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This game has the worst PVP I've ever seen in my life.


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You mentioned your sorc died in two seconds. And blamed the enemy for playing their best. But you're also exaggerating. You weren't fighting 8 players by yourself. Unless the other 7 players in your team were just left alone to score the huttball or cap all the nodes, which in that case you were skillfully kiting the enemy team away from the objectives so your team can win. But that my friend is unlikely based on whay you wrote.


This actually happens quite a bit in unranked not 7 but I often find myself four or five against one and it is because of sniping and because a team will play gen pvp and the odd man out gets screwed, just last night , I had two team mates literally with in striking distance while I fought for about 1 minute 30 seconds an opponent right before the death blow they healed from one of their teamate just enough to KB me, then the other two attacked the person barely alive and the healer .

often especially in the pythons other players on your team play for kill count and are happy to let you die . Less of an issue in huttball , death match or the datacore.

But quite common in pylon or gun turret especially if the match is unwinnable by your team.

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