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Please don't make alts useless by limiting CQ rewards to only 3 characters


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Is this confirmed that you will only be able to get 3 Alts through conquest due to BioWare limiting it?


Yes I did make a post about the medal of Commendation cap being 600 (200 per character you complete conquest on). My post on the PTS forums may have dropped off the 1st page. I don't think many people even noticed it.

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This seems to fit in nicely with Bioware's new approach of "play our way".


I think the current system favors playing on many alts too much over playing on a single char (with otherwise equal time and effort spent), but this is a pathetic attempt to fix such.

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If that's the case, weaning people off playing so much is a way to address folks who get addicted to certain game loops, capping Conquest points on tons of characters being one of them.


This is very astute reasoning. But that would mean BioWare has a soul and I think we all know that EA drained BioWare’s life blood years ago.

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This is very astute reasoning. But that would mean BioWare has a soul and I think we all know that EA drained BioWare’s life blood years ago.


One could also look at it as a way to get rid of all those old time players. The ones with all the credits and the goodies everyone wants. Drive them away and you get rid of a lot of credits in the game. Maybe its a plan to get the economy under control in sort of a backhanded way.


Pretty much all there was to play for if you've been around a long time was Conquest. The nerfs make it more likely old time players will look for their entertainment elsewhere rather than the gear treadmill. (after all, as some of the group players say, you don't need gear if you play solo).


Some 10th anniversary :(

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Make your choice on one of these







These are 100% fitting for this issue.

I hadn't even realized there was a cap on the rewards.

I saw previous posters in other threads mention a cap on 3 toons but they offered no explanation.


Now...yes...these videos are perfect.

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*Points out how if you dont play a million alts you are losing a lot of rewards and credits aka being punished for simply enjoying one character at a time and not enjoying playing 20 alts at a time*

*Asks for a fair system where everyone gets the SAME AMOUNT of rewards instead of some getting more than others*




Well if things were to be fair, mains should be able to refarm conquest again and again the same week, so everyone gets 20 boxes of rewards instead of only the people who play 20 alts.


I wouldn't have a problem with this.

As someone who plays multiple toons each week on all 5 servers specifically for conquest and leveling up my private "vanity" guilds...I am only playing by the rules which BioWare sets.

Which they're now changing, as is their right.


I'm just going to voice my opinion that I do not like these changes.


That being said, these limits could be equated with the weekly limit on reputation...which I don't care about...but I do care about the gearing aspect being limited in two ways now that I do not agree with.



three ways actually.


1) Cap on the amount of new currency per week.

2) "Silo'd" currency meaning if you level up via conquest you can't also level the same gear up via Ops / FPs

3) Solo/conquest path being capp'd at a gear rating lower to other playstyles

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Call me crazy...but aren't we ignoring the jawa in the room?


20 alts - seems a bit excessive isn't?


Maybe this guy is farming goods for the market? Inflation cause?


If he's subbed - that's a lot of CC's isn't?


Frankly anyone with that kind of dedication has a bigger problem than "time invested".


Sure...you can do what you want - but there's a fine line between rational and insane.


Whatever excuse you can come up with...justified or not.....I don't have a problem with this.

I think however they should limit it to 8 - enough to cover the obvious number of alts your going to have for full legacy.

But that's just my 2 cents - and I couldn't' care less what the OP thinks in response because he made it rather clear that there's no rhyme or reason to his arguments.


*regrets not throwing a can of fuel into the fire*


Guess you forgot that each of the classes have at least 2 different types you can play: Consular: Shadow and Sage and therefore for the sake of argument that would be 16 not 8 and why would you tell someone that has 20 or more that they obsessive in their playstyle. That is a bit rude and condescending to a person that has alts.


What if someone told someone that doing pvp is obessive or doing something else in the game . That is essentially what you are doing. Being judgmental on how a person plays the game goes a little too far.


Furthermore, I run all my alts (a little over 14) not for the cq personal awards but to get my guild the encryptions to unlock the rooms in our guildship. Since we have two guilds (one imp and one repub) it takes a bit for a small guild to get those encryptions since BW hasn't figure it out (like SWG) that you can have one guild with both in it.


In addition, if this is what they are doing it is sad considering during the dark/light event we had to make more characters to proceed through and get the rewards for the dark/light event. It didn't matter if we already had characters we had to make some more in order to get the rewards. One time they want us to make more characters and now they want to punish. They just can't make up their minds (.......)

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Can the currency be spent, and then earned again in the same week, like Tech Frags? In that case, you could keep running Conquest on more characters, as long as you used up enough of the currency.


Or, can you switch to a different type of upgrading after 3 Conquest characters? For example, on any following the 3rd, you might do FPs, PVP, GSF, an Op, etc., and upgrade gear as well as finish Conquest on those characters that way?


I haven't tried any of the gearing stuff on PTS, assuming it's mostly a work in progress, and because I'm at least sticking around for the 7.0 story. If the game changes so much I no longer enjoy it after 10 years, despite the paltry amount of playable content produced in recent years, something definitely has gone very wrong with BW's decision making.


Different topic: one way to reduce inflation/credits in circulation is to have most of your veteran players, those most likely to have many billions earned over the years, quit!


From what I've seen, by the time it gets to PTS, the system(s) is/are decided and approved and next to being set in stone. The only reason they'd make changes, once players can test it, is if there's a huge problem they missed or didn't anticipate.

As far as the "design choice" on how stuff works...that's done and won't be changed (except for the reasons above).

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If that's the case, weaning people off playing so much is a way to address folks who get addicted to certain game loops, capping Conquest points on tons of characters being one of them.


gawd, please let that be true. maybe get back to creating actual content?

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With conquest no longer rewarding Solid Resource Matrix, credits, renown, XP, and taking 100k instead of 50k... Whether it be 3 characters or 20 characters you're all just arguing for scraps instead of looking at the big picture.


We shouldn't be arguing about the 3 characters limit, when there's almost no rewards for it other than commendations that are used to upgrade gear that'll mostly be outclassed anyway.


Flagship Encryptions are still quite important, especially for smaller guilds.

Even if those aren't limited to 3 toons per week, it will still take at LEAST twice as long to earn the same amount since they're raising the conquest goal to 100k.

Since they're also supposed to start rotating conquest content (to me that means removing some of it compared to what we currently have) it could in fact take more than twice the time (based solely on the 50k > 100k raise) because they're giving us fewer ways to get to the 100k mark.

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That being said, these limits could be equated with the weekly limit on reputation...which I don't care about...but I do care about the gearing aspect being limited in two ways now that I do not agree with.



Yeah, but reputation is legacy-wide. I don't care for the reputation cap but I get it. But I'm going to need one set of gear for each one of my characters. I have 34 characters, at 6 weeks a pop... yeah you can just do the math.


It's absolutely ridiculous. I've NEVER seen a game that basically blocks you from playing in a meaningful way (I mean... as I said before, when you solo, there's really not much to do but CQ.. or more alts... and HAHAH no that's never going to happen now).


BW is basically telling me that they don't want me to play more than, let's say, 6 hours a week.


What kind of backwards business model does that?

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I agree that a currency cap that allows for only 3 characters to get full weekly CQ rewards is too low. At the same time, I understand why they want to have a cap in place (not necessarily agree, but, there have pretty much always been caps on earning endgame tokens/currency for gearing). It is a tricky situation:


On one hand, if they let people get full CQ rewards on as many characters as they want, that rewards people who play a lot of alts over people who focus on just one or a few characters. For example: I am focusing on my Warrior this week (grinding renown for the title), and have ~700K conquest points. But since it is on just one character, I only got one CQ reward, as opposed to 14 CQ rewards if I'd done CQ on 14 characters instead of just one. Points above 50K are simply irrelevant for personal CQ.


On the other hand, this game really encourages alts with all the story possibilities and the legacy stuff, and some people love having a ton of alts. Only being able to get full rewards on a few of them could seem very punishing and make playing alts less worthwhile. Diminishing returns, waste of time, etc. If the CQ rewards stay like the PTS version now, I will probably trim my frequently-played character list down from 6 to 3-4


The only solution I can think of would be to make CQ points legacy wide instead of per-character, and have rewards granted at certain point thresholds, ex reward 1 at 100K, reward 2 at 200K, reward 3 at 300K, or something. But I'm sure that idea has its own set of issues, like guild stuff.

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So you enjoy the current unfair system where you are penalized if you dont CQ on many alts which means you are losing a huge amount of rewards and credits.


So I play for 20 hours/week, 20 characters I get 20 CQ conquest.

You play 20 hours/week, 1 character, you get 1 CQ conquest.

So it's not about time, it's about your ONE character only getting 1 reward so you're forced to play as many alts as you can if you want to take advantage of the system.

Did I understand you correctly?

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How is this unfair? I work more, I get more. It's that simple isn't it?:eek:


They answered this earlier..


He/She plays a single toon and earns 600k conquest points in a week.

I play 12 toons and get 600k conquest points between them all.


We each played the same amount of time/content

I get 12 toons' worth of rewards.

They get 1.


I understand the frustration...that's just how the system currently works.



I don't believe bioware should negatively change anything for the people that run lots of alts.

I can see the argument for making multiple tiers of conquest rewards for people playing 1 toon and earning lots of points.



Don't nerf my playstyle...ask for your playstyle to be enhanced.

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To the people who complain that they don't get more rewards by playing one character, it's not totally true. There's no limit to how many flashpoints or ops you can run. How would you feel if they stopped giving you rewards after the 5th one or something? I mean, you'll still get drops, right?


Again, it just seems that bw has it against the solo player.


I agree.


As a solo player this really is the final nail in the coffin for me.


I un-subbed 1 hour ago. I have 13 days left but doubt I will play for any of them. When you decide to go, best just to have a clean brake and go.


Not sure what game I will go onto, but it will not be any game BW/EA are involved with. What's happening with this game, will just roll over to all there games in time, if not already done so.

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Seems it's the case on PTS right now and it stinks. We put in the time, work, and sometimes money to level up alts, you're already doubling the amount of work to get CQ done, and now you want to altogether give us no incentive to play more than 3 alts?


That is not ok. And it will guarantee that the smaller alt guilds will not make it.


If we put in the extra work to do CQ on more than 3 characters, we need to get some sort of reward for it!

Like someone else said, is this confirmed that it will be this limited in live? The livestream this week is at risk of being filled with a lot of angry pitchfork wielding subscribers.

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Don't nerf my playstyle...ask for your playstyle to be enhanced.


Want to highlight this. This is how I feel with many of the threads that players start; asking for that other thing to be nerfed because they don't play that way.


This is advice that everyone should follow because all players will benefit from this attitude.

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Don't nerf my playstyle...ask for your playstyle to be enhanced.


Agreed that they should definitely make it so that single players can get rewards for multiple conquests too.


But yeah, I was so excited for 7.0... now I don't even care for it anymore. As a solo player who plays for story, alts, and CQ it's clear that this update isn't intended for me AT ALL.

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I think it all comes back to what I call the "Fordian" aspect of "Play Your Way"...


The "Ford" in "Fordian" is Henry Ford, he of the Model T and the production line, but also he of an infamous quote:

A customer can have a car painted in any colour he wants as long as it's black.

Or, paraphrased to our context:

A player may play any content he wants as long as its the content we want to play.

That kind of Fordian aspect.


And yes, I'm well aware that "Play Your Way" was no more than a marketing slogan, one that referred to which gear you use rather than which kind of content you want to play.

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Then instead of arguing that the people who play 20 Alts should get penalised, how about asking BioWare to reward you for playing 70 hours.


I did mention that as an alternative in my previous posts to someone here if you were calm enough to read them. That is also an acceptable alternative because the main point is for everyone to get those 20 boxes, be it be only playing mains or by only playing alts because that is fair. The other option would be for everyone to only be able to get one box per week which is where bioware seem to be going which is why it seems more realistically happening but at the end of the day I just want both playstyles to be able to receive the same amount of rewards for the time spend enough of one receiving more than the other.


To the people who complain that they don't get more rewards by playing one character, it's not totally true. There's no limit to how many flashpoints or ops you can run. How would you feel if they stopped giving you rewards after the 5th one or something? I mean, you'll still get drops, right?


Again, it just seems that bw has it against the solo player.

This is about conquest rewards, why should only alt players get to be rewarded with 20 conquest boxes while characters who play a main for the same amount of time only get one?

That is what is unbalanced and unfair.


Flashpoint spam is irrelevant because both alts and mains can do that, meanwhile only alts can get more conquest boxes.


Therefore there's two options, you either limit conquest box reward to be legacy wide and only done once per week or you allow people who main to repeatedly farm conquest boxes in the same week.


The point is, everyone should be able to get those 20 conquest boxes, either by playing alts or by playing a single main. If you are against that then clearly you want to be treated as some sort of special playstyle that should get more rewards than everyone else

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Like someone else said, is this confirmed that it will be this limited in live? The livestream this week is at risk of being filled with a lot of angry pitchfork wielding subscribers.


They said the live stream will be mostly focusing on story. I expect BioWare will just ignore any and all questions and statements that have pissed people off. It will be the typical Bio-Ostrich live stream with their proverbial heads in the sand.

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Flashpoint spam is irrelevant because both alts and mains can do that, meanwhile only alts can get more conquest boxes.


Therefore there's two options, you either limit conquest box reward to be legacy wide and only done once per week or you allow people who main to repeatedly farm conquest boxes in the same week.


The point is, everyone should be able to get those 20 conquest boxes, either by playing alts or by playing a single main. If you are against that then clearly you want to be treated as some sort of special playstyle that should get more rewards than everyone else


No the flashpoint spam thing isn't irrelevant. BW themselves said that there is a flashpoint gear upgrade path, and a CQ gear upgrade pah. A CQ player, whose main source of gear upgrades is CQ, will most likely not do group flashpoints, because they wouldn't even use the rewards for their gear path.


Again, this is a nerf to CONQUEST players. Ops players can still run as many ops as they want and be rewarded for it. Vet flashpoint players can still run as many flashpoints as they want and be rewarded for it.


CQ players can't. It's their ONLY source of commendations.

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