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Scoundrels/Operatives ridculously OP.


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So after doing my daily for 3 wins took 4 hours and I saw one other IA and like me he was a healer. It was all Hutt ball so didn't see any cowboy aka smugglers.


One match the field was 70% Sorc/Assassin


I have a feeling people are getting own because its a rare spec. People just don't know what to do vs them is my guess. I mean how many Lethality IAs have you seen running around. I still don't think I've seen one.


Got to say this again as a healer I fear range Merc/Commandos way way more then melee IA/Smugglers. That stacking debuff they do get nasty and if I don't have some way to LoS them they melt me.


Escape or Shield prob gives me breathing room with the stealthers then I run across the map to friends with HoTs ticking on me.


PVP is team base they going to look for the target that alone or in a weak state use tactics vs them. Most IA dps are not picking there targets at random I know I wont :)

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Usually don't post on these threads but I'll add in to the call, operatives and scoundrels need their damage adjusted or their defense dropped substantially more or further restrictions put on stealth. They have it far too easy now. This is a mmorpg, not a shooter. No class should be able to one-two shot kill anyone at full health of equal level.


From the amount of hysteria they are causing on the forums it's easy to tell that this imbalance is costing Bioware subscriptions.


Nerf them and soon.

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Um no.


You can either:


A: trinket the first knockdown and immediately run or use one of your CC's


or B: put points into the talent that makes people get CC'd for breaking your shield.


Either way you have more than a fighting chance against any Scoundrel/Operative and even one who Vanishes and reopens on you.


Fail! Operative's 3 second knockdown cannot be broken. Therefore, cannot use CC break or run. After getting knockdown/hit for 5-6K, they hit at least for two more times while I'm still down on the ground, and by then I'm dead before I can even react. Oh, and nevermind, that Operatives/Scoundrels don't even have to be right next to you to hit as their attack has good range. If you read my post, I am playing a pure healing spec, so you're suggestion is for me to change my spec to full dps spec or even hybrid. You're either a pure healing spec, or become a mediocre one if you're a hybrid. Again, fail. What points into the skill that makes people get CC'd for breaking shield are you referring to? I'm not the only one having problems, if you read the entirety of this thread, plenty of other dps and tanking specs are being overpowered easily, and not by gear or level. Have you even seen the videos that were posted? That's proof enough, even though we don't have a combat log to back it up. Operative/Scoundrels attack sequence: stealth, unstealth, knockdown, kill opposing team, immediately stealth, move onto next target, rinse/repeat. All in a matter of seconds.


Nevermind that the Operative/Soundrel can steal so soon. Stun you again after 8 seconds. I understand that they're a rogue class. Even if the Operative/Soundrel stealths and attacks again, you fail to mention they get to initiate the fight, (stun you again after 8 seconds) all the while their health is full and mine has been obliterated. It's just no contest. Might as well make an "I win" icon for them to press.

Edited by UnimatrixSteel
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I like this comment.


Any class played properly all of a sudden makes then Overpowered.

I've only noticed that Sorcerers deal a lot of dmg and have that annoying heal, but that's how they are made :D


Look, a sorcerer doesn't take down a heavy armor character in 7 seconds flat.

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Look, the operative/scoundral has to give something up. Either they lose their in combat cloak or their knock down stun when they come out of cloak with their back stab. being able to murder somebody an get away with it more often than not, should not be the case. Saw 2 lvl 50 operatives hold off 6 people cause they murdered 4 and the healers were all that was left.
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Fail! Operative's 3 second knockdown cannot be broken. Therefore, cannot use CC break or run. After getting knockdown/hit for 5-6K, they hit at least for two more times while I'm still down on the ground, and by then I'm dead before I can even react. Oh, and nevermind, that Operatives/Scoundrels don't even have to be right next to you to hit as their attack has good range. If you read my post, I am playing a pure healing spec, so you're suggestion is for me to change my spec to full dps spec or even hybrid. You're either a pure healing spec, or become a mediocre one if you're a hybrid. Again, fail. What points into the skill that makes people get CC'd for breaking shield are you referring to? I'm not the only one having problems, if you read the entirety of this thread, plenty of other dps and tanking specs are being overpowered easily, and not by gear or level. Have you even seen the videos that were posted? That's proof enough, even though we don't have a combat log to back it up. Operative/Scoundrels attack sequence: stealth, unstealth, knockdown, kill opposing team, immediately stealth, move onto next target, rinse/repeat. All in a matter of seconds.


actually you can break their knockdown, but direcly after you press your 2 min cd ccbreak they use their next cc, debilitate/dirty kick and they still kill you. but hea thats alos a cd ability, 45 sec cd.

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Fail! Operative's 3 second knockdown cannot be broken


Actually it can. I trinketed a hidden strike and knocked the guy off my ledge into our pit on my lvl 18 Mercenary.


They have low mitigation, no gap closer and 95% dps comes from melee range, you figure it out lol


Also, got 247k damage done as a lvl20 Mercenary in my final bg for the night. You people just suck tbh.

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actually you can break their knockdown, but direcly after you press your 2 min cd ccbreak they use their next cc, debilitate/dirty kick and they still kill you. but hea thats alos a cd ability, 45 sec cd.


Hidden Strike knockdown is full resolve, immune to stun for 8 seconds after it, just fyi. I've used it on hundreds of players, bar goes to full every time and debilitate does nothing.

Edited by staysa
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Hum I don't know if they are OP. They are often stealthed and usually as a fresh 50 powertech it's either:

- Fresh operative: dot the hell out off him and kite as much as possible. 30/70 survival chance

- Geared operative / scoundrels: they burn my HPs with their opening (chain crit 3k5). I am often like: ":eek: wth just killed me"?


I still prefer to face one of those one trick glass canons than faceroll commandos that can chain 2k5 dmg / heal themselves while killing everything around them.


In the hand out of my 3 toons: powertech, sorcerer and assassin, I feell gimped as Powertech, OK as Assassin and OP as Sorcerer. Sorc is best pvp class imo. Powertech is worst as far as I know.

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Look, the operative/scoundral has to give something up. Either they lose their in combat cloak or their knock down stun when they come out of cloak with their back stab. being able to murder somebody an get away with it more often than not, should not be the case. Saw 2 lvl 50 operatives hold off 6 people cause they murdered 4 and the healers were all that was left.


How about you dont ask for nerfs that hit us healers because 2 50s took out 4 low levels.


My girlfriend(Jug tank) and me healing with guard on has held a node for 7mins vs over half a team. Trying to prove your point with low levels is silly.


2 50 OPs can not take on 4 50s one of which has you stated a healer.

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I see more Operatives on my server than BHs. Meh.


Just a hour ago I watched from my defense point on Alderaan how one of our Scoundrels simply obliterated two enemies, with their HP bars going down in 20-25% chunks.


I felt pity for them.


And I feel pity for Operatives, for their nerf is inevitable. It's irrelevant, whether its a deserved nerf or not. Their time to kill is faster than a time to kill of Witch Elves at the height of their dominance in WAR and the playerbase will scream murder until it's changed.

Rofl, you can't be serious.. I had a 55 renown WE before they got nerfed and no class in any mmo I've played killed faster than my WE. WE needed a few tweaks but Mythic ended up completely gutting them. Then they buffed them up a bit to make the class bearable again. During the WEs supreme reign, no class in any MMO could kill as fast as a WE. Scoundrels/OPs are no where near what WEs were pre-nerf, so stop lying. I got my WE to RR 80 before quitting Warhammer too. Scoundrels/OPs are fine, buff stacking needs to get nerfed and power needs a hard cap, that's it. Nothing else needs to happen to any classes in this game. I don't even think Sorcs/Sages need to be nerfed, no class does. Until Bioware fixes buff stacking and puts a hard cap on power, classes shouldn't be changed.

Edited by Chaos_Distortion
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I used to agree. Then I killed a 50 mercenary as a lvl19 mercenary in huttball. People really are just that bad.


You have I point I can kill level 50s on my 28 baby BH but that's not the class, player skill means a lot in pvp

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Just to throw my 2 cents in here.


As a vanguard tank, I literally laugh in the face of operatives. Every time I see one I get a big grin on my face cause I know I can easily take them. Toss out a stealth scan to reveal them, charge up and use gut so the bleed damage keeps them out of stealth, and a few whacks later they are dead. Besides a bubble-less sorc, they are the easiest class for me to take down. Even if the get the drop on me with their annoying knockdown, they usually only knock down about 1/3 of my health before I annihilate them. Maybe they just don't know how to play their class, but I've never met an operative who beat me in a 1v1 or even 2v1, at least since level 50.


On Ilum the other day in a 3v1 I took out an Imp and 2 companions before I went down. Today I was playing Alderaan WZ and was alone at the center turret when a Jugg and a Merc charged up. I finished them both off with 75% HP remaining.


My point is, any class that has PvP gear is OP compared to one that doesn't, we don't need to nerf them. I'd say sorc/sage bubble or jugg/vanguard hold the line is much more OP, especially in Warzones.


I realize there are 103 pages of people disagreeing with me, but I prefer to see the benefits of my own class and enjoy the game. If it's really that gamebreaking, it's not hard to re-roll (you don't lose your current characters or anything). The great thing about this game is that each class has a different story, and there are enough bonus quests to do a different progression on a few different characters. I know I for one would look forward to seeing more Operatives :)

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actually you can break their knockdown, but direcly after you press your 2 min cd ccbreak they use their next cc, debilitate/dirty kick and they still kill you. but hea thats alos a cd ability, 45 sec cd.


Shoot, well that explains it. So, really still no chance. Yes, I've used my CC break and no wonder I still couldnt react.

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Another failure who's never even played against an operative, yet is here crying about it.


What's with the name calling? I only see you crying :( All I notice, is you operatives trying to counter what everyone else, including me, is saying is a fact. Yes, I can see what class you are by your post history. Operative.


Not only that, every thread that says Op is OP, is countered by the same people. Not surprising. Try to be part of the discussion instead of being demeaning because you have added absolutely nothing to the discussion.

Edited by UnimatrixSteel
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You have I point I can kill level 50s on my 28 baby BH but that's not the class, player skill means a lot in pvp


No argument, just pointing out that people can be so inept that their "shenanigans" are actually truth, of a sort.


Its like saying you once murdered 10 people with just a pocket knife in 5 minutes but neglecting to mention you went to a retirement home to do it.

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All I notice, is you operatives trying to counter what everyone else, including me, is saying is a fact. Yes, I can see what class you are by your post history. Operative.


Not only that, every thread that says Op is OP, is countered by the same people. Not surprising.


Or it must be that you people suck.

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actually you can break their knockdown, but direcly after you press your 2 min cd ccbreak they use their next cc, debilitate/dirty kick and they still kill you. but hea thats alos a cd ability, 45 sec cd.


Right because the knockdown doesn't turn your resolve bar full white making you completely immune to cc until it empties........... Oh wait.

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If getting facerolled + triple shanked to <30% health by operatives was a once-in-a-blue-moon ordeal, I might accept that, even though it never happens in a 1v1 with any other class.


Of course, it's not a once in a blue moon ordeal, and I find it hard to believe that every concealment operative out there just happens to be a skilled PvPer, while all those other players who chose other classes just, for some weird reason, aren't as good.


I don't think everyone who chooses OP/Scoundrel is great, but most of the people who stick with them all the way to 50 are. They have a hard learning curve. You level up the first 10 levels as a character that uses cover and ranged attacks and as soon as you get used to that playstyle your cover is useless and you are primarily a melee class.


You then learn that all your greatest melee skills rely on conditions like upper hand or being behind your targets. Oh and you still need to know your 10m and 30m abilities and know how to properly mix them into combat because the ones that don't require cover are still useful. You simply cannot reach your full potential if you forget your flash and thermal grenades, quick shot, or vital shot.


The scoundrel when played as DPS is honestly the most difficult AC in the game to play IMO. The ability to slaughter glass cannons almost instantly IF you get crits doesn't change that.


And as soon as biochem gets nerfed that won't even be such a huge concern anymore.

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