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PvP lockout?!?!?!


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So I was queueing for PvP with 3 guildmates. Accepted the queue pop, but didn't get into the match. My guildmates inform me that my spot hasn't been filled and the system is acting as if I am in the match. I tried to leave queue but the system still showed that I was queue for PvP. So I opted to log out. I log back in and the system tells me I left a match early and am locked out for 15 minutes. HOW the F*** DO I GET A LOCKOUT IF I NEVER GOT INTO THE MATCH???? This right here is why the lockout is so SCREWED up and needs to be removed. The system can't tell when it bugs or a disconnect. REMOVE THIS POS SYSTEM THAT WAS IMPLEMENTED NOW!!!! Edited by BallisticKaine
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So I was queueing for PvP with 3 guildmates. Accepted the queue pop, but didn't get into the match. My guildmates inform me that my spot hasn't been filled and the system is acting as if I am in the match. I tried to leave queue but the system still showed that I was queue for PvP. So I opted to log out. I log back in and the system tells me I left a match early and am locked out for 15 minutes. HOW the F*** DO I GET A LOCKOUT IF I NEVER GOT INTO THE MATCH???? This right here is why the lockout is so SCREWED up and needs to be removed. The system can't tell when it bugs or a disconnect. REMOVE THIS POS SYSTEM THAT WAS IMPLEMENTED NOW!!!!


Another example of why the lock out doesn’t work properly enough to be implemented in its current state.

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So I was queueing for PvP with 3 guildmates. Accepted the queue pop, but didn't get into the match. My guildmates inform me that my spot hasn't been filled and the system is acting as if I am in the match. I tried to leave queue but the system still showed that I was queue for PvP. So I opted to log out. I log back in and the system tells me I left a match early and am locked out for 15 minutes. HOW the F*** DO I GET A LOCKOUT IF I NEVER GOT INTO THE MATCH???? This right here is why the lockout is so SCREWED up and needs to be removed. The system can't tell when it bugs or a disconnect. REMOVE THIS POS SYSTEM THAT WAS IMPLEMENTED NOW!!!!


Ive had this happen, it's pretty *********** annoying

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Another example of why the lock out doesn’t work properly enough to be implemented in its current state.


Just don't forget that lock outs were added based on player feedback on these very forusm.. Remember how many complaints there were about how quitters ruin PVP ...


Still don't understand why I have to stay in a game that is just auto loss stomp walk over...


Lock out should be ranked only . For unranked all it does it is create frustration ...

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Just don't forget that lock outs were added based on player feedback on these very forusm.. Remember how many complaints there were about how quitters ruin PVP ...


Still don't understand why I have to stay in a game that is just auto loss stomp walk over...


Lock out should be ranked only . For unranked all it does it is create frustration ...


I do really enjoy how the devs listened to the forums objective-player regstar crowd on literally ONE decision and it's already sucked the life out of regs. Just like... chef's kiss on what the rest of the pvp community has been saying about forum warriors for years. But yeah now they should realize it's disastrous and undo it.

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I do really enjoy how the devs listened to the forums objective-player regstar crowd on literally ONE decision and it's already sucked the life out of regs. Just like... chef's kiss on what the rest of the pvp community has been saying about forum warriors for years. But yeah now they should realize it's disastrous and undo it.


The logic for the lockout is sound. It the implementation of it that’s the problem.


Bioware failed to address the rest of the ideas that went along with the lock out idea and then they made it worse by adding a win only requirement, which is what makes it draconian.


Attacking “forum warriors” ideas as being bad is just wrong when the ideas weren’t bad if they’d been implemented in full. But Bioware doesn’t do that. They cherry pick things without thinking it through or looking at the full spectrum of cause and affect. Don’t blame the players because Bioware don’t understand.


If Bioware had added a way for players to have some map choice it would have alleviated part of the leaving problems.


If Bioware allowed the system to designate connection disconnects as such and not people leaving it would alleviate DC issues.


That includes if the system bugs out and doesn’t put you in a match after accepting. Software is advanced enough to be able to tell if someone declined or accepted and the system bugged out,


You also have an issue that if you stay in the map too long looking at the scoreboard after the match and the system removes you it will give you a 15 minute lock out. I’ve only seen this happen in arena and it’s been reported in ranked too.


Bring back the points system for wins and losses and you add a pressure value for people who get stuck on teams who don’t try to win or have bad luck being placed with unbalanced teams.


Fix the matchmaking so system recognises premades in the queue and in games and tries to sync the premades in the queue better so they are always put against each other before resorting to Premade vs pug teams. That may require slowing down or speeding up pop priorities for some premades to sync them up.


All of these things are possible. It’s not like the engine or the devs are so bad that they can’t work out algorithms and systems to make those changes work. Some of those changes were discussed by players at the same time as the lock was suggested. Others have been suggested since as ways to improve it. Bioware have ignored the lot and that’s why it doesn’t work.


Adding a lock out in its current form while bugged and a win only requirement is just lazy development. Bioware said they were monitoring it, but it’s been 9 months now and they’ve done nothing to address it. That’s not the players fault, it’s Bioware’s.

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Just don't forget that lock outs were added based on player feedback on these very forusm.. Remember how many complaints there were about how quitters ruin PVP ...


Still don't understand why I have to stay in a game that is just auto loss stomp walk over...


Lock out should be ranked only . For unranked all it does it is create frustration ...


It’s attitudes like this is why Bioware added the lock out. If people didn’t just rage quit the first sign they might not win, the lock out wouldn’t be needed,

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It’s attitudes like this is why Bioware added the lock out. If people didn’t just rage quit the first sign they might not win, the lock out wouldn’t be needed,


A lot of people rage quitted because the win-only system made staying a waste of time. We all know when a game is lost. When it was still counting half, we would sit down at our only node and wait for it to end.


The win-only system was added because some people where just there to get their mats and didn't contribute. Who would have thought that not everyone will contribute when "forced" into a game mode they don't want to be in?


BW's efforts to bribe players to do more PVP (and then force them to participate for the whole match) created an environment that incites toxic rants in group chat by PVPers who would have left before the lock out. Losing matches isn't much fun as it is, when you force po'd players to stay in a game they want to leave, I'm out. Don't need to see their rants (or start participating.)


Haven't done any PVP for months. GS brought me back for my daily WZ, but since there are again players who feel "forced" to do PVP, it's only a matter of time until GS also only rewards wins.

Edited by Mubrak
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A lot of people rage quitted because the win-only system made staying a waste of time. We all know when a game is lost. When it was still counting half, we would sit down at our only node and wait for it to end.


The win-only system was added because some people where just there to get their mats and didn't contribute. Who would have thought that not everyone will contribute when "forced" into a game mode they don't want to be in?


BW's efforts to bribe players to do more PVP (and then force them to participate for the whole match) created an environment that incites toxic rants in group chat by PVPers who would have left before the lock out. Losing matches isn't much fun as it is, when you force po'd players to stay in a game they want to leave, I'm out. Don't need to see their rants (or start participating.)


Haven't done any PVP for months. GS brought me back for my daily WZ, but since there are again players who feel "forced" to do PVP, it's only a matter of time until GS also only rewards wins.


But there wasn’t a win only requirement before they added the lock out. So your point about that is moot.


I also don’t disagree that people would leave more under the current system if there wasn’t a lockout in place. I think we all know they would because the win only requirement for regs is a joke.


It’s the way Bioware justify the changes that I take umbrage with. They say they added the win only requirement to make people try and win and not afk or ignore the objects. But we know that’s had no affect to stop the number crunchers ignoring the objectives and we know more people just afk now to avoid the lock out timer. So the whole system is flawed in its current state.


Bioware also said they would look at tweaking the system to get the results they were going for if required. But all we see are posts for 10 months now saying they are monitoring the situation. They’ve not made one tweak except to make it a total legacy lock out instead of character lock out. And they did that within the first month. So for 9 months they’ve done nothing to improve the situation to get the desired out comes they said they were going for.


They won’t even bother testing or trying out some of the things players have suggested both here and on discord. Bioware are being Bioware and just doing the usual nothing to fix a problem they created.


Some suggestions that could be tested and if they dont work, then, fair enough, remove them. But at least try them. Then they can improve on other systems to do with the lock out,


1. Change the win only requirement back to a points system, but with a larger ratio of 4:1

2. Add some sort of map choice mechanic

3. Allow back fillers to leave with no penalty

4. Don’t penalise players who DC.


These changes would make the lock out less arduous because it addresses the most legitimate reasons why people want to leave. And doesn’t give the rage quitters an excuse if they get locked out for leaving losing matches.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Even with the spotty implementation the pvp lockout has improved pvp for the good. Games have been much more competitive even when losing. Happy they made it account wide given how easy it is to run alts.


Happy there is a lockout.

Edited by Diefexor
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Even with the spotty implementation...


To call your statement charitable is an understatement of the highest order. I wouldn't have minded the debuff if it weren't for: class imbalance, premades that don't care about objectives (most that I encounter), class stacking, healer on one team and not the other, tank on one team and not the other, desync, game engine issues, map selection (same 3 maps all too frequently), backfills into games that are already beyond salvage, class imbalance (repeated for emphasis), numbers farmers. PvP is a sort of backwater of the game that the developers just don't care about. At least we know they're monitoring the situation. :rolleyes:

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