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Current Flashpoint setup

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Can you please make it where a flashpoint can't be rushed through by avoiding all the bad guys? not only is it not very star wars'ish it's kinda lame to both the player and the developers... Seems stupid to go into a FP just to by pass 95% of the content and then leave. If all people want is gear and leave then make a combat arena FP where that's all it is. It'll get old just like the argent arena did in WoW. Edited by AK_Snowbat
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Can you please make it where a flashpoint can't be rushed through by avoiding all the bad guys? not only is it not very star wars'ish it's kinda lame to both the player and the developers... Seems stupid to go into a FP just to by pass 95% of the content and then leave. If all people want is gear and leave then make a combat arena FP where that's all it is. It'll get old just like the argent arena did in WoW.


Because killing your 1,000,000,000th Advosec Mercenary on your 100,000,000th run of Hammer Station is going to maintain the sense of immersion? And the fact that the mobs less than 20 meters away don't see four players slaughtering a group of their comrades, or hear the commotion, doesn't break your immersion? There is even dialogue from the boss in multiple flashpoints that demonstrates they are aware of your presence early on, and still don't send literally everyone to stop you.


Not very Star Wars-ish? I see, so Han, Luke, Leia, Obi-Wan, and the droids slaughtered everyone on the Death Star?


I know, I know, a bit extreme examples. And, the vast majority of the time, I don't really care whether people spacebar through cutscenes or skip trash, because it is my 30th or whatever time through the flashpoint. Sometimes I actually like when an apparently new player wants to see the cutscenes in Cademimu, because its been a while for me too. But, that's why BioWare made story modes for all of the important flashpoints, so people could linger there and enjoy the story as much as they wanted. And there's plenty of flashpoints, like Copero (Traitor Among the Chiss) where its nearly impossible to skip trash unless you have an all stealth group.


So, no, the flashpoints don't need to be re-designed to enforce clearing "all the bad guys."

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Because killing your 1,000,000,000th Advosec Mercenary on your 100,000,000th run of Hammer Station is going to maintain the sense of immersion? And the fact that the mobs less than 20 meters away don't see four players slaughtering a group of their comrades, or hear the commotion, doesn't break your immersion? There is even dialogue from the boss in multiple flashpoints that demonstrates they are aware of your presence early on, and still don't send literally everyone to stop you.


Not very Star Wars-ish? I see, so Han, Luke, Leia, Obi-Wan, and the droids slaughtered everyone on the Death Star?


I know, I know, a bit extreme examples. And, the vast majority of the time, I don't really care whether people spacebar through cutscenes or skip trash, because it is my 30th or whatever time through the flashpoint. Sometimes I actually like when an apparently new player wants to see the cutscenes in Cademimu, because its been a while for me too. But, that's why BioWare made story modes for all of the important flashpoints, so people could linger there and enjoy the story as much as they wanted. And there's plenty of flashpoints, like Copero (Traitor Among the Chiss) where its nearly impossible to skip trash unless you have an all stealth group.


So, no, the flashpoints don't need to be re-designed to enforce clearing "all the bad guys."


This isn't wrong tho. Skipping mobs isn't a bad thing, tho I do believe some people go a bit to far to skip Everything.

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