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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Its true, it doesn't have to be nice... being nice means nothing when it takes away the truth.


Well, he is blindly assuming everyone here has no MMO experience. Notice how in the post he says his guild uber yet never mentions his personal skill lmao.

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Sorry if i missed this, I skimmed over this thread looking.


Is there any update on what causes this to happen? I have this issue and playing on a friends system earlier today I wasn't getting it at all and i'm trying to find out why.


Not sure if you're then experiencing the issue we're discussing for the past three threads. You problem initially sounds like a system issue relating to lag, to be quite honest.


I would urge you to watch the videos in the OP as well a read the entire OP. Then go ahead and skim through Thread 1-2 and parts of 3 to maybe pinpoint if you're really perceiving the Delay and Responsiveness issue we discuss or if its just a technical problem.




Keep in mind, the issues discussed here are universal to "all" who play the game, its a general issue. There is no-one who isn't affected by it, only people who aren't "perceiving it" (able to perceive it).

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Well, he is blindly assuming everyone here has no MMO experience. Notice how in the post he says his guild uber yet never mentions his personal skill lmao.


I just read his post, it says that he is in a guild of experienced MMO players, many of which have high ranking arena credentials. He then states that they're all experiencing this problem we discuss.


I have no problem with that statement unless I failed to comprehend something or misunderstood.



Edit: If you believe him stating that the other poster is likely too slow to realize this delay/responsiveness issue. Well right, its not necessarily "nice" to point this out but I do wager that is the truth, seeing as how there is some correlation there over the past 3 threads.

Edited by Xcore
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I just read his post, it says that he is in a guild of experienced MMO players, many of which have high ranking arena credentials. He then states that they're all experiencing this problem we discuss.


I have no problem with that statement unless I failed to comprehend something or misunderstood.


He called everyone slow, and everyone includes you.

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First time posting on the forums, I decided to chime in on the subject. The majority of my current "PVP" guild say they dont notice the delay. At first, i thought it might be my rig since it is somewhat outdated(Though able to play "The Witcher 2" on medium/high...). Anyways, I have been complaining about it non stop. Im glad so many other people notice...I play with around 25 ms and have all graphics settings on lowest(Im more about performance than looks).


I played WoW for 6 years or so total, arena seasons s2-s8 on BG9, server blackrock, on alliance side. I played at the highest level possible(2200-2700) and would like to do that with this game. The delay, as of now, is a deal breaker for me. I love the flashpoints, the questing, and character design. I also think there is a lot of unique looking gear. But this delay really pisses me off and makes the game almost unplayable sometimes. And the delay is even worse in pvp....warzones at the moment are off limits for me, because it makes me want to destroy my computer lol. Just my 2 cents.

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He called everyone slow, and everyone includes you.


Did he? I thought he called the other poster who was disputing that there is a delay or responsiveness issue slow?


Also, I have no problem admitting that I must be slower (more likely than not) than a lot of Top PvP Players (Arena Gladiators and High Ranks) as well as (and especially) Professional Gamers.


There is nothing wrong with saying that you're slower than better players... much like saying that you're slower than Professional Runners etc.

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Does any freaking developer not realize this? I mean if you can get your development in order to smooth this one thing out, you are sitting on the biggest cash cow since WoW basically.


Apparently not, Xcore. Because here we are, 1 week later, 400 pages, and, what.. 4000 or more replies in total, multiple videos, and tons of hours of effort by you alone?


And the most we've gotten is, 'Lollers, we're looking into it!'

Edited by Owarida
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Did he? I thought he called the other poster who was disputing that there is a delay or responsiveness issue slow?


Also, I have no problem admitting that I must be slower (more likely than not) than a lot of Top PvP Players (Arena Gladiators and High Ranks) as well as (and especially) Professional Gamers.


There is nothing wrong with saying that you're slower than better players... much like saying that you're slower than Professional Runners etc.


Im simply saying it's counterproductive to be saying "I can honestly say, most of you nay say bunch... well you are slow" which clearly is saying he is superior to everyone when 99% of the posts are agreeing there is a problem present.

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Apparently not, Xcore. Because here we are, 1 week later, 400 pages, and, what.. 4000 or more replies in total, multiple videos, and tons of hours of effort by you alone?


And the most we've gotten is, 'Lollers, we're looking into it!'


Holy s*** it's been a week... this is now even more disappointing (no proper communication). Perhaps this entire thread is a bit too strongly worded, and too many "Hardcore" meanies have joined the discussion. Opinions getting too heated?


I can see Bioware shying away from things like that, they do appear incredibly "casual". I may of course be completely wrong (and I hope I am) but this is my firm perception until something of validity changes it.

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Was looking at the videos on page 1 and noticed you don't have one of a basic test anybody can do and I can duplicate on any computer.


Jump forward and as soon as you land try to cast something.


You will get the cast bar, maybe 1/8 of it filled then a red interrupted with the message "You can't do that while moving" type message. Makes jumping around in PvP a bad idea, especially for a BH healer who has to hard cast to really heal anything.


I'll try to make a video of it if I can - new computer and I haven't downloaded fraps to it yet.

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Im simply saying it's counterproductive to be saying "I can honestly say, most of you nay say bunch... well you are slow" which clearly is saying he is superior to everyone when 99% of the posts are agreeing there is a problem present.


The thing is, I don't necessarily disagree with his statement at all...


"I can honestly say, most of you nay say bunch... well you are slow"


This is the crux, the reason the "nay sayers" are "nay saying". I agree with you completely, it isn't overly (or at all) constructive and certainly not nice... but hey, at some point taking a nice hard, cold splash of water to the face wakes one up. :p

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Holy s*** it's been a week... this is now even more disappointing (no proper communication). Perhaps this entire thread is a bit too strongly worded, and too many "Hardcore" meanies have joined the discussion. Opinions getting too heated?


I can see Bioware shying away from things like that, they do appear incredibly "casual". I may of course be completely wrong (and I hope I am) but this is my firm perception until something of validity changes it.


Nobody really wants to admit to the very real possibility that these issues are core to the engine and because of this they really can't be fixed. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that I'm not. :(

Edited by Rasstavad
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Holy s*** it's been a week... this is now even more disappointing (no proper communication). Perhaps this entire thread is a bit too strongly worded, and too many "Hardcore" meanies have joined the discussion. Opinions getting too heated?


I can see Bioware shying away from things like that, they do appear incredibly "casual". I may of course be completely wrong (and I hope I am) but this is my firm perception until something of validity changes it.


Too damn bad. They knew the kind of people that would be flocking here from WoW.


They knew that ANY genre of game without darn near perfect control responsiveness is unacceptable and they released it anyway.


They expect the people that desire the most basic function of ANY game(responsiveness) to continue to give them money. This is not some itty-bitty issue. It pertains to all classes and all specs in every place that you can cast an ability in the entire game.



Edited by Owarida
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Not sure if you're then experiencing the issue we're discussing for the past three threads. You problem initially sounds like a system issue relating to lag, to be quite honest.


I would urge you to watch the videos in the OP as well a read the entire OP. Then go ahead and skim through Thread 1-2 and parts of 3 to maybe pinpoint if you're really perceiving the Delay and Responsiveness issue we discuss or if its just a technical problem.




Keep in mind, the issues discussed here are universal to "all" who play the game, its a general issue. There is no-one who isn't affected by it, only people who aren't "perceiving it" (able to perceive it).




I think his issue and a little extra from me could explain why not many people see the issue. I play on an admittedly ****** box, where any delay could and probably should be attributed to lag.


I played on a brand new system over Christmas, top specs, really nice, great connection, and the problem jumps the **** out at you. When you are playing on a high end system, you don't expect any lag video or otherwise, so when you see the ability lag you recognize it for what it is.


'Hardcore' players tend to play on nicer systems, and so can spot the problem and put a name to it. 'Casuals' aka most other people play on ****** to mid tier systems, and even if they noticed the ability delay, would just attribute it to video/network lag.


Once you notice it of course its everywhere, anytime you cast a spell, you see your cast bar fill to the end, you have hit the button again to chain cast, and nothing happens, .5 secs later green numbers pop up and you look down and your next ability didn't even register.


I ended up setting my ability que to a full 1 sec to try and work around the issue, and if you plan out a few casts ahead you can sort of work around it, but you still get casts never being registered, spells being interrupted by the previous spells animations. I have been able to fairly regularly use the force bending glitch for SI like this.(Funny story I was talking about the glitch in general with another SI, and someone else came into the conversation and told us we would get banned for 'exploiting a glitch')

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Apparently not, Xcore. Because here we are, 1 week later, 400 pages, and, what.. 4000 or more replies in total, multiple videos, and tons of hours of effort by you alone?


And the most we've gotten is, 'Lollers, we're looking into it!'


The difference is that this game actually had potential. Go watch some GW2 trailers. They all say, "we noticed that all WoW's competitors were failing because the gameplay just didn't feel polished. The games were sometimes really cool conceptually, but they just didn't have that streamlined feeling to the gameplay. We feel Guild Wars 2 solves those issues."


They are literally making a game based on the failure of games like Rift, Aion, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, etc. I played Rift to like, level 15, played a battleground and immediately uninstalled it. I never went to their forums, I never did any of that stuff.




1) The problem is universal and it does exist to a serious enough extent that the game is unplayable from a competitive standpoint.


2) Nobody would be posting here if they didn't want to like the game.


3) This game is going to die just like every other game with the same problem did if it doesn't find some miracle to repair the terrible coding.


4) If you disagree with 1-3, you're basically a stupid, worthless person whose opinion is severely discredited by the fact that your brain is apparently constantly losing 2-3 seconds of your time.

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In the end though, no matter what any of us do... we'll all be playing Titan because Blizzard "is" that good. <-- FACT... (just to annoy)


Yeah, that is probably so. I bet GC and the lot of them are laughing their heads off right now.


Its like a bad marriage none of us can get away from.

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The difference is that this game actually had potential. Go watch some GW2 trailers. They all say, "we noticed that all WoW's competitors were failing because the gameplay just didn't feel polished. The games were sometimes really cool conceptually, but they just didn't have that streamlined feeling to the gameplay. We feel Guild Wars 2 solves those issues."


They are literally making a game based on the failure of games like Rift, Aion, Age of Conan, Lord of the Rings Online, etc. I played Rift to like, level 15, played a battleground and immediately uninstalled it. I never went to their forums, I never did any of that stuff.




1) The problem is universal and it does exist to a serious enough extent that the game is unplayable from a competitive standpoint.


2) Nobody would be posting here if they didn't want to like the game.


3) This game is going to die just like every other game with the same problem did if it doesn't find some miracle to repair the terrible coding.


4) If you disagree with 1-3, you're basically a stupid, worthless person whose opinion is severely discredited by the fact that your brain is apparently constantly losing 2-3 seconds of your time.


I.. agree with you??


Not sure if I'm being flamed here or not. =(


I even made a video(in Xcore's OP) because I am highly frustrated.

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Nobody really wants to admit to the very real possibility that these issues are core to the engine and because of this they really can't be fixed. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but I have a feeling that I'm not. :(


If that is the case, then this would be a blunder of astronomical proportions. But it is just code afterall, so there HAS to be a way to change it. If man coded it, man can rewrite it. Let's hope.

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I.. agree with you??


Not sure if I'm being flamed here or not. =(


I even made a video(in Xcore's OP) because I am highly frustrated.

The facts part was really just to everyone, the first part about GW2 was just conversational. I just amazes me how many terrible people play games like this and actually have their opinions heard by the developers.

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If that is the case, then this would be a blunder of astronomical proportions. But it is just code afterall, so there HAS to be a way to change it. If man coded it, man can rewrite it. Let's hope.


Well, if it IS fixable, it's seeming more and more likely that it will take quite some time to fix.


No response for a good while now from BW. If it were easy, they would have told us(I think?) just to quell what is occuring here. They haven't.

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If that is the case, then this would be a blunder of astronomical proportions. But it is just code afterall, so there HAS to be a way to change it. If man coded it, man can rewrite it. Let's hope.


The problem there is that they didn't write this code, they licensed it from another company and who knows if they even have permission to edit it... Of course that's severely underestimating EA's legal department, but stupider things have happened.

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