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Please stop insulting the devs


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you are free to like and play this mess, your choice. but don't I have the same choice and I don'T like it and won'T play it. And I think lots of folks feel the same. if too many feel the same the game will die out rather soon, cause it doesn'T generate enough income to keep it going.economic basics. we do not complain cause we like complaining, we do complain cause we/I care deeply about this game and want it alive and well.


We all have choices mate, you make yours. If you don't like it then speak with your wallet. Like i said bioware will be the first to know if the new changes are bringing in more subscribers or if they are losing them. They will adjust accordingly. I've been here since beta, some of my ideas in beta were actually implemented into the live game. I've seen it all, ive heard this all before many many times over. And I have been one of those people complaining. This isn't a new thing, people have been saying the game was dying or will die ever since launch.. it's still here. Some people won't like these changes, some people will. It's not going to cater to everyone, no mmo ever does. People have different things that they want. From my experience though its gonna be a good thing for people like me. A feeling of satisfying progression/reward system will return that was lacking. Command crates, renown crates, they didn't work.. it shows in the numbers that bioware has received, and the countless feedback they have received. You can care deeply about the game but still could be wrong in your assessment of 7.0. I never said yall complain because yall like complaining you put those words in my mouth. This is a recurring theme throughout swtors lifespan and I've been here for it, I'm not making anything up the evidence is all there if you look in the history of these forums. I care deeply about the game too.

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The people I have seen in the forums are not the type just to complain because of the changes. They been here since launch and 99% of them do not like to complain, yet there are things that BW are doing that could be killing the game. What is funny is during one of the tests on PTS, I actually took the time to compare the skills on the sentinel that we have now and what we are going to have when this launch and actually said they were not bad but after the latest few posts they have killed the enjoyment for the game for me. My guild is a small guild and if double the conquest we have to get per character, what are they doing to the guild conquest. Will we be able to reach the goals to get the encryptions to unlock our rooms on our guild ship? It doesn't seem that we will. So you see it is not that everyone wants to complain, in fact most of us were ready to see what happens until the latest posts.


BW will never admit they did anything wrong, just not what they do. They seem to not care about anyone but maybe the ones that do nightmare operations. Gearing characters that don't do operations, good luck and yea I have tested this on the PTS as I am not one to just complain without testing it. I have 14 alts and it seems now BW wants to punish people who have alts like that and the funny part is from what I can tell there are a ton of people that have double or more what I have.


So maybe instead of thinking everyone just wants to complain to complain, you might look at what we are seeing they are doing.



Yes they are though and they have, there is plenty of evidence for you to look at, just go back into the history of these forums. I'm not making things up. The same thing you wrote here as been written before. "This is gonna kill the game" has been said countless of times from 1.0 onward each content patch. The game is still here.


Your conquest will be fine, you can buy encryptions on the gtn if you dont have enough, i have some you can have. Care to explain why you think you need operation hardmode gear when it is unnecessary for any content besides the hardest operations?


I never said everyone wants to complain to complain, you said that. I said people don't like change, and there is evidence to back that up, I've been here since beta. I've been one of the complainers, and I do care about this games success.


Bioware will be the first to know if they are losing or gaining subscribers after they put 7.0 out. They will adjust accordingly. So far the numbers and feedback presented must tell them that 6.0 wasn't a success (at least in their mind) and they need to make some changes to keep things fresh.


I personally like the changes and have subscribed again. At the end of the day you need to speak with your wallet.

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Care to explain why you think you need operation hardmode gear when it is unnecessary for any content besides the hardest operations?


Because as a Story player with Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Fatigue, and Chronic Pain, the highest rated gear "cushions" me during play, allowing me to play with less pain and fatigue. I also pay the same 15$ a month and work as hard as any MM player. So that's why!

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Because as a Story player with Cerebral Palsy, Chronic Fatigue, and Chronic Pain, the highest rated gear "cushions" me during play, allowing me to play with less pain and fatigue. I also pay the same 15$ a month and work as hard as any MM player. So that's why!


you'll be fine.. i'm not trying to be mean but they aren't gonna to be able to cater towards everyone's exact needs. This is an extreme outlier.


As someone once said "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few". You are wanting everyone to have a worse experience so you can have a better one. Which is perfectly reasonable from your point of view.


I'd personally make the sacrifice of not having a feeling of progression or challenge in swtor if that meant you could play, but bioware wants more subscribers and that is their end goal from a business sense.

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As someone once said "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of a few"


You're not making the point you think you are.


There are FAR more "casuals" than NiM raiders.


Nope, at the end of the day any casual player needing NiM raider gear is absolutely redundant for 99% of the player base.

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Yes they are though and they have, there is plenty of evidence for you to look at, just go back into the history of these forums. I'm not making things up. The same thing you wrote here as been written before. "This is gonna kill the game" has been said countless of times from 1.0 onward each content patch. The game is still here.


Your conquest will be fine, you can buy encryptions on the gtn if you dont have enough, i have some you can have. Care to explain why you think you need operation hardmode gear when it is unnecessary for any content besides the hardest operations?


We talked about purchasing the encryptions but we decided we are not paying those prices when, we can do, or we could do it, though it would take us a bit to get there, but increasing the guild conquest will more than likely make it where we cannot get the points we need. The gear I can deal with, provided I can get it doing what I have done before, and not locked behind one way, which is what the posts seem to indicate. I have tested the PTS and with the raise in conquest but not the raise in the points we are getting does not make it very comforting for my tastes. I don't care if it takes me a bit, provided I can do the content, to get the gear. I was able to work all my characters and get the gear I needed for them, though it took me a bit.


In addition, making the weeklies reset for most of the activities are find but for the Star Fortress is a bit much when it requires 6 to complete it. Sure, I could do it 6 times on the character but even that is a bit much considering I need to get the rest of my characters done.

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i think some players only wane here some real answers from the developers and not the same stuff you alway's get from then.


in the past years i have see things from how there treat the communety members more on the forum when there report things that are really broken in the game.

and if it take years to get finally the first replay from then about it that there finally after years understand its a real problem that needs to be fix now then in my eye's there are asking that there at some point going to insullting then and make maybe fun about then.

and there need to tell then also that there are wrong with things and have make a mistake to not look faster to it.

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We talked about purchasing the encryptions but we decided we are not paying those prices when, we can do, or we could do it, though it would take us a bit to get there, but increasing the guild conquest will more than likely make it where we cannot get the points we need. The gear I can deal with, provided I can get it doing what I have done before, and not locked behind one way, which is what the posts seem to indicate. I have tested the PTS and with the raise in conquest but not the raise in the points we are getting does not make it very comforting for my tastes. I don't care if it takes me a bit, provided I can do the content, to get the gear. I was able to work all my characters and get the gear I needed for them, though it took me a bit.


In addition, making the weeklies reset for most of the activities are find but for the Star Fortress is a bit much when it requires 6 to complete it. Sure, I could do it 6 times on the character but even that is a bit much considering I need to get the rest of my characters done.


Alright fair enough, give it a try first, if it doesn't work out the devs will hear the feedback and adjust accordingly. You'll be able to get gear any way you want to play, you can mix and match also.

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Nope, at the end of the day any casual player needing NiM raider gear is absolutely redundant for 99% of the player base.


Now you're not even making sense.


NiM raiders don't * need * NiM gear. They can clear NiM operations without it. So gear is redundant for them as well.


AAMOF, NOBODY * needs * NiM gear. It is a reward.

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Nope, at the end of the day any casual player needing NiM raider gear is absolutely redundant for 99% of the player base.


Now you're not even making sense.


NiM raiders don't * need * NiM gear. They can clear NiM operations without it. So gear is redundant for them as well.


AAMOF, NOBODY * needs * NiM gear. It is a reward.


progression in gear will help raiders complete the hardest content (or the next operation), what don't you get about that. it will help more people complete the operation and carry the weaker players.

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you'll be fine.. i'm not trying to be mean but they aren't gonna to be able to cater towards everyone's exact needs. This is an extreme outlier.


Oh it's not just me... https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=988447




Disabled people make up a significant part of the player base and their profit margin. What hurts one of us, hurts all of us.

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Oh it's not just me... https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=988447




Disabled people make up a significant part of the player base and their profit margin. What hurts one of us, hurts all of us.


I didn't say it was just you but that doesn't represent even 1% of the player base. I wouldn't call it significant but it doesn't mean yall aren't important.

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Where is your proof that people with physical mental and emotional challenges don't make up even 1% the player base. You have absolutely no data to back that up.


Where is your proof? I said that what you showed me doesn't even represent 1% of the playerbase and thats fact.

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IDK man?! Why have any levels at all? also why have any gear at all? :cool:


That's a really good question, and I'd like to know as well, since I haven't found levelling or gearing to be at all interesting or relevant since 3.x


6.0 if they had actually released a horizontal gearing system instead of the 'one set is actually good for your spec and the rest are ****' system would have been awesome, but that train has sailed.

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Where is your proof that people with physical mental and emotional challenges don't make up even 1% the player base. You have absolutely no data to back that up.


don't get me wrong man, I am disabled too from my military service, but I don't expect anyone to cater to me.

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That's a really good question, and I'd like to know as well, since I haven't found levelling or gearing to be at all interesting or relevant since 3.x


6.0 if they had actually released a horizontal gearing system instead of the 'one set is actually good for your spec and the rest are ****' system would have been awesome, but that train has sailed.


Different strokes for different folks and all that. :o

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The business sense is you, personally, stop paying while a number greater than 1 begins/continues because of it.


It's a common fallacy people think they are right, their opinions are correct because people they spend time with agree or that the forums are a fair demographic. Just understand that they are expecting people who post a lot on the forums to leave while those busy enjoying the game stay.


How much you do want bet that come February we have less players than now? It happens every expansion that Bioware does stupid stuff in. We lose more people than we gain. How do I know this? Because I’ve been here non stop for 10 years and witnessed it first hand.

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when I think of "the majority of the player base," what comes to mind to me is, "oh. right. the only players still here that are for the RP and the space barbie stuff b/c this game produces actual new content about as quickly as a neutron star is born."


No, the majority is everyone who doesn’t play operations. It doesn’t matter what other stuff they play. Only about 5-20% of the player base play operations. That means these changes are favouring the minority at the expense of 80+% of the population.

I’m not sure why you’re defending BioWare. You’ve been pretty vocal in the pvp section for the last 12 months that the gear you needed was locked behind operations. Now you’re defending BioWare putting BiS gearing behind operations.

At the end of the day these changes suck and will be detrimental to the majority who play.

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Nope, at the end of the day any casual player needing NiM raider gear is absolutely redundant for 99% of the player base.


It’s this elitist crap that makes people hate raiders. It’s so toxic and you wonder why people don’t want to join in. You guys are becoming more and more like the ranked community.

Why does it have to be one or the other. Why can’t people who don’t raid also have access to a moddable vendor from their gear progression tree? We’ve had some form of it for 8-9 years and now BioWare are removing it for static cookie cutter rubbish that will have the wrong stats.

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when I think of "the majority of the player base," what comes to mind to me is, "oh. right. the only players still here that are for the RP and the space barbie stuff b/c this game produces actual new content about as quickly as a neutron star is born."


There are 200,000 neutron stars born in the known universe every minute assuming a conservative estimate of 100 billion galaxies in the known universe.


Here's the actual answer from a Ph.D. Astrophysicist


Stephen Perrenod, Ph.D. astronomy/astrophysics, author Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Dark Gravity


In our Milky Way about one or a few per year. There are some 100 billion or more galaxies in the universe. That translates to around 200,000 per minute.


But our galaxy is quiescent with regards to star formation; active star forming galaxies can produce 100 or more stars per year. So figure millions.


But over time stellar populations migrate toward more and more low mass stars that have long lifetimes and are slow to recycle material used for formation of the next generation of stars.

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It’s this elitist crap that makes people hate raiders. It’s so toxic and you wonder why people don’t want to join in. You guys are becoming more and more like the ranked community.

Why does it have to be one or the other. Why can’t people who don’t raid also have access to a moddable vendor from their gear progression tree? We’ve had some form of it for 8-9 years and now BioWare are removing it for static cookie cutter rubbish that will have the wrong stats.


What are you talking about I don't raid and haven't raided in years lol. I don't ranked pvp either haha. Bring back moddable gear I dont care at all but you'll be able to do basically the same thing just mixing and matching all the different pieces. If you can't bring it back just get rid of modding components all together so I don't hear people crying about .1% more dps ugh... :rolleyes:

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