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Why Continue To Play SWTOR?


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I have no idea what point it is you're trying to get across.


Who are you so angry at?


I was 50 in a week, have a wife and a job, eagerly watched every story unfold and even chased down/followed through on quests I enjoyed the story of after they were gray. I'm in no rush to 'WIN' a game that can't be won, ever.


There is no finish line.


Yet I've also done eternity vault, which is a raid. Is that bad? I do it for myself, not for you or anyone else. Is it OK to lump everyone into the same pool or do you think there might actually be a few more shades of grey in there that you've overlooked from your highhorse?


I honestly read your entire original post and it's just a rambling incoherent mess.


On one hand it sounds as if you're bitter that you don't have the time you used to, on the other it just sounds like...you're angry at some subset of players...or something.


I assume if someone's going to devote that much time to a post there's an underlying theme you're attempting to get across


The OP waas crafted for a specific reason. I peppered the whole thing with tongue in cheek comments to keep it lighthearted while poking fun and, at the same time, congratulating a subset of players.


The mindset in which people read it will be in their responses. These boards are filled with so much negativity, I created this to break the cycle and hopefully create a higher minded and constructive beginning to feedback and posts on the board.


I myself fell into the negative posting for sake of negative posting and while at lunch yesterday I realized it when I got another warning for something I don't remember even posting! So, I began mulling over a satirical type post, slept on it and crafted it all this morning while eating breakfast at work.

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I apologize for my previous post... it was snide!


Again..I apologize Sir!


I did enjoy the OP's post and respect his opinion!

I didn't mean to belittle his post and made a sad attempt at humor!


Even though I never played WOW (it looked too cartoonie for my taste) I have played EQ2, Warhammer, Age Of Conan etc... to the max levels and raided more hours than I care to admit. I can relate to what he is saying.

As far as those folks who don't have never seen the point of playing MMO's, they have missed the most important aspect of the genre.

"Multiplayer" is the key word here, we play to interact with other players, meet other people with the same interests, made new friends and to create friendships.

It's the interaction with other players that make MMO's fun, NOT just the game.

Edited by Boondoggle
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Thanks. I have now officially moved on, deleted my character, uninstalled and shredded the discs. I feel a lot better now and you have helped me put my frustrations with this game into perspective. I still await the MMO that will be genuinely different & new. I will certainly hold off longer next time before dipping my toe in the MMO water. I'm off to kill some russians, afghans, germans or whoever wants to mess with me and my M4!


And that's perfectly fine. The money you spent on the game can be written off as a learning experience. No need to shred the discs, though, sheesh!

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man you took everything i've ever thought and put it into that post so very neatly!


as a 26 year old that played wow vanilla hard then sold my pally for $1500i cannot stand all these young kids that thought they played wow hard. they were still suckin on mommas tatties when i was playing that game- the real man heroic nightmare version - not your dumbed down kiddy carebear version you facebooked twittered out youth demanded. you are all a more retarded generation than mine.


they are all still little kids with no jobs or lives. damn wow kids!




kiddies please go play your WOW. your small brains cannot comprehend SWTOR.

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Learn to summarize.


This quote right here is the saddening path MMORPG (yes i know thats the point) players take- I don't want to read something that is to long





IT's like nobody wants an actual sentence or discussion

Edited by Spyderwraith
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In a nutshell... because SWTOR is better than WoW.


And no use doing dumb comments on that. I have played games for more than 20 years, ever since the 8 bit systems and the spectrum. I know what a good game is, and i know what a bunch of whiny spoiled brats are.

Edited by Nemmar
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And that's perfectly fine. The money you spent on the game can be written off as a learning experience. No need to shred the discs, though, sheesh!


This way the annoying imp on my shoulder can't convince me I was wrong and should try it again for years and years of my life. I fear it would have impacted my Crossfit training schedule anyway and I would rather level up in the real world tbh.

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Now you are either


A. a WoW employee who is afraid that his job is on the line and must do something about it.


B. You are a WoW player who is stuck to WoW and can not accept better updated games.


C. You are a troll with nothing better to do but troll these forums looking for trouble.


A. Nope, they couldn't afford me.


B. Not even close


C. You obviously never finished the post, but will concede I am familiar with Trolls and used my best Troll Chow to start the whole post. Parts were carefully molded, fashioned and coaxed into creation. It's the Douglas Adams approach to writing. He was more interested in flow than prose.

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Read the first half of the first line and nothing more.


I have NEVER played WoW.


Think the only MMO I played before was Runescape.


Then you missed the whole thing. Go back and read it, replacing WoW and references to WoW with Runescape and references to Runescape.

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Acutally, I'm not married, and have no kids. Why marry a woman when so many give up the booty without a ring? Points were repeated to create the theme and weave the whole narrative. I'm glad you caught on to that!


As for raiding, I still do, I'm just not on the bleeding edge of content anymore, and with SWTOR, I am taking my time. All my RL friends are finishing up their first 50's, and I'm still 25. I like it that way. I do have a very active social life (friends, family, volunteer work, music), so sometimes I do miss being plugged into the game every moment I'm not at work, but I've also learned to balance my life in my years.


Am I jealous? Not entirely, but there's still a small part of my heart aching to burn through content and strut around the common areas. I've grown, and I pass the gauntlet to the younger generation to keep the flame of elitism burning bright asking them to hang tight, be patient and be constructive.


If the intent was to cleverly repeat key points in order to drive home an overall theme then you failed. I have no idea what the point of the original post was, other than to talk down to the current crop of "hardcore" gamers. The wordiness was annoying to read and to the last period had a "get to the damn point" feeling, which you never got around to.


You talk down to people needing to stroke their epeens by having difficult endgame content to separate themselves from the "rabble" but the entire post had such a snootiness to it that I can't help but think it was written to stroke your own.


You obviously just wanted to let everyone know you came from WoW and were a good player there, listing your accomplishments is proof. You also wanted to let everyone know that you're such a long time gamer and have been there and done that and now are on a different level than most. You're now above the people who are still enamored with pushing endgame content and no longer need to prove yourself...am I on target or what? I think I am.


So "my friend," you see, by putting yourself on a pedestal in your post you've just accomplished setting yourself apart from the rest of the rabble. You've done what you look down upon others for doing. Grats.

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If the intent was to cleverly repeat key points in order to drive home an overall theme then you failed. I have no idea what the point of the original post was, other than to talk down to the current crop of "hardcore" gamers. The wordiness was annoying to read and to the last period had a "get to the damn point" feeling, which you never got around to.


You talk down to people needing to stroke their epeens by having difficult endgame content to separate themselves from the "rabble" but the entire post had such a snootiness to it that I can't help but think it was written to stroke your own.


You obviously just wanted to let everyone know you came from WoW and were a good player there, listing your accomplishments is proof. You also wanted to let everyone know that you're such a long time gamer and have been there and done that and now are on a different level than most. You're now above the people who are still enamored with pushing endgame content and no longer need to prove yourself...am I on target or what? I think I am.


So "my friend," you see, by putting yourself on a pedestal in your post you've just accomplished setting yourself apart from the rest of the rabble. You've done what you look down upon others for doing. Grats.


Crikey everybody on here is so angry. I thought it was a game forum?

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If the intent was to cleverly repeat key points in order to drive home an overall theme then you failed. I have no idea what the point of the original post was, other than to talk down to the current crop of "hardcore" gamers. The wordiness was annoying to read and to the last period had a "get to the damn point" feeling, which you never got around to.


You talk down to people needing to stroke their epeens by having difficult endgame content to separate themselves from the "rabble" but the entire post had such a snootiness to it that I can't help but think it was written to stroke your own.


You obviously just wanted to let everyone know you came from WoW and were a good player there, listing your accomplishments is proof. You also wanted to let everyone know that you're such a long time gamer and have been there and done that and now are on a different level than most. You're now above the people who are still enamored with pushing endgame content and no longer need to prove yourself...am I on target or what? I think I am.


So "my friend," you see, by putting yourself on a pedestal in your post you've just accomplished setting yourself apart from the rest of the rabble. You've done what you look down upon others for doing. Grats.


Ah! I see your point and concede that: yes, this was somewhat self justifying as well condescending at points, but I pushed buttons at every level and even put myself below the elite players admitting I am not one anymore.


I can tell by your posts you have taken umbrage to this, and that's a fair response. You have every right to take this stance and continue with it. At least you responded coherently, logically and concisely, all points which I find to be of quality.


I've stated many times the point of the post, the intention of it and the reason why I crafted it the way it was. Thank you for the feedback, I'll take it all into consideration for future postings.

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If the intent was to cleverly repeat key points in order to drive home an overall theme then you failed. I have no idea what the point of the original post was, other than to talk down to the current crop of "hardcore" gamers. The wordiness was annoying to read and to the last period had a "get to the damn point" feeling, which you never got around to.


You talk down to people needing to stroke their epeens by having difficult endgame content to separate themselves from the "rabble" but the entire post had such a snootiness to it that I can't help but think it was written to stroke your own.


You obviously just wanted to let everyone know you came from WoW and were a good player there, listing your accomplishments is proof. You also wanted to let everyone know that you're such a long time gamer and have been there and done that and now are on a different level than most. You're now above the people who are still enamored with pushing endgame content and no longer need to prove yourself...am I on target or what? I think I am.


So "my friend," you see, by putting yourself on a pedestal in your post you've just accomplished setting yourself apart from the rest of the rabble. You've done what you look down upon others for doing. Grats.


I quite enjoyed this post.

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man you took everything i've ever thought and put it into that post so very neatly!


as a 26 year old that played wow vanilla hard then sold my pally for $1500i cannot stand all these young kids that thought they played wow hard. they were still suckin on mommas tatties when i was playing that game- the real man heroic nightmare version - not your dumbed down kiddy carebear version you facebooked twittered out youth demanded. you are all a more retarded generation than mine.


they are all still little kids with no jobs or lives. damn wow kids!




kiddies please go play your WOW. your small brains cannot comprehend SWTOR.


I do declare a winner.

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Way too long of a post. Sit in on your child's language arts class and learn how to write a persuasive letter. Here's a tip - make it pithy.


Here's a tip: This isn't twitter, and I respect someone who can write a long (and wonderfully sarcastic) essay more than I respect someone who can't do more than spew out one-liners because they have the attention span of a mayfly on speed.

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A. Nope, they couldn't afford me.


B. Not even close


C. You obviously never finished the post, but will concede I am familiar with Trolls and used my best Troll Chow to start the whole post. Parts were carefully molded, fashioned and coaxed into creation. It's the Douglas Adams approach to writing. He was more interested in flow than prose.


QD, old fellow... the folks responding to your post are, in general, the sort of people who think J. Swift seriously advocated eating babies. They deserve to be treated with... well... as much respect as they deserve to be treated with. Tautology FTW!

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man you took everything i've ever thought and put it into that post so very neatly!


as a 26 year old that played wow vanilla hard then sold my pally for $1500i cannot stand all these young kids that thought they played wow hard. they were still suckin on mommas tatties when i was playing that game- the real man heroic nightmare version - not your dumbed down kiddy carebear version you facebooked twittered out youth demanded. you are all a more retarded generation than mine.


they are all still little kids with no jobs or lives. damn wow kids!




kiddies please go play your WOW. your small brains cannot comprehend SWTOR.


PANDAS- enough said

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