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Protest to fix Hutt Ball


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Yes, I would rather have 2 hour plus wait times. I am not joking.


It should be my prerogative whether or not to wait, and I'd be willing to do some serious waiting if it meant no more hutt ball.


Then quit and re sign up. If you dont mind the wait then im sure you wont mind doing that for 2 hours.


I'll continue to get my commendations and gear up while you cry that you dont like playing a different PvP arena.


I personally prefer huttball, its a new idea... it has new mechanics. It has extremely hazardous terrain and the multi platform sections literally turn it into a 3d environment where you not only have to look around at eye level... you have to look up and down too.


Besides, I just love the chance to fight against my own faction as well to see how I do against my own classes rather than just the mirrored versions.

Edited by Areoss
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In all honesty, I am all for being able to que for specific warzones, or all 3 or whatever. But there should be a tag that is put on your account, so that when you opt out of hutball, the wz that makes your que times tiny, you are no longer allowed to complain on the forums, in general or even in say about long que times. Even if you turn the hutball que back on. :p


If you make a choice and know the ramifications of that choice you should no longer have the option to complain about the results of that choice.

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Yes, I would rather have 2 hour plus wait times. I am not joking.


It should be my prerogative whether or not to wait, and I'd be willing to do some serious waiting if it meant no more hutt ball.


No one is expressly against being able to pick what WZ you want to compete in. They're against your rediculous idea that making your teamates suffer in Huttball will accomplish anything other than ruining your own Rep on your Server (this game has no cross queues so have fun with that).


Hopefully they just report you and you get a couple of suspensions for your selfish actions in-game.

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So you rather punish others because your needs are not meet, even though you CHOSE to be empire, and want to remain empire but soley wish to punish others for picking empire.


I'm sorry I rather have the Option to gain points with my firends and then have a gaming company cater to an individual who is to self rightious to be apart of any solutions.


Forcing people to play hutt ball so you can fulfill your own needs is kind of selfish as well. You don't get to point your finger at me as if I'm the problem here. Bioware needs to fix this, so everyone can have fun.

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Yes, I would rather have 2 hour plus wait times. I am not joking.


It should be my prerogative whether or not to wait, and I'd be willing to do some serious waiting if it meant no more hutt ball.



Then don't queue at all. You would definitely be doing some serious waiting for the queue to pop and I can guarantee you that you won't get Huttball. Problem solved.


In all honesty, I am all for being able to que for specific warzones, or all 3 or whatever. But there should be a tag that is put on your account, so that when you opt out of hutball, the wz that makes your que times tiny, you are no longer allowed to complain on the forums, in general or even in say about long que times. Even if you turn the hutball que back on. :p


If you make a choice and know the ramifications of that choice you should no longer have the option to complain about the results of that choice.


I'm against being able to queue for something specifically, however I would consider it under the following conditions:


1) If you choose to queue for a specific warzone, you cannot choose to queue for that one again until you queue for the others first.

2) You can't just join the match and leave immediately when it's the one you don't "want" - you have to finish the game.


That way, the same problem doesn't happen in reverse. The worst thing that will happen is that servers go from too much Huttball to no Huttball. That's just as bad.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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That's a pretty good solution man. I'm going to abandon my level 50 Assassin and quit my guild just so I don't have to do huttball as much. I mean damn, we should have done more research into the population of that server we didn't know the name of until a few days before early access. Somehow we should have known the ratio of empire to republic before anyone was playing the game.


Totally our fault that this happened. I'll pass the news on to the guild immediately, I'm sure they all want to reroll.


me and about 20 other people that are friends/guildees all rerolled republic after being 20-40, it was way worth it


edit: lets be honest, are u guys really willing to sit in a 2hour queue just to get something other then huttball instead of just rerolling? if so youre retarded

Edited by Dietyz
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me and about 20 other people that are friends/guildees all rerolled republic after being 20-40, it was way worth it


edit: lets be honest, are u guys really willing to sit in a 2hour queue just to get something other then huttball instead of just rerolling? if so youre retarded


Absolutely willing to wait up to 2 hours or longer. Try playing 100 hutt balls in a row, and see how willing you would be.

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So your idea to get what you want form Bioware is to throw a Tantrum?


I don't see a tantrum here. Is that some kind of spider or is it a man of straw?


I am only asking others to help pressure the developers to solve this issue. It is game breaking for pvp'ers, and most of you act as if you're more than happy to change factions. I don't believe so many of you are actually changing factions - just spreading republic propaganda or something.

Edited by meelays
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Absolutely willing to wait up to 2 hours or longer. Try playing 100 hutt balls in a row, and see how willing you would be.


I did. And then I rerolled


you should do the same because i assure you its gonna be the same for atleast 2 months

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I did. And then I rerolled


you should do the same because i assure you its gonna be the same for atleast 2 months


Not rerolling, and I seriously doubt you and 20 something guild members did. Stop spreading your republic propaganda.

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Forcing people to play hutt ball so you can fulfill your own needs is kind of selfish as well. You don't get to point your finger at me as if I'm the problem here. Bioware needs to fix this, so everyone can have fun.


Player created problems have player created answers. BW has nothing to do with the popularity of Sith Empire that has been extremelly popular since the mid/late 1970s.


You are choosing to punish others and expexting to be rewarded by trying to entice mass hysteria and promote exploits to get what YOU want and while trying to have others follow you. So yes I am pointing my finger at you.


No one is being FORCED to play Huttball, people have the option to queue for PvP or not. When they queue for PvP and depending on that server's faction popularity you should be already aware that Huttball may come up more, typically this is common knowledge.


Yes, my needs are selfish, but only to you currently because you feel that you are more important the the rest of the subscriptions, and are demanding BW to hold your hand and cater to only you, and you want an army to back you up, you have yet to give suggestions and ideas on how to make the situation better for others, just only better for you.


Actually no, BW can do one thing, which I'm sure is already in the works, Cross-Server WZ after they add in more WZ... but that would require you to wait, and you seem to have a small issue with waiting and are demanding results for your needs right now.

Edited by RangKer
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How bout I just afk through every hutt ball until they fix it? I'm not changing factions just so I can play other warzones - that's a terrible solution.


How bout they just let you queue for different warzones? To hell with the wait.


When every other warzone is faction based, thats your only solution deal with it.

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Absolutely willing to wait up to 2 hours or longer. Try playing 100 hutt balls in a row, and see how willing you would be.


I've played Hutball around 150 times in a row. I deal with it, and so do half the other people on Ebon Hawk. I'm still not sick of Hutball. I really wanna play more Voidstar, though... But Hutball is still VERY fun

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Not rerolling, and I seriously doubt you and 20 something guild members did. Stop spreading your republic propaganda.


My friend convinced his whole rift guild to reroll with him, its not a lie... I could care less about your queue times if you arent willing to reroll then you don't deserve ****


Im just letting you know you can either rerolll or chill in your 24/7 huttball only faction because its not gonna change for months

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Player created problems have player created answers. BW has nothing to do with the popularity of Sith Empire that has been extremelly popular since the mid/late 1970s.


You are choosing to punish others and expexting to be rewarded by trying to entice mass hysteria and promote exploits to get what YOU want and while trying to have others follow you. So yes I am pointing my finger at you.


No one is being FORCED to play Huttball, people have the option to queue for PvP or not. When they queue for PvP and depending on that server's faction popularity you should be already aware that Huttball may come up more, typically this is common knowledge.


Yes, my needs are selfish, but only to you currently because you feel that you are more important the the rest of the subscriptions, and are demanding BW to hold your hand and cater to only you, and you want an army to back you up, you have yet to give suggestions and ideas on how to make the situation better for others, just only you.


Nope, it goes both ways. If I'm selfish for wanting to queue into something else, you're selfish for wanting me to keep playing hutt ball so that you can avoid long queue times and earn your pvp gear sooner. Your experience in this game matters to me about as much as my experience matters to you. None at all.

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Player created problems have player created answers. BW has nothing to do with the popularity of Sith Empire that has been extremelly popular since the mid/late 1970s.


You are choosing to punish others and expexting to be rewarded by trying to entice mass hysteria and promote exploits to get what YOU want and while trying to have others follow you. So yes I am pointing my finger at you.


No one is being FORCED to play Huttball, people have the option to queue for PvP or not. When they queue for PvP and depending on that server's faction popularity you should be already aware that Huttball may come up more, typically this is common knowledge.


Yes, my needs are selfish, but only to you currently because you feel that you are more important the the rest of the subscriptions, and are demanding BW to hold your hand and cater to only you, and you want an army to back you up, you have yet to give suggestions and ideas on how to make the situation better for others, just only better for you.


Actually no, BW can do one thing, which I'm sure is already in the works, Cross-Server WZ after they add in more WZ... but that would require you to wait, and you seem to have a small issue with waiting and are demanding results for your needs right now.



I agree with all of your points but cross server warzones are not going to fix the issue, it is explained with simple math and a larger pool does not fix a bias if your whole pool is biased. Gladly Bioware realizes this and will not implement cross server warzones.

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Nope, it goes both ways. If I'm selfish for wanting to queue into something else, you're selfish for wanting me to keep playing hutt ball so that you can avoid long queue times and earn your pvp gear sooner. Your experience in this game matters to me about as much as my experience matters to you. None at all.


Actually wrong, I queue for PvP because I enjoy PvP, the fight, the kill or be killed, care less about the digital materialism. If I had my way I would make Armor and Weapons purely cosmetic, no stats at all, allow skill be the defining factor not gear, not this carebear pillow fight over gear.


Also, I never said that I wanted you to keep playing Huttball, or anything remotely close to it, I stated that it is common knowledge that if your server is heavier on Sith(or)Repub you should've already known that one WZ: mainly Huttball will pop up more then the others, this has been MMO Common Knowledge for over 15years, as well no one is forcing you to play Huttball when you PvP; you are just refusing to realize that when you Queue for PvP your server's imbalance may come into effect.

Edited by RangKer
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Actually wrong, I queue for PvP because I enjoy PvP, the fight, the kill or be killed, care less about the digital materialism. If I had my way I would make Armor and Weapons purely cosmetic, no stats at all, allow skill be the defining factor not gear, not this carebear pillow fight over gear.


Also, I never said that I wnated you to keep playing Huttball, or anything remotely close to it, I stated that it is common knowledge that if your server is heavier on Sith(or)Repub you should've already known that one WZ: mainly Huttball will pop up more then the others.


It only becomes common knowledge after you play the first couple dozen hutt balls and realize something is very wrong. Yes, you did say you want me to keep playing hutt ball so that you can avoid the queue times and have fun with your friends. In fact, you called me self righteous for wanting a choice to queue into something else.

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Nope, it goes both ways. If I'm selfish for wanting to queue into something else, you're selfish for wanting me to keep playing hutt ball so that you can avoid long queue times and earn your pvp gear sooner. Your experience in this game matters to me about as much as my experience matters to you. None at all.


No one wants to keep you playing Huttball. That is your choice, because that is the only choice available given the faction population of your server. You're reading too much into it and forget, or don't know, how programming works on a game of such scale.


You and about 50 other posts have already mentioned the issue of Huttball. Another post in another day isn't going to change things any sooner. It will be several months, if not longer for them to implement anything to your potential liking.


So here are your current options:


1) Roll Republic and don't get as many Huttball queues.

2) Don't queue for PvP.

3) Queue for PvP and risk high chance of getting Huttball.


That is all you get until BW has time to add more same-faction warzones and/or the ability to chose which warzone you want to queue up for.


Now if and when they add that ability, I better not hear you cry about the long queue times.

Edited by Lazorous
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There is no reason for it to take several months to allow a choice to queue into something specific. From what I've read, they were aware of this problem a long time ago during beta. Of course I didn't know about it myself because I was only included in the big beta weekend. At the very least, I expect to know if and when this will be solved. And where are you getting several months? Is there a dev post or something? Sorry, I'd search for it, but I can't search for anything.
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It only becomes common knowledge after you play the first couple dozen hutt balls and realize something is very wrong. Yes, you did say you want me to keep playing hutt ball so that you can avoid the queue times and have fun with your friends. In fact, you called me self righteous for wanting a choice to queue into something else.


So here you go, all of what I have said to you.


Originally Posted by RangKer

So you rather punish others because your needs are not meet, even though you CHOSE to be empire, and want to remain empire but soley wish to punish others for picking empire.


I'm sorry I rather have the Option to gain points with my firends and then have a gaming company cater to an individual who is to self rightious to be apart of any solutions.


Player created problems have player created answers. BW has nothing to do with the popularity of Sith Empire that has been extremelly popular since the mid/late 1970s.


You are choosing to punish others and expexting to be rewarded by trying to entice mass hysteria and promote exploits to get what YOU want and while trying to have others follow you. So yes I am pointing my finger at you.


No one is being FORCED to play Huttball, people have the option to queue for PvP or not. When they queue for PvP and depending on that server's faction popularity you should be already aware that Huttball may come up more, typically this is common knowledge.


Yes, my needs are selfish, but only to you currently because you feel that you are more important the the rest of the subscriptions, and are demanding BW to hold your hand and cater to only you, and you want an army to back you up, you have yet to give suggestions and ideas on how to make the situation better for others, just only better for you.


Actually no, BW can do one thing, which I'm sure is already in the works, Cross-Server WZ after they add in more WZ... but that would require you to wait, and you seem to have a small issue with waiting and are demanding results for your needs right now.


Not once did I state or say I wanted you to play Huttball, or call you self righteous for wanting to queue for anything esle.

I have, how ever stated, that you are not creating any solutions for everyone, you are only looking to have your own needs and wants fullfilled and demanding BW to cater to only you, because you are more important the the other subscribers.

Edited by RangKer
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They will only be releasing bug patches and content patches (new flashpoints) for atleast the next 2-3 months


They arent just gonna put all their current projects on the backburner just because everyone decided this game is ~empire or quit~

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I'm sorry I rather have the Option to gain points with my firends and then have a gaming company cater to an individual who is to self rightious to be apart of any solutions..


Whatever, you even underlined it.

Edited by meelays
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Whatever, you even underlined it.


Apparently all you been seeing and only reading is "you must only play only huttball" because of your level of frustration seems astounding.


I feel you need to take a break from the internet, MMOs, and probably just sit back and read a book or take a nap (would say go outside but it damn cold out there), in general just relax for a few days.

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