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I like big body characters in computer games, okay? Don't hate me please, too many amazon like tiny small toons in this game and makes me feel like I'm a stranger.


Thanks and great day to you


Yes, I agree. The male body type 1 and 2 is especially infuriating as they're both elfin in appearance. Then you get type 3 that is uber muscular and fat type 4 lol.

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Yes, I agree. The male body type 1 and 2 is especially infuriating as they're both elfin in appearance. Then you get type 3 that is uber muscular and fat type 4 lol.


Thing is, Type 4 isn't just 'fat', if it was just fat, that'd be one thing, but it's fat and as tall as the 'Andre The Giant' Type 3. Honestly, I think that makes it look weird to a certain degree...

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I genuinely don't know if we're playing the same game if you think that a BT2 male is "elfin" in appearance. They're more muscular than practically any person who appears in any Star Wars film.

Agreed, that's a very strange assessment lol

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I like big body characters in computer games, okay? Don't hate me please


I'm sure hatred is not something typically engendered by your point of view; however, I personally don't appreciate it either. Working in the medical field, I'm daily made aware that 4 out of 5 "global flu" hospitalizations are of those who are overweight or obese, regardless of whether they were poked or not. I'm also constantly confronted with the endless stream of preventable maladies directly attributed to excessive weight. So promoting "fat acceptance" by expanding the rotund repertoire, especially on a platform frequented by kids, is a strong negative for anyone who takes their health as seriously as they should. Sorry it that sounds gruff, but our society's nutritional habits are a disgrace, and it's a large part of why we currently are where we are.

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I'm also constantly confronted with the endless stream of preventable maladies directly attributed to excessive weight.

Yeah considering the amount of times doctors have falsely blamed a problem on someone's weight rather than looking further I am not surprised by that attitude.


And then some wonder why some people dont bother with doctors xD

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Yeah considering the amount of times doctors have falsely blamed a problem on someone's weight rather than looking further I am not surprised by that attitude.


And then some wonder why some people dont bother with doctors xD


Sounds like a personal problem.

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Yes, I agree. The male body type 1 and 2 is especially infuriating as they're both elfin in appearance. Then you get type 3 that is uber muscular and fat type 4 lol.


Thin shaming is just as bad as fat shaming.


Choose the body type you like and let everyone else do the same.

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Keep in mind that compromises and limitations need to be made when developing or expanding a game. This usually means that only the most common options are cost-effective.


You may like pistachio ice cream, but it's not likely McD's would offer it at the drive through. (Not enough volume of sales).


Similarly, you may like 'bigger' characters, but is there enough demand to make it cost-effective to develop them? (My guess is 'no'. 🙂 )

Edited by JediQuaker
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