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Bioware how about selling us on the new gearing system? What is amazing about it?


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We've heard a lot of criticism about the new gearing system. So Devs would you tell us what is awesome about it?


I also have few questions.


*What is great about the new gearing system?

*What change are you the proudest of or the most excited for?

*What would you say are the design goals for the new system?

*In what ways does it improve the game over the current gearing system?

*How will this new system improve the experience of players?

*Could you give examples of how this will benefit each of the game's playstyles?


Can we please keep things positive in this thread? There are tons of threads for negative feedback. I don't know anyone from Bioware will bother answering. Let's give them a change to shall we?

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Other than most of the RNG being removed, it's probably the most asinine gearing system this game has had since the onset of the game and that is saying a lot. Remember though, they listen to player feedback... Actually they don't, had they listened, RNG would have never been implemented in the first place, only to be mostly removed.


The gearing system, unless it changes from what's currently on the PTS is about as convoluted and unnecessary as a gearing system needs to be. Give it time though, the gearing system will be changed again, it always does.

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I can answer what is amazing about it.



By forcing gearing to be locked into separate upgrade paths locked to specific types of in game activities they hope to force players into doing the following:



  • Spend more time grinding gear to a gear level cap instead of fully gearing all their alts within a month or two of 7.0's release.
  • Motivate players to populate queues for a wider variety of content instead of speed running a single flashpoint a bazillion times to gear up.
  • Get Raiders and Ranked PvPers to stop complaining that their high skill content doesn't reward distinctive gear with significantly better stats (apparently they're tired of those complaints and want complaints from everyone else for a change of pace).
  • Make the grind so time consuming in terms of chasing the best shinies that players don't notice that 7.0 broke a host of Quality of Life feature that worked well in 6.x, changed a bunch of things that sank a lot of effort for no real gain, lacks anything significant in the way of new playable content (expansion, and even DLC are sort of generous, patch is more like it), and made a few QoL improvements that don't on the whole improve things enough to offset the ones they broke.



So "AMAZING" is a bit of an exaggeration, but it does have some useful features in its design.


Wait, you didn't mean amazing for the players did you? You were talking about the benefits for the developers, right?



You did mean for players? Um, I got nothing in that case. Well, maybe it will encourage them to spice up their gaming life by taking some time off to explore other games? Does that count?




It will amaze the players that the developers thought this was a good idea. THAT'S how it's amazing for players.


Don't worry too much about it though. They'll drop the expansion, the expansion will drop the number of active players, once the number of dropped players is big enough they'll do an at least mediocre fix of the gearing system though probably not soon enough to hit before 8.0. It's the development model Bioware is comfortable with.

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It will encourage players like me to do the new operation


I wont be doing any other content, since there will be no rewards, but at least I will do the new operation over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, then around February I will just stop logging in until a new story line is added, play that and then wait till the next one I guess.

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I am already exploring WOW (which is not dead but may be killed off by Blizzard's legal troubles) and Elder Scrolls Online both of which have far more content so much so some one wrote an ESO new player guide explain how to play the game in story order for new players who want to learn the lore in proper order.
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7.0 is amazing because you can play the way you want!

If you want to play FP's, you'll get FP's gear that can only be upgraded by doing FP's.

Let's say you grinded FP's and achieved max gear, but now you want to pvp, you have to start all over again from zero with the pvp gear! Isn't it amazing? You have to grind pvp to achieve max pvp gear!

Oh and all this gear will NOT be moddable, you won't be able to min/max your stuff anymore by doing these activities.

The only moddable gear will drop from high level raids.


The current system is horrible! It's all moddable gear, you reach 306 very quick but there's a bit of RNG on the loot you get, but you get so many loot that you don't even notice the RNG. It's a bad system that you can achieve max gear by doing FP's, raids, pvp, heroics, conquest, story quests, events, GSF and even side quests. No, you can't have that it's a bad thing! :eek:

ONE vendor for each class, if you get better loot you just equip it. That's very hard for a new player to understand apparently.


Seriously, Bioware has Z E R O idea of what they're doing.


7.0 will be good for NiM raiders because they'll be able to show off better gear on Fleet.

Now prove me wrong.

Edited by NogueiraA
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