you.... but....


Bugs? Were you even there at launch? AOC was a terribly buggy mess with broken content all over the place. You couldn't finish half the quests on your journal and some people couldnt even log in, or start the game client ROFL. In TOR I have yet to run into a bug myself that has prevented me from enjoying the game. Even in BETA I never once crashed, despite running into broken quests. There are bugs, but comparing TOR to AOC is laughable and makes you look stupid. This game is solid.


Now to the rest of you....

About features.... Just because one MMO has feature X and another doesn't, that doesn't mean the latter is lacking.


WoW doesn't have companions like TOR.

WoW doesn't have voice dialog for all of its quests like TOR.

WoW doesn't have player housing like TOR, EQ or EQ2. (EQ has been out for over 12 years and it has not only housing, but communities as well. DAoC had housing and communities back in 2003.... lol)

WoW doesn't have challenging content, and is just another easy game for those with the "I WANT IT NOW" mentality. You idiots have ruined the genre for me.


Honestly the moment this game gets that stupid LFD tool, I am gone. I hate it. I am already having to suffer through the stupid GCD because its how WOW does it. You people are complaining this is a single player game with optional multiplayer, but you're advocating a tool that separates the player from the community even more. For real.


All you whiney kids need to look at the big picture. TOR is TOR, not WOW. Bioware took elements of WOW and incorporated into their own game, sure, but at the end of the day its its own game with its own future.

I digress.

Edited by Kanolth
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Lol at OP. Yes we should make comparisons. ToR isn't in competition with WoW as it was at launch, it's in competition with WoW currently. They had what...a 130 million dollar budget for ToR? The "wait 6 months" attitude for an MMO to "fix" itself is gonna soon be a thing of the past. This used to be true for a long time because until recently ONE MMO would release, and there was a long stretch of time until a new one came out, players didn't have much of an alternative. Along with all the MMO's currently still alive, in the next two years your gonna see an explosion of korean goodness (people that know how to do PvP, and do it big.) And this idea that you can release an MMO, and people will wait 6 months for you to polish it is gonna be a thing of the past. Unpolished MMO's are gonna start failing when more MMO's come out, and people have better alternatives.
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Granted I am using your post as a launching platform and a lot of what I have to say is not directly related to you.... but....


Bugs? Were you even there at launch? AOC was a terribly buggy mess with broken content all over the place. You couldn't finish half the quests on your journal and some people couldnt even log in, or start the game client ROFL. In TOR I have yet to run into a bug myself that has prevented me from enjoying the game. Even in BETA I never once crashed, despite running into broken quests. There are bugs, but comparing TOR to AOC is laughable and makes you look stupid. This game is solid.


Now to the rest of you....

About features.... Just because one MMO has feature X and another doesn't, that doesn't mean the latter is lacking.


WoW doesn't have companions like TOR.

WoW doesn't have voice dialog for all of its quests like TOR.

WoW doesn't have player housing like TOR, EQ or EQ2. (EQ has been out for over 12 years and it has not only housing, but communities as well. DAoC had housing and communities back in 2003.... lol)

WoW doesn't have challenging content, and is just another easy game for those with the "I WANT IT NOW" mentality. You idiots have ruined the genre for me.


Honestly the moment this game gets that stupid LFD tool, I am gone. I hate it. I am already having to suffer through the stupid GCD because its how WOW does it. You people are complaining this is a single player game with optional multiplayer, but you're advocating a tool that separates the player from the community even more. For real.


All you whiney kids need to look at the big picture. TOR is TOR, not WOW. Bioware took elements of WOW and incorporated into their own game, sure, but at the end of the day its its own game with its own future.

I digress.

Honestly the launch of AOC reminded me a lot of the launch for WOW. Broken quests servers crashing people not able to log in etc etc etc.. I often wonder how far WoW would of made it if it had been released today instead of almost 8 years ago.. Edited by Tool_of_Society
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That statement right there shows your lack of any knowledge of Warcraft, Pandarans (yes with monks and martial arts) were out before Kung Fu Panda..........either that or you are just trying to be a condescending jerk towards WoW with no basis other than Pandarans.


Its a good attempt at humor. Try lightening up a bit. BTW dunno what rock u just crawled out from under but EVERYONE has been calling it kung fu panda since the day it was announced.

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WoW doesn't have companions like TOR.

WoW doesn't have voice dialog for all of its quests like TOR.

WoW doesn't have player housing like TOR, EQ or EQ2. (EQ has been out for over 12 years and it has not only housing, but communities as well. DAoC had housing and communities back in 2003.... lol)

WoW doesn't have challenging content, and is just another easy game for those with the "I WANT IT NOW" mentality. You idiots have ruined the genre for me.[/Quote]


For 1 Mr. I don't pay attention dumb ***, I dislike how easy WoW is, and TOR is about on scale with WoW in difficulty


#2 I don't really like the companions because it makes it so the game is 95% soloable unless I choose to do a heroic or flashpoint


#3 The voice acting while a novel idea will get old after people make an alt or 2 and is best left in single player games and money better spent elsewhere.


#4 Housing while nice is not really needed, and the SWTOR "housing" is you walking into a ship and sitting in your captains chair to fly somewhere else or play a very bad minigame.


Its a good attempt at humor. Try lightening up a bit. BTW dunno what rock u just crawled out from under but EVERYONE has been calling it kung fu panda since the day it was announced.[/Quote]


Only those who post "I quit" threads and have no basis to go on other than Pandas, and they are met with the same results.

Edited by Gunryu
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That statement right there shows your lack of any knowledge of Warcraft, Pandarans (yes with monks and martial arts) were out before Kung Fu Panda..........either that or you are just trying to be a condescending jerk towards WoW with no basis other than Pandarans.


Ah but I couldn't help myself taking the flame to the other side a bit. ;)

After Warcraft II and III and 5 years paying 2 WoW accounts I can claim more knowledge of Warcraft lore than you'll ever be able to claim about SWTOR, having signed here 2 weeks ago.


Plus you didn't read the first part nor the fact that I plan to try them.

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Wow was actually released with NO end game RAID content at all. It wasn't until after release that molten core and onyxia came out. There was also no warfronts and frankly the world PVP consisted of who had the bigger zerg won.


2004 was not that long ago... There were 5 raids at WoW's launch--Molten Core, Onyxia, Upper Blackrock Spire, Scholomance, and Stratholme. Molten Core might had a few bugged bosses, but Tier I armor sets were in the game at launch. WoW was released in late November 2004, took until mid January to get a raid team built. Back in the days, raids were a lot harder--getting 40 folks to work together is never an easy task. Just getting through trash was a chore. I think by the end of January we had the first three bosses down. We were working on Baron early enough that we could hearth with the bomb debuff and blow up the auction house. Fun times! :)

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Ah but I couldn't help myself taking the flame to the other side a bit. ;)

After Warcraft II and III and 5 years paying 2 WoW accounts I can claim more knowledge of Warcraft lore than you'll ever be able to claim about SWTOR, having signed here 2 weeks ago.


Plus you didn't read the first part nor the fact that I plan to try them.



I grew up on the movies (the old ones), played all the games (even the bad one at the arcade), didn't sign up here til then because I felt no need.

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It IS fair to compare SWTOR to how WoW is now.


WoW changed the MMO genre and the expectations of what a game will have. You wouldn't say "come on guys, you can't compare this 2012 Toyota to this 2012 Honda, you have to compare to the 2005 model."


Things change, and you have to adapt. So far, SWTOR hasn't adapted.


Indeed and they do ask the same amount of money for the game and each follow month you want to play! For asking this is fine, but then you need to have something better! If not then we have the right to complain on the forums.

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2004 was not that long ago... There were 5 raids at WoW's launch--Molten Core, Onyxia, Upper Blackrock Spire, Scholomance, and Stratholme. Molten Core might had a few bugged bosses, but Tier I armor sets were in the game at launch. WoW was released in late November 2004, took until mid January to get a raid team built. Back in the days, raids were a lot harder--getting 40 folks to work together is never an easy task. Just getting through trash was a chore. I think by the end of January we had the first three bosses down. We were working on Baron early enough that we could hearth with the bomb debuff and blow up the auction house. Fun times! :)
MC and Onyxia were NOT out at release quit reading that wow wiki crap it's completely wrong. Scholomance and strat were out though and they had so little content they were converted into normal 5 mans. Blockrock did come out on release but it's much like a regular 5 man then a real RAID. Real raids were 40 man and that didn't appear till MC and Onyxia. The baron hearth wasn't even that old of a trick..



EDIT : I will say that BLizzard deserves major props for turning what was essentially an Age of Conan launch into the single largest MMO in the world.

Edited by Tool_of_Society
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I'm glad that TOR is indeed a different game than WoW.


I didn't pay for two game subs to play the same game with different skins.


And wherein is it written that ALL MMO games must be alike? TOR =/= WoW =/= CoH, yet they're all very fun and engaging games.


WoW has an open explorable world (for the most part), and you do get the sense that you could just wander around it, whereas TOR limits the 'scope' of each planet to specific districts where you're needed. That doesn't make TOR bad, it's just a different implementation.


People *****ed about COH's "city zones" and load screens, but to me it didn't diminish the gameplay at all. I got annoyed at certain missions that had me running from one map to another, but the devs accepted the feedback from the players and stopped that practice. In WoW you still see Fedex missions, usually to introduce a new area. And while there are no load screens, you usually have to ride (used to have to run) a LONG ways to get there, which was annoying.


TOR seems to have taken the best of both - up until you get a speeder, your Fedex work is relatively short distances, and there's enough mobs about to make the trek interesting and profitable. And yes, there's a load screen when you travel from planet to planet, or quick-travel back to a start point. It'd be COOL to actually ride the shuttle, or see a cutscene instead of a static image, but it's not required, because there's no interaction during the trip. When you jump on a gryphon in WoW to fly from one area to another... even though you don't see a load screen... it TAKES LONGER and you still can't interact with anything until you land. It's just a scenic perk - the WoW programmers could have put in load screens to make the transit subjectively shorter and in all likelihood no one would have noticed, much.


The things I see as 'missing' from TOR are the population hubs, and also the character diversity. I'm REALLY spoiled by CoH on that last point, but I'm sure that over time, BW will perhaps introduce new playable races, perhaps new roles, just as WoW did. Recall that WoW came out with only four choices per faction for race... Blood Elves and Draenei didn't show up until the first major expansion, and gobbies and worgen were introduced in Cata.


In the meantime, while the programmers get the "Quality of Life" stuff in (pleeease extend sittable chairs to open world areas instead of just on board the ships!) I'll play the game, cos I love it so far. I'm always wanting to see What Comes Next.

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Keep in mind the choice isn't to play WoW of 7 years ago against SWTOR of now, it's to play both games as they are NOW.



It would be like saying "Don't compare the feeling of having a new game with tons of mysteries and stories you haven't explored that you get from SWTOR now with WoW on your 5th character you are grinding to max level, pretend it was 7 years ago when WoW was shiny and new and you were still exploring the world with your first charcter!"



That said if a game made with modern tech can't compete with a *7* year old game, that's pretty shameful.


I think you have a valid point. When determining where to put money it's what there is now. Not what there will be. Though for the OP and your own post. They are both needles in there importance.


WoW at it's root is a classic fantasy MMO.

SWTOR at it's root is a Scifi fantasy Opera MMO.


WoW and SWTOR are both MMORPG's.


If your an MMO player. Then the choice is simple. You need to figure which you like better based on what the games offer. I think it's clear that the years that Blizzard has been spending on WoW deserves it. It's a great game with lot's of refined features from both the fans and the developers.


On the other hand I feel the majority of gamers aren't the nebulous MMO gamer, but instead have very defined taste as to the type of game they want to play. What I mean by that is that some gamers don't like Fantasy, some don't like SciFi and some might just prefer one over the other.


The lacking features of SWTOR are unimportant, the bugs are unimportant. They just don't matter to the majority of gamers. They chose their game no based on the features of content, but the type of content itself. Fantasy gamers aren't going to play SWTOR because it's new and Star Wars fans aren't going to play WoW because it's more refined and polish. They choose their games because it's what they want to play.


So in the end. Neither the OP or your own post matters.

I personally feel that the World of Warcraft is pretty mediocre fantasy. Not even to judge the game features itself. I find the world bland, predictable and un engaging. I enjoy Fantasy and I prefer other literary works than what Blizzard has created.


On the other hand. I've been enthralled by Star Wars since being a child. I am keen on playing Star Wars Pen and Paper RPG and have and will do so. I prefer the universe and have invested far more interest.


In this light even with SWTOR having less features and polish than WoW. I know that my choice is going to be SWTOR. It's what I want to play.


Though I know that classic fantasy is more popular than SW, but regardless of what anyone says. SWTOR will not fail. It's not a WoW killer, but that's not because of the features or polish. It's because WoW is classic fantasy and over the years I know this truth. Classic Fantasy is the number one in popularity and that alone is why WoW will always be number one. It was he first and most effective MMO in selling a goo experience and being Classic Fantasy.


So the argument of comparing really is just wasted point that everyone should come to understand. Most aren't playing because of the features, but instead they are playing because of the genre.

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People need to stop comparing products with 7 years of tweaks to a brand new game.


I see it more like looking at a rookie quarterback. Let's use Cam Newton. Gonna break every rookie QB record around. But, do people compare his career stats with Brady, who is a decade into his career? No, that would be dumb. Of course the 7, or 10 year guy has more added value than the new guy.


Bright people will compare Newtons first year to Bradys first year, and project where he is heading.


Comparing this MMO's first month to WoW is laughable. I got 30 free days across the first 60 days of Wow due to server outages, followed by finishing end game in 5 months, and sitting around bored for 4 more til BWL came out.


SWTOR has had an epic launch comparatively, and will likely follow up with better early endgame I'd guess.


Comparing software development to pro sports is fail.

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