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Please update rewards for Seeker Droid and DreadSeed Missions


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One is not allowed to obtain these missions until level 52.


At level 52, green inserts are level 138, while blue are 148.


The rewards offered upon completion for these missions are either level 114, or companion weapons.

As companions have not been able to be "geared" for greater combat ability (it has been all determined by companion "influence" for quite a few updates now), these are useless.


It's about time these missions got some love.


Particularly since the "shroud" special mission is available (via the cartel market) during KOTFE, and should stimulate customer interest in these missions. However, the reward must be worth the risk, time invested, etc.


It's time to update these from the time when the level cap was 55. That hasn't been for years now.



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yes please, after finally getting a group to do it, I was extremely dissapointed with the rewards (and frankly the ending)

As it is, I'll probably never complete it again, but if you inproved the rewards, with perhaps some decos, more people may be inclined to do it, I know I would, and I'm sure I'm not the only deco enthusiast who'd do older content just for decos :)

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