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Heroic mission disapointment


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I've only been back to SWTOR for a month. Been finding my feet again, trying PVP, star fighter, etc. Trying to do as many game modes as possible, just as the galactic season missions very much encourage. Today I logged in and saw it was 4 x star fighter and 3 x heroic missions on Taris. Completed the star fighter fast enough, but when I went to Taris to start the heroic missions I found there to be long queues of people waiting to click blue object buttons on quest objectives.


So I find myself competing with many other players to click something and to make the matter worse, the cooldown for the object is ages, like a few minutes wait then you're back to jostling around trying to click the blue thing before they next person. I just logged off, I can't be bothered with that nonsense.


I'll come back later in the week when the hype has died down, and if it hasn't I won't be bothering with that PO weekly again. Do bioware think that's a fun game mechanic, waiting around to click something with a slow cooldown? I've enjoyed completing the season stuff until now.

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Open world heroics are annoying. This is a good list for the time it takes for doing heroics. I only pick the shortest ones with a stealth toon.



Oh thanks, yeah I just noticed there are some with much less click this and more kill stuff. Will take a read.


Also, going off slightly for the reason I made this thread, the other weekly PO is to complete 3 OPs. Never done one before, but tried to use the group finder but nothing was happening. Do people not use the group finder for OPs?


Thanks again for the read.

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Pick 3 instanced heroics. Problem solved.

Taris only has two that are instanced. The others are open world.


Although another solution is if you are seeing lines...create a group. Another solution is to switch instances.

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Taris only has two that are instanced. The others are open world.


Although another solution is if you are seeing lines...create a group. Another solution is to switch instances.


On Republic Side Taris has 3.

One though you need to click the ship and then the rest of it is instanced.

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I find the best way to avoid other people doing anything on a planet is to to into PVP mode. Somebody in chat gave me that advice and it works pretty good. I did get attacked once by one player from the other side. And one other time I saw a red streak go flashing by which I assumed was another player who didn't want a fight. Which is great because I only wanted to fight bugs, Just dont get close to the other side's bases, In PVP mode the NPC guards are more aggressive and will fire on you at a range they wouldn't in PVE mode. My companion managed to get one shoted to death but I ran out of rang.
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Also, going off slightly for the reason I made this thread, the other weekly PO is to complete 3 OPs. Never done one before, but tried to use the group finder but nothing was happening. Do people not use the group finder for OPs?


It is only one Op out of those three.


Do a single boss three times.


If you've never done an Op before, I'd advise against doing it for this purpose unless your guild is running an Op. Doing the Monolith or the Queen three times is also best done with a guild group; they're far more challenging than usual world bosses.


People don't use the Group Finder (GF) the way Bioware intended for it to be used when it comes to Ops. So, queuing up in GF for Ops is usually a frustrating experience. If you stay on Fleet, you'll sometimes see messages like "LFM ..." in the Chat window (Looking for More); these could be people forming an Ops group and you could whisper them to join. ("/Whisper <Name>: DPS", for example, in the chat window.). You can whisper someone by right-clicking their name in Chat window and choosing "Whisper." Same with messages in the chat channels like "EndGame", "LFG", "Allies" etc. They vary by server. You can join them with cjoin command. ("/cjoin EndGame", for example) in the chat window. But the best Ops experience by far is by doing it with a guild group.

Edited by mike_carton
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I have noticed that BW and other games seem to forget what the "M's" stand for in MMO. "M"assivly "M"ultiplayer. Then they put 1 or 2 items to click on for dozens of players or have HUGE WAIT times for ReSpwan again while Dozens of Players Wait.


This lack of Insight on the part of Game Developers in not UNCOMMON. Though it would seem that they do this as a cruel joke just to annoy and dissuade player from staying with the game.


It is this kind of PPP (piss poor programing) that will drive players aka customers away for friendlier better written games.

Edited by denavin
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Oh thanks, yeah I just noticed there are some with much less click this and more kill stuff. Will take a read.


Also, going off slightly for the reason I made this thread, the other weekly PO is to complete 3 OPs. Never done one before, but tried to use the group finder but nothing was happening. Do people not use the group finder for OPs?


Thanks again for the read.


People usually forming their own group on the fleet, or within their guild.

Once the group is formed, they'll have a tank or heal to solo queue the group finder so that everyone will be from the preformed group member when it pops.


BUT if you want to try this week's OP, it's BUGGED. Only Dread Fortress and Monolith counts.

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I have noticed that BW and other games seem to forget what the "M's" stand for in MMO. "M"assivly "M"ultiplayer. Then they put 1 or 2 items to click on for dozens of players or have HUGE WAIT times for ReSpwan again while Dozens of Players Wait.


This lack of Insight on the part of Game Developers in not UNCOMMON. Though it would seem that they do this as a cruel joke just to annoy and dissuade player from staying with the game.


It is this kind of PPP (piss poor programing) that will drive players aka customers away for friendlier better written games.

It isn't poor *programming* (or at least not all the way down to the finished code), but incorrect (as seen from the players' collective point of view) initial conceptual design. Outside of killing mobs, GW2 doesn't have these problems (and you can share the kills without being grouped, which mitigates the mobs thing) because clickies are per-player, not per-instance.


ESO has something similar, but is still plagued by resource gathering being a PvP activity (if you start collecting a node, it's your node and nobody else can collect it, like in SWTOR), unlike in GW2, where *everyone* can collect that node. I think the most people I've seen simultaneously collecting a node was about seven, and a couple of late arrivals could still collect it.

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Taris only has two that are instanced. The others are open world.


Although another solution is if you are seeing lines...create a group. Another solution is to switch instances.


Imp Taris has 3 entirely instanced heroics: The Fathers of Taris, Last of Tarisian Pirates, Highway to Destruction. All for yourself.

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I find the best way to avoid other people doing anything on a planet is to to into PVP mode. Somebody in chat gave me that advice and it works pretty good. I did get attacked once by one player from the other side. And one other time I saw a red streak go flashing by which I assumed was another player who didn't want a fight. Which is great because I only wanted to fight bugs, Just dont get close to the other side's bases, In PVP mode the NPC guards are more aggressive and will fire on you at a range they wouldn't in PVE mode. My companion managed to get one shoted to death but I ran out of rang.


I once flipped to the PvP instance on Yavin because 24 people in an instance on Yavin is 22 people too much, with people stumbling over the same daily objectives. Pleasantly surprised to spend nearly 30 minutes on my Republic toon while a Sith lingered nearby. We even waited on each other to click the stupid box-thing on the tent on the cliff for one of the dailies.


Not likely to happen often, but it was nice when someone else can also forego the saber long enough to get something done.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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Imp Taris has 3 entirely instanced heroics: The Fathers of Taris, Last of Tarisian Pirates, Highway to Destruction. All for yourself.


Pub side also has effectively 3 . Knight Fall is only partially instanced but the holojournals do not have a respawn timer so many people can be going after them at the same time. The Rakghould Release is fully instanced as is Total Elimination.


This link has a nice list of the instanced heroics for each planet: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=856069

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It isn't poor *programming* (or at least not all the way down to the finished code), but incorrect (as seen from the players' collective point of view) initial conceptual design. Outside of killing mobs, GW2 doesn't have these problems (and you can share the kills without being grouped, which mitigates the mobs thing) because clickies are per-player, not per-instance.


ESO has something similar, but is still plagued by resource gathering being a PvP activity (if you start collecting a node, it's your node and nobody else can collect it, like in SWTOR), unlike in GW2, where *everyone* can collect that node. I think the most people I've seen simultaneously collecting a node was about seven, and a couple of late arrivals could still collect it.


Ok I'll accept incorrect as well... But it still seems to be a constant problem.


Case in Point:

I played EverQuest2 for way too many years, around 17. And the one thing that was always consistent was that there were never enough of a Quest mob for the amount of player that were hunting it. Not only that but there just simply were never even enough quantity in the entire world.


They would have you hunt and kill a certain type or name of mob, you would need to find and kill, lets say 10 of them. The only problem was that there were only 8 of them in the entire world and they would take between 12 to 15 minuets to re-spawn. On top of that there were dozens of players waiting for the re-spawn as well. All trying to get their 10 kill of the 8 mobs that were available. So even if you happened to be the only one there you still had to wait for the re-spawn to get them all.

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Ok I'll accept incorrect as well... But it still seems to be a constant problem.

For sure, mobs *are* the hardest thing to make "sharable", since once they're dead, nobody can kill them until they respawn.


Respawn timers are a delicate balancing act - too long and the place just gets full of people waiting for the corpses, but too short and it's hard to move around the area without mobs spawning right behind you - and it's one for which there's no right answer. Of course, there are lots of cases where game designers could do better, and in a few cases BioWare *has* made them better, notably the dude in Possessed Hunter on Dromund Kaas, who used to be 15 minutes, then 5, and is now about 30 seconds.

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For sure, mobs *are* the hardest thing to make "sharable", since once they're dead, nobody can kill them until they respawn.


Respawn timers are a delicate balancing act - too long and the place just gets full of people waiting for the corpses, but too short and it's hard to move around the area without mobs spawning right behind you - and it's one for which there's no right answer. Of course, there are lots of cases where game designers could do better, and in a few cases BioWare *has* made them better, notably the dude in Possessed Hunter on Dromund Kaas, who used to be 15 minutes, then 5, and is now about 30 seconds.


Respawn timers for mobs is one thing but what about ridiculous respawn timers on clickies? Someone mentioned that pub heroic on Taris where you have to click a ship in open world before the rest taking place in an instance. This click easiliy takes 5 minutes to become available again when you arrive after someone else. How does that make sense?

Edited by demotivator
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For sure, mobs *are* the hardest thing to make "sharable", since once they're dead, nobody can kill them until they respawn.


Respawn timers are a delicate balancing act - too long and the place just gets full of people waiting for the corpses, but too short and it's hard to move around the area without mobs spawning right behind you - and it's one for which there's no right answer. Of course, there are lots of cases where game designers could do better, and in a few cases BioWare *has* made them better, notably the dude in Possessed Hunter on Dromund Kaas, who used to be 15 minutes, then 5, and is now about 30 seconds.


This is one thing Wow gets right. You only have to hit the mob once to get credit for it. Maybe SWTOR could look into this as it would alleviate some of the problems in the heroics in open areas, except in Wow it is not just for "heroic" areas, it is all the areas. They only time it doesn't seem to work if it is an opposite faction.

Edited by casirabit
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