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Can't click links in chat, anyone know what causes this?


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Links in chat are either unclickable or when I can click them once in a while the item appears almost offscreen, so I have to grab the edge and drag it up, but most times links just don't work at all. Anyone know a work around or a setting to fix this?
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The tooltips are opening but they are doing it below the chat window which probably means off screen if you have chat at the bottom. Try moving chat up a little bit and you'll see the top of the tooltip which you can then drag to somewhere you can read it.
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It has been broken for months. Doesn't seem to be of any concern to BW.




Resetting the UI (Ctrl+U+U) fixes it... momentarily. I can click one link and then it breaks again.


That sucks, maybe if we all keep bug reporting it, something will get done

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The tooltips are opening but they are doing it below the chat window which probably means off screen if you have chat at the bottom. Try moving chat up a little bit and you'll see the top of the tooltip which you can then drag to somewhere you can read it.


Ty I will give this a try today

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The tooltips are opening but they are doing it below the chat window which probably means off screen if you have chat at the bottom. Try moving chat up a little bit and you'll see the top of the tooltip which you can then drag to somewhere you can read it.


That doesnt work. I already tried that.

The best workaround is to ctrl u u anytime it fails to work.

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  • 1 year later...
turn on chat click-trough in preferences, apply, then turn it off again and apply. FIxed it for me.

edit: nope, got broken minute later again. WHat a game, what a company :D


For me the link pop-up can randomly appear off screen. I don't know why this happens, but I keep hitting Escape key until the Options menu appears.


The priority for Escape key is:

Windows - character sheet, abilities, etc.

Pop-ups - item and achievement links

Options menu


Because the Options menu is the lowest priority, once I see that menu, I know the link pop-up has also been closed (without being able to see it). Then links will work again until the bug happens. It doesn't happen often for me. Pretty random, maybe a few times a week.


Like someone posted above, it's possible to force it to happen by putting chat window at bottom of the screen. Then link pop-ups will usually be off screen all the time because the pop-ups always appear at bottom right of chat window. (it's coded pretty "dumb", not robustly.)


So anyways, the next time this happens, try hitting Escape a few times. It might work and save you some time not having to Ctrl+U or relog.

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For me the link pop-up can randomly appear off screen. I don't know why this happens, but I keep hitting Escape key until the Options menu appears.


The priority for Escape key is:

Windows - character sheet, abilities, etc.

Pop-ups - item and achievement links

Options menu


Because the Options menu is the lowest priority, once I see that menu, I know the link pop-up has also been closed (without being able to see it). Then links will work again until the bug happens. It doesn't happen often for me. Pretty random, maybe a few times a week.


Like someone posted above, it's possible to force it to happen by putting chat window at bottom of the screen. Then link pop-ups will usually be off screen all the time because the pop-ups always appear at bottom right of chat window. (it's coded pretty "dumb", not robustly.)


So anyways, the next time this happens, try hitting Escape a few times. It might work and save you some time not having to Ctrl+U or relog.

OMG I thought this was just me this was happening too! Years ago I set my UI similar to how I had my WoW UI set up so my brain didn't have to learn a new layout. Any link I click in swtor gen chat frequently pops up off the screen below and to the right of chat, which is bottom left on my UI. Sometimes I can drag the link box up because I generally know where it is off screen but this doesn't always work. I shall try your "escape" plan :)

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