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Everything posted by ryukinetsu

  1. You mentioned your sorc died in two seconds. And blamed the enemy for playing their best. But you're also exaggerating. You weren't fighting 8 players by yourself. Unless the other 7 players in your team were just left alone to score the huttball or cap all the nodes, which in that case you were skillfully kiting the enemy team away from the objectives so your team can win. But that my friend is unlikely based on whay you wrote. This actually happens quite a bit in unranked not 7 but I often find myself four or five against one and it is because of sniping and because a team will play gen pvp and the odd man out gets screwed, just last night , I had two team mates literally with in striking distance while I fought for about 1 minute 30 seconds an opponent right before the death blow they healed from one of their teamate just enough to KB me, then the other two attacked the person barely alive and the healer . often especially in the pythons other players on your team play for kill count and are happy to let you die . Less of an issue in huttball , death match or the datacore. But quite common in pylon or gun turret especially if the match is unwinnable by your team.
  2. spent much time and in game credits developing out my stronghold. want to move it now that new cooler places are available. if you deactivate a strong hold is it the same as selling it. or do I have to earn the millions of credits to expand the new one again?
  3. hey guys found this on a different board going to try it in a little bit : If you are a Jedi Sentinel, then use Doc for killing guy. I am 50% orange geared and so is my Kira companion, and it's just nearly impossible it seems to kill Jesh. Just take Doc and disable his damage abilities so he focussed solely on healing you. Worked 1 out 1 times. Be sure to heal up before you interact with the quest npc, because you will have to fight again straight after! The Medical Centre is far ... I learned it the hard way , so stay alive
  4. yeah i feel you this guy is really hard for some players and some breeze through i am not sure how that works i dont get it either
  5. fyi in general when people are asking for tactic tips and tricks many of you would not believe this but i have seen it posted on multiple boards " i had no problem must be you " is kind of a dicked up useless response maybe if at least you review your strategy for people asking they might gleam something that might benefit them its the same general issue i have with the forced group play. could you imagine if u are lifing something heavy and some one ask for help and you say oh i can lift that weight easy work out harder " what you would think ...come one guys things like this are just rude why waste the time to post it
  6. does seem there should be a better answer than just get lucky but maybe if u spend enough game time doing it is how it works out. at least they got rid of the original bug when i first started playing way back if there were multiple people in a phase but not grouped the HP stats would change between battles so sometimes u would beat a character then they would attack you either invisible or just with a brand new set of hp lol yeah some guess thought it would be fun to screw us on this guy ....
  7. i am not sure why the droids respwan either additionally the sith helpers in another quest respwan i have been trying to beat those three too with a pile of sith bodies on top of each other lol
  8. if you are level 42 sentinal and you use doc and you hold one of the robots, you can get him down to about 800 hp if u stay on top of cancelling his flame attack thats the best i have been able to do with out a group which i never am able to find. maybe if u are a character that can use heavy armor its easier . but your armor wont protect against the fire bomb. the spam he slings is hard because it requires u to be able to direct your companion to assult the other droid which is no good if you are playing with Doc no other powers really work and using your epic force seems to accelerate the amount of damage he is able to do while lowering docs heal your best chance is to use kira because she will draw damage and that will get u with in just a second of being able to beat him . i have the same issues at 42 with the Sith boss you find back at the camp with two other siths i almost beat him all the time though i generally get lucky enough to have a weird latency burp every time i am close to managing an impossible task that allows the npc to win. i am kind of not the fan of forced socializing outside of the flash points. i really think that most normal play should be able to be done outside of group quests . some of us play video games when we dont feel like going out and finding people to do things with lol if i wanted to be forced to find friends and work together i would take a second job for a hobby lol but overall its ridiculous that 6 level higher is not enough to beat some parts of the game on your own like i said i think all the people who have had success are using characters that can use heavy armor
  9. yet again standing around waiting for some one to join a flash point or heroic because have to have some one to play : just wondering if people who like to play together will play together and obviously those of us with out a group of gamer friends probably play video games to spend time alone relaxing: why the designer has created an enviroment where you have to rely on the kindness of strangers to allow you to enjoy your free time. if i want to play a game or sport with a large amount of people or even another person wouldnt it stand to reason that I would and maybe would like to play a video game by myself to spend time relaxing alone, kind of taken the pressure of professional socializing home from the office for me , thank god i can relax from being nice to people all day and doing whatever they want to accomplish something home where i have to do exactly the same thing, i guess the biggest difference is at work i get paid to beg favors of jerks and here i get to pay a monthly fee: who else thinks that group play should be more voluntary
  10. i dont know i just suck but for some reason my lag always goes to no signal right at an end of the battle any way i am level 21 and cant beat him i dont know guess just retard almost beat him then he changed to fully healed level thirty which was really weird to i dont know all i ever have is weird things happen playing on the european servers
  11. it really isnt about what specs you have when it comes the companions u get them based on your class anyway , it really depends on the tactical situation kira is better in most of the heroics because its like having another jedi in the heroic with u , t7 is better for lasting long amounts while u do damage the best thing is to just choose whicheer companion is going to compimnet u the most. my problem is i always get server lag at the most crucial point of the fight haha... but u should learn to use all your companions efffectivly in the end its about the game so u shouldnt worry about fighting over and over again there still is no 1.3 patch and most people i know who are already level 50 havent played in months because no content and when they get new content they are so advanced the cut through it quickly so unless u are in a hurry to finish and planning to shut off your account for a long time after should just not worry how long it takes seens as far as what leve to fight at coruscant is supposed to finish at level 16 but ia m level 21 and still havent been off the planet and get my *** kicked reguarly by tarnis but for some reason server lag shoots way up at the end of the fight but my wireless just sucks the engine itself still has a lot of bugs when calculating things it hasnt even been out a year i remember on tython i had to start jumping and jumping to place the sensor lol
  12. i think i am mentally handicapped because i am going to be level 12 still a padawan because i cant get up this stupid bridge who ever designed this for a server game that takes keyboard entries should be beaten with a stick i have gotten almost all the codex entry completed all the other missions but have gone from level 3 to level 10 trying to place this stupid camera
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