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Eternal Championship

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You know what kind of absurd I've just run into? The eternal championship. I was barely able to get up to Round 7 on my main (Jedi Guardian Vigilance). But I can't get past Drake and Nocturnal. Almost had it, but died. There has to be a way to make things easier and allow me to beat it entirely.
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You know what kind of absurd I've just run into? The eternal championship. I was barely able to get up to Round 7 on my main (Jedi Guardian Vigilance). But I can't get past Drake and Nocturnal. Almost had it, but died. There has to be a way to make things easier and allow me to beat it entirely.

You've gotten past round 6 which is the toughest. So, trying a few more times should get you through the remaining rounds. It helps to switch companion roles around; some rounds are easier with companion on some role and that can depend on player's Discipline and play style.


There are some guides out there as well.


This is one of those things that people now run only for the challenge; I doubt the rewards are enticing enough. Good luck.

Edited by mike_carton
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You know what kind of absurd I've just run into? The eternal championship. I was barely able to get up to Round 7 on my main (Jedi Guardian Vigilance). But I can't get past Drake and Nocturnal. Almost had it, but died. There has to be a way to make things easier and allow me to beat it entirely.


Kill drake first so you don't have to deal with the add spawns that jump your companion and reflect unless you are within their circle. Nocturnal will enrage at that point but you should either be able to have your companion heal through it or use one of the healing nodes to get through it.

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this is a perfect example of the downsides of the casualization of the game.

ppl get a healing companion on their side, making them nearly immortal in

solo mode stories. some wording gives them self-assurance, for example that

heroics should be done with 2+ players; but is actual solo gameplay and not hard

at all.


so with that immortal overpowered feeling they are starting the EC with actual

kill mechanics in there. and even worse; the challenge gets harder, the less dps

you are doing. so if you never learned how to use all your abilities and

never needed to adjust your rotation (damn i see so many 306 ranged powertechs)

to kill a story boss, the EC seems impossible to finish, and doing it in under 15 min

for sure.


and on this point i also can imagine, that it's kinda annoying if ppl tell you, that it

is a learn-to-play-issue (learn your class, learn the mechanics). but to be honest

the EC never was that easy like today. getting the sprint-champion title is not a

challenge at all anymore.


everyone could do it, with some practice. there are good guides out there, explaining

you the mechanics, and tons of guides for your class. this should help everyone to

pass the EC and achieve the sprint-champion title, for doing it in under 15min.


this is the only challange left in the game, you need to do on your own.

all the others are group- or self-made challenges. so i hope you all will have

fun to pass each boss and improve your gameplay.

Edited by fabsus
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this is a perfect example of the downsides of the casualization of the game.

ppl get a healing companion on their side, making them nearly immortal in

solo mode stories. some wording gives them self-assurance, for example that

heroics should be done with 2+ players; but is actual solo gameplay and not hard

at all.




No, to a new player the heroics can be hard, people that moan the content is gone to easy are all experienced players.

With full bonus, etc. Not new players who just started raw, and have no idea what they are doing.


so with that immortal overpowered feeling they are starting the EC with actual

kill mechanics in there. and even worse; the challenge gets harder, the less dps

you are doing. so if you never learned how to use all your abilities and

never needed to adjust your rotation (damn i see so many 306 ranged powertechs)

to kill a story boss, the EC seems impossible to finish, and doing it in under 15 min

for sure.




It's not meant to be done in 15 mins for a casual player, it's there for the experienced player to see if they can get through it faster.


and on this point i also can imagine, that it's kinda annoying if ppl tell you, that it

is a learn-to-play-issue (learn your class, learn the mechanics). but to be honest

the EC never was that easy like today. getting the sprint-champion title is not a

challenge at all anymore.




Here is the issue, nothing but 'pro' players giving out that people should L2P, because said pro players want a challenge What people should be campaigning for is different modes, like kotfe, etc. SM/VET/HM, that would give everyone the challenge they say they seek. You can let casuals do the content they want, at their own pace, and pros can do the same.



everyone could do it, with some practice. there are good guides out there, explaining

you the mechanics, and tons of guides for your class. this should help everyone to

pass the EC and achieve the sprint-champion title, for doing it in under 15min.




No, not 'everyone' could do it, we've had this on many threads, there are people here who can't, some because they aren't good enough, no matter how hard they try, no matter how many guides the read, something just doesn't click. You've also people with disabilities, that some content can cause issues, should they be disbarred from playing that?

Surely different levels would be a perfect solution for that.





this is the only challange left in the game, you need to do on your own.

all the others are group- or self-made challenges. so i hope you all will have

fun to pass each boss and improve your gameplay.



Except it's not, look on the forums, how many threads have people 'claimed' that this is the only challenge in the game. If you want more challenging content, campaign for different modes for instanced content, instead of focusing on what's good for you, focus on what's good for all. With enough of a rallying point, they might actually listen. Then again maybe not, but isn't it worth a shot?

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No, not 'everyone' could do it, we've had this on many threads, there are people here who can't, some because they aren't good enough, no matter how hard they try, no matter how many guides the read, something just doesn't click. You've also people with disabilities, that some content can cause issues, should they be disbarred from playing that?

Surely different levels would be a perfect solution for that.


Except it's not, look on the forums, how many threads have people 'claimed' that this is the only challenge in the game. If you want more challenging content, campaign for different modes for instanced content, instead of focusing on what's good for you, focus on what's good for all. With enough of a rallying point, they might actually listen. Then again maybe not, but isn't it worth a shot?


it sounds a bit like you want a full video mode of swtor, but with all rewards.

and here i say: no. if you want the rewards for something, practice and do something

for it. there are rewarding challenges and if you are to bad to do them, practice.

if this won't help, sorry bro.


if you want to see operations, you can ask ppl if they take you with them.

in storymode operations, there are tons of groups, willing to do so, if you

are asking in a friendly way.


if you even can't finish storymode flashpoints, you can ask ppl to help you, too.

you will find many ppl willing to help you with that.


if you struggle with your storyquests, just ask and invite ppl to help you,

and again there are many ppl who will help you.


if you want to see the EC and feel it, not just watch a video of it,

go for the group challenge, and ask somebody to help you. it is

the same challenge, but with less rewards, because you can

invite up to 3 ppl.


so even if you are not able to do a single action, exept moving your

mouse and press 1-3 for the dialogues, you can see nearly everything

in the game, even if you need some ppl to help you and need to socialize.


so where is the need to change an mmo to a fully videomode rpg?


it doesn't matter how good or bad you are. there always will be some

stuff you can't achieve, for whatever reason. do they ask for free rewards?



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For my first Sprint Champion (under 15 min) run back in 5.x era I had full 248 gear with augments (it was before 252/258 was released) and lvl 50 Shae + lvl 50 Lana companions.

I did the run on vengeance juggernaut, it is a class I like and play well enough - though I am not and was not on a nim-level with veng jugg at that time, I reached nim-level skill only on my sorc healer, but my jugg was and is fine for hard mode opses. So you do not need to be best of best, but you need to have decent understanding of your class, it's skills and mechanics of the bosses in arena. It also took me many tries, a long time I was stuck at 18-17 minute runs and it was fun to figure out where I can gain a few seconds to improve. Plus I wanted to get all the decorations and so I wanted to get the tokens and rewards, Rancor was also nice.

Speed run setup:

Most rounds I did with Shae as a dps and without using any healing station. You need to keep an eye on what Shae is targetting and sometimes switch her to focus different enemy - like when you must bring down the K'lor'slug to regenerative state before you push the boss, or keep her focused on boss while you deal with adds in next round - but as a dps she sped up the fights by a LOT. As in I did not need the heal unless I really messed up, and even then I could use one of jugg heals to last a bit longer and Shae would finish the job.

You can rest between rounds to get back to full, or switch comp to heal for a few seconds to get a shield/heal buff just before next round starts.


Round 1 - Shae's aoe and Jugg"s aoe with dot spread will usually kill the droids before they can do anything, otherwise kill healing droid first, red droid second and boss last.


Round 2 - focus Shae on the boss, play with the adds and circle, it is over super fast.


Round 3 - focus Shae on the boss, the add can be ignored or I think you could stun it or push it around. Again the boss will die fast, usually before the big circle on the ground explodes


Round 4 - I usually started with Shae focused on boss Conraad and me focused on the Chompers, what you need here is to get Conraad to about 40-50% health and then push Chompers really low, so Chompers starts regenerating and at that time both Shae and I killed Conraad and then the rest of adds that comes.


Round 5 - Focus Shae on boss Lanos from start to end. When adds come, as a jugg you could use Slam to stun the 2 shielding droids to immediately interrupt the shield. Shae will kill the boss while I played around with adds and mechanics, I think Lanos managed to do only one circle around arena.


Round 6 - the longest round in arena and here I switched to healing Lana companion. Lana is not ranged, so she will not kill herself from boss reflects. In this round you can use Unity and then Heroic moment at the start when all 3 bosses are alive and beating on you and companion. Taunt was useful here to keep Brawler focused on me, while killing one of add and Lana keeping the aggro of the other add.. Enraged defense can be used in this round too, but Deflection and Endure pain are better left for next round.


Round 7 - the one you struggle with I had some issues here as well. I found the optimal strategy to be having Shae as a ranged dps companion - though it took some deaths to figure out how to survive this strategy - and start with killing Drake, but if possible, make sure you spread dots with Slam on Nocturno. You have to deal with positioning and avoiding damage as much as possible, you might use one or two healing stations - not more - but as other people suggested, you need to kill Drake as soon as possible, ideally before the droid abductors happen. After Drake dies, he drops a belt on the ground that you should pick up (you have time while Nocturno is enraging, she is standing still for a few seconds). It will give you ability to drop a mine that stuns Nocturno, so I usually dropped one just next to me and let Nocturno charge into it, hit her a few times and then run from her. It is good to use Deflection and Endure Pain in case she hits you a few times. Also make sure you relocate with Mad Dash or Intercede on your companion to get away from her when the mine is on cooldown. Shae will keep dpsing Nocturno and kill her, but it is definitely a stressful strategy and you might be better off using a ranged healer - in that case you will have to deal with Abductor droids and kill them fast to free your companion when Drake is low on health.


Round 8 - Shae as a dps again, focus her on the rancor, keep yourself safe and alive, kill first handler, you can usually ignore the second as the fight is over. Enraged defense works well here.


Round 9 - Shae as a dps yet again, though I used a healer here for a long time before, I had to change to dps companion just to get under 15 min. Shae should be focused on the boss at the beginning, make sure the boss is turned away from her to keep the laser beam far from her. I usually kept it facing left or right wall (from the entrance) and when 3 yellow circles came, I placed them around the back wall so the droid will end turning 180 degrees and face the opposite wall, and this way it would never face towards the companion that is somewhere between entrance and middle of the room. When 2 droids came, I would focus Shae on the B droid to kill it and then back to the boss, while I would lead the A droid somewhere to the side to try exploding on me and use Leap to the boss or Mad dash to avoid the explosion. The 4 droids in middle mechanic is super easy with dps companion, make her kill one while you kill a different one.


Round 10 - Shae as a healer - a change! Let her stand in the middle of the room and focus her to attack the boss (she likes to shoot at the fire probes otherwise). You can mostly ignore these and focus on not getting hit much by circles on floor and keep dpsing the walker, use any remaining kolto stations if needed. At 50% the boss comes out from walker, focus it with your companion so it does not shoot the walker that is invulnerable, and try to do as much damage as possible while the boss constantly stuns you and pushes you around for 30s. After that boss gets back to walker and walker will start beaming on you - on jugg I just popped my 5s reflect damage and the walker basically killed itself, but you can survive the full beam with Reflect + later Enraged defense if needed. After that, the big final stage starts and at this time you can use whatever - usually Unity is a good choice to protect your companion, Heroic moment for a slight healing over time, if not used before then Deflection and Endure Pain should be available too. Make sure the companion is standing in the inner circle - put it to passive to run to you if it is not - and try to put the circles away from it so it can keep healing you.


Random fact - I managed to do this arena also as a tank with deathless run, so it is not a pure dps race unless you go for the 15 min achievement. But the lower dps you have, the more mechanics you need to do and survive, so it is actually harder as you need to do some mechanics several times, while with high dps and dps companion you can push the bosses and skip most of mechanics - that is how you do the 15 min runs, but it is not how you do the first run usually. If there is a round where you die and feel like you are getting close, but need just a bit more to survive, consider taking a small break so that all your defensive skills including heroic moment / unity are recharged and try using all of it to get to the next round. After you beat the boss once, next time it is a little bit easier, and if you run it 30 times, you will start having an easy time at some of them and that is a time where you will feel comfortable to switch healing companion to dps companion to speed up things.

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Nice. What's your gear level, if you did it with a level 50 Shae Vizla companion?

I have done it with a Marauder in 306 Gear and have done all fights with Shae except for the one with the two beast who reflect ranged damage.


Edit: I have done my 15 Min Speed run nearly the same way as Sandrosw but i used a Marauder and not a Jugg

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