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What I've Learned Reading the Forums


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What I've Learned:

The economy is permanently broken because slicing was nerfed.

That all other professions are completely useless.

That the voiceover acting is dreadful

That the scripts and story are boring and uninspired

That the graphics are old and too cartoonish

That the graphics are too demanding of high-end machines

That the quests are too boring and typical

The UI is so bad I'm lucky I can use any abilities

There is no API and therefore it is impossible to do anything efficiently

The GTN is so complicated that a team of MIT scientists are still working to understand its structure

The game is way too easy

The game is way too hard

If you reached 50 yesterday you were taking your time

Companions suck

There's no endgame

The patches are too slow

There is not enough customization in the skill trees

They don't tell you clearly that advanced class choice is permanent

The character bodies are too fat/thin/tall/short


Thank goodness... I would've never known if I hadn't read the forums! I'll now go back to my trooper knowing that I'm playing a truly subpar MMO, secure in the conviction that Bioware wasted their money and time.

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"The I want it now!" generation



What happened to being a teenager and being limited as to how much game time you could have?


When i was a teen...





Well we had dial up lol


I hate my generation. Probably why all my friends are older than me >_>


But seriously, I have to laugh at people who complain about not enough patches. We're getting a patch every Tuesday. How is that not good enough? That's amazing to me, but that could just be because I came from Aion, where we got a patch every 3 months and they didn't fix anything except add more fluff.

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What I've Learned:

The economy is permanently broken because slicing was nerfed.

That all other professions are completely useless.

That the voiceover acting is dreadful

That the scripts and story are boring and uninspired

That the graphics are old and too cartoonish

That the graphics are too demanding of high-end machines

That the quests are too boring and typical

The UI is so bad I'm lucky I can use any abilities

There is no API and therefore it is impossible to do anything efficiently

The GTN is so complicated that a team of MIT scientists are still working to understand its structure

The game is way too easy

The game is way too hard

If you reached 50 yesterday you were taking your time

Companions suck

There's no endgame

The patches are too slow

There is not enough customization in the skill trees

They don't tell you clearly that advanced class choice is permanent

The character bodies are too fat/thin/tall/short


Thank goodness... I would've never known if I hadn't read the forums! I'll now go back to my trooper knowing that I'm playing a truly subpar MMO, secure in the conviction that Bioware wasted their money and time.


Thank you for pointing out your reading comprehension. Here is a cookie.

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I'll now go back to my trooper knowing that I'm playing a truly subpar MMO, secure in the conviction that Bioware wasted their money and time.


Nonononono! Not their money but your money!!!!!! (added extra ! to make sure you understand how important the difference is!!!!!) :p

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The only thing you can ever learn from official game forums, is that this is where all the whiners go. The vast majority of players, the ones that are actually having fun with the game, are too busy playing it to bother posting how much the love it.


The small number of those inbetween are just the folks who like the game, can't play at the time for some reason or other, and think they have a hope of making the whiners shut up.

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I'm still making money from slicing. All you people who dropped it just make the prices go up.



I'm selling missions for 2x-3x pricewise more. I'm not getting them as often but this increase of price makes up for it. Overall, I'm still making a good profit. So I thank you all for dropping it so hastily.

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I hate my generation. Probably why all my friends are older than me >_>


But seriously, I have to laugh at people who complain about not enough patches. We're getting a patch every Tuesday. How is that not good enough? That's amazing to me, but that could just be because I came from Aion, where we got a patch every 3 months and they didn't fix anything except add more fluff.


Huh, I never really thought of it that way... I've always gravitated to people somewhere around 6 years older than myself in general.

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The only thing you can ever learn from official game forums, is that this is where all the whiners go. The vast majority of players, the ones that are actually having fun with the game, are too busy playing it to bother posting how much the love it.


The small number of those inbetween are just the folks who like the game, can't play at the time for some reason or other, and think they have a hope of making the whiners shut up.



It's true. Any time you want to see needless rage, anger, or the mass usage of opinion as fact...check the local forums.


Swtor forums. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

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The only thing you can ever learn from official game forums, is that this is where all the whiners go. The vast majority of players, the ones that are actually having fun with the game, are too busy playing it to bother posting how much the love it.


The small number of those inbetween are just the folks who like the game, can't play at the time for some reason or other, and think they have a hope of making the whiners shut up.

I have been to a fair amount of forums, but I have never been to one that loves to complain as much as this one. Yep I'm in the in between part right now to, had some time to post and I'm greeted by the hate.

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I hear it was TOR who actually Killed the Younglings and not Annakin. TOR also gave the emperor the Idea for order 66.


I heard TOR ran over some nuns while driving drunk. And then blamed it on some homeless people.

Edited by LexiCazam
Nazi reference
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I have been to a fair amount of forums, but I have never been to one that loves to complain as much as this one. Yep I'm in the in between part right now to, had some time to post and I'm greeted by the hate.

I'll greet you with a hug.




The "haters will hate" is true, and we can't change it.

But we can enjoy the game we like without annoying people, or thinking that i'm cool because i have attention on a random forum.


So simple and still, so hard to get.


Keep playin till you are having fun, and then move on.

And don't care about attention seekers, that's just what they feed on.



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It's true. Any time you want to see needless rage, anger, or the mass usage of opinion as fact...check the local forums.


Swtor forums. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.


QFT. I have used that same quote many a time in many threads :D

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Swtor forums. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.


This made me lol.


Seriously though - I absolutely adore this game. I have the utmost faith that any improvements needed will at some point be implemented. I've played many MMO's from release and none of them were perfect on day 1. Patience is indeed a virtue, and one that breeds happiness and tolderance rather than frustration and anger. I come to the forums on my breaks at work for two reasons: It's the holidays and it's slow, so I don't really have much to do and because this is the closest I can get to playing the game while at work lol. I'm always surprised to see how nasty people get in the forums about this game, I can't imagine what makes them so unhappy.


Anyways - enough out of me. That's my 2 cents... I love SWTOR and hope to be apart of it for years to come!

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It'll be better next month.



Even if they only keep 1/3rd of those who bought the game it will be profitable. I see it doing much better than that though.



But the OP nailed it. I'm at the point where I shake my head and laugh at the people that quit but hang around to moan while saying "I'm getting my money's worth".


How can you get your "money's worth" by continuing to play something that you dislike or by posting on its forums? I really don't get it. Is it that you don't want anyone else to enjoy it if you don't?



Must be.

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