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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Short Story - Seeing Red


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Greetings from up North!


My name’s Jay, and I’ve been with BioWare since the days of Neverwinter Nights. The last 12+ years have been spent on the writing side of game development, getting my start on the tail end of Mass Effect 2. About a year and half ago, I jumped at the chance to work with the talented SWTOR team down in Austin and haven’t looked back.


For a kid that grew up playing with Star Wars action figures, it’s been a tremendous privilege of adding a few of my own stories to the vast Star Wars universe. Two of my favorite new characters - Jekiah and Rass Ordo - were introduced in the flashpoint, Spirit of Vengeance.


But trouble never left an Ordo alone for very long. Left to oversee the Mandalorians after Shae Vizla begins her hunt for the treacherous Field Marshal Heta Kol, Jekiah faces his first crisis when a conflict between two clans turns bloody in the short story “Seeing Red.”


Hope you enjoy it.



Edited by DanielSteed
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I liked this story. I am interested to see if and how this factors in to a certain character's disappearance.


I'm not sure why I haven't thought of this before but after reading "A great pain in the shebs" in this story I got to wondering if Mando'a language is still used in Disney era of Star Wars.

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Good evening from Brazil, Jay. Nice to make your acquaintance, its an honor to meet someone who has worked on my favorite gaming company for this long. I really like Jekiah, and Rass had a good introduction in Spirit of Vengeance I hope we get to see more of him in the future.

As for the actual story, its lovely, it has everything a mandalorian story needs. Which to put it simply is a lot of battle, clan drama and a great resolution.


I was hoping that both parties would come to an agreement, and what better way for Mandalorians to do that than through combat? The pacing as other users have mentioned before is excellent, the scenes and dialogue don't draw out too long or too short. We get a sense of what each character represents, the older more experienced mandalorian in comparison to its younger but also more reckless upstarts. With Jekiah having to sort the mess created by the latter. Its an ingenious plan and I'm glad that it worked, both warriors come to respect each other and see value in it enough that they won't declare victory if it means one of them dies in addition to their own clan. It really drives the point Jekiah is trying to make, which is that Mandalorians need to stay united to survive. Its also good to see references to the Darvannis raid that happened during KOTFE, while I know some people are not fans of those expansions story-wise they are my favorites. And the Mandalorian chapter was terrific, so once again its nice seeing a mention of that again.


TLDR: Loved the story, looking forward to your future contributions to SWTOR lore.

Edited by FlameYOL
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Nice! I finally got around to reading this and I enjoyed it. That old rancor struck again. I knew there was something up but I didn't see that coming, which is pretty cool.


My favorite part was actually the setting descriptions though. It was effective at getting across where the action was happening without overwhelming the story. It gave just enough relevant detail for the activities in the area to make sense but didn't take 10 minutes to read. I also like how impressions and emotional takes were woven in without getting flowery.


The other thing I liked was Jek and Rass. They are quickly becoming my two favorite characters out of this latest batch. I am eager to see more of them and where their story goes! :D I hope they get to take center stage in several in-game stories, and that's saying something for a person who's not really into Mandos.

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