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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP Loss Reward is too LOW !!


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Lower levels should get MUCH HIGHER warzone rewards, as compensation for:

  • Spending 15-20 minutes in a rigged match that they have no chance of winning,
  • For donating their weakened bodies to the slaughter by those with a huge advantage, and
  • For having to feel weak and ineffective in a game where you are supposed to feel like a hero!

Edited by Laserstrike
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Im still wondering where this "huge advantage" is, and who has it. My experiences in pvp have been pretty well balanced... we lose some, we win some. It really comes down to communication, and teamwork. If my team is full of "lone wolf" type players we lose every time, on every map. When i have a team that takes a couple seconds to before the start to go over some strategy we do much better.


My only complaint with pvp thus far is the amount of people who dont care about the map objectives and are just trying to rack up kills.

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Loss Rewards should be zero as rewarding loss encourages AFKing to gear.


Rewards should be PERFORMANCE based, regardless of whether you win or lose. And doing objectives should affect the reward much, much, MUCH more than kills/damage.


There should be no reward AT ALL for winning OR losing. NONE. If your performance is crap, your reward should be crap. Currently there's way too many people leeching off the team or downright AFKing.


But simply giving 0 for a loss means nobody will queue, it won't be a viable way to level OR gear if your win/loss is 50/50 on average. As it is, leveling through questing is already faster.

Edited by Sabbathius
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I don't think it should be changed at all. I think its pretty perfect as it is, I really haven't seen any AFKing on my server. Its kinda hard to AFK if you get the debuff that ports you out of the warzone. And from what I have seen on the maps there really isn't a good place to hide.
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I don't think it should be changed at all. I think its pretty perfect as it is, I really haven't seen any AFKing on my server. Its kinda hard to AFK if you get the debuff that ports you out of the warzone. And from what I have seen on the maps there really isn't a good place to hide.


stealth classes can hide just about anywhere. I have even found a few. I n a hutball match yesterday I started to kill one, and his whole team except the ball carrier noticed me and came to save him....so once my resolve bar capped (tank jug, i can survive the beating pretty easily) i force leaped to the ball carrier running away from his group and pushed him into the acid pool. Yay for stupid people saving afk players.

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They need to deal with afkers period not lower participation rewards as they have. Issue bans to get rid of the afkers. Right now if you are the team that is so lucky to get the afker, pretty much securing (not always but most of the time fighting a man down is not good) your defeat you just wasted 15 minutes of gameplay.


Whats going to eventually happen is people are going start que'ing up and then just leaving the match when they see there team is not as good as the other. Some are actually doing this already. So hop into a match other team is high level players and you are stuck with the same afker that has been in every match that day (I've had those days its not very fun), just leave, that is whats being promoted now. The afker is still going to afk because whether they get 10 goodies instead of 20 goodies they still afk'd it so no worries from them.


Ban them, put in a way for their team to kick them, but lowering warzone rewards is not going to help get rid of afkers it will just get rid of casual pvpers.

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I don't think it should be changed at all. I think its pretty perfect as it is, I really haven't seen any AFKing on my server. Its kinda hard to AFK if you get the debuff that ports you out of the warzone. And from what I have seen on the maps there really isn't a good place to hide.


Actually their is a guy on the Lord Praven server using a movement macro. My guess is also using a third party cursor program. He runs the same zig zag pattern coming out of the spawn until he runs into an object that stops his movement. If he gets killed he eventually spawns coming back out in the same zig zag pattern until he again hits an objects which keeps him from going forward, This is in huttball.


Afkers in the other boards just run to a corner somewhere and stay there or cloak there even until the match is over.


They guy yesterday was even managing to take his name off the op window so you wouldn't see him unless you literally passed by him.

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