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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Protest to fix Hutt Ball


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This is not broken. Its due to the population of each faction...



More empire = more huttball since it can be the same faction vs each other. Which allows for faster PvP Queue times.


Swap faction and you'll see the lack of huttball. :)

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This is not broken. Its due to the population of each faction...



More empire = more huttball since it can be the same faction vs each other. Which allows for faster PvP Queue times.


Swap faction and you'll see the lack of huttball. :)


How bout I just afk through every hutt ball until they fix it? I'm not changing factions just so I can play other warzones - that's a terrible solution.


How bout they just let you queue for different warzones? To hell with the wait.

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How bout I just afk through every hutt ball until they fix it? I'm not changing factions just so I can play other warzones - that's a terrible solution.


How bout they just let you queue for different warzones? To hell with the wait.


How about not making the same thread that's been made 100 times before and just waiting for it to be fixed?? Do you guys even read the forums before you make the 100th thread that's already been brought up?

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Well tough. There exists no such thing as a person clicking a button that gives you what you want.


It needs to be brought up at Bioware, discussed, agreed on, signed off, coded, put into a patch, released as a patch, as well as all the other stuff you guys are QQing for so that there isnt' a patch every day of the frigging year but rather 1 that addresses multiple issues.


It's kids crying I want it and I want it now then a minute later another kid crying I want it, I want it now, then a minute later another thread from another kid crying I want it now I want it now that is everything wrong with gamers these days.

Edited by Sejia
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I would really like to play Hutball sometime. I have played about 100 WZ matches and have yet to get a hutball from q instead I get the fing doors one 90% of the. Its anoying I am giving up on pvp because it is pointless if I cant get an even q.
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I would really like to play Hutball sometime. I have played about 100 WZ matches and have yet to get a hutball from q instead I get the fing doors one 90% of the. Its anoying I am giving up on pvp because it is pointless if I cant get an even q.


I would love to play the doors one. Lets broaden this to make it the occupy warzone movement.

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holy crap you bads will complain about anything. as someone said on the first page of this post, stop being a spoiled brat.


play the game, it will get better as time goes on! the game hasn't even been out for 2 weeks yet!!


if you don't like it, stop queueing for wz and go open pvp like real men.


complain complain complain...have some gd patience, like an adult.

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You realise the reason this problem exists is due to there being more numbers on the empire side and this being the only BG that you can play against your own faction? In fact this BG was only put into the game with the ability to face your own faction to counter the queues we would have if one faction had a lot more players than the other. Without this BG you would be queueing all evening.


If you weren't playing on a realm with more Empire than Republic and weren't playing Empire you would not have this issue.


I wanted to play Empire on this game but paid attention to what others were rolling as this was obviously going to be an issue if there was a majority rolling a particular faction. All polls pre-release suggested that servers would be Empire heavy and when the game came out logging into realms as both faction and performing "who" checks showed there were a lot more Empire than Republic.


It is for this reason I decided to re-roll Republic at level 14. I would recommend either doing more check on populations before rolling a char or if you have already got a char I would recommend re-rolling Republic.


It may not be the news you wanted to hear but this is the way to fix your issue.

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That's a pretty good solution man. I'm going to abandon my level 50 Assassin and quit my guild just so I don't have to do huttball as much. I mean damn, we should have done more research into the population of that server we didn't know the name of until a few days before early access. Somehow we should have known the ratio of empire to republic before anyone was playing the game.


Totally our fault that this happened. I'll pass the news on to the guild immediately, I'm sure they all want to reroll.

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Squeaky wheel gets the grease. If we get enough people to afk through it, maybe they'll fix it sooner.


No, they'll put in a system not letting you queue for 15 minutes if you afk... if they use a similar system to their death system, repeated AFKs may get you 30, 45, or longer waits.


And huttball is hardly broken. Do you know what you'd get without huttball? 1, 2, maybe 3 hour queues- every time you get huttball is time you'd instead be in a queue... get 5 in a row, you might instead have been in queue for an hour or two... but rather than that, got 5 matches of pvp.


You'd rather wait then pvp, well, tough- they decided they wanted people to pvp over waiting. But if you desire the wait, I hear WoW can still get up to 3 hour waits on some battlegrounds, enjoy.

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That's a pretty good solution man. I'm going to abandon my level 50 Assassin and quit my guild just so I don't have to do huttball as much. I mean damn, we should have done more research into the population of that server we didn't know the name of until a few days before early access. Somehow we should have known the ratio of empire to republic before anyone was playing the game.


Totally our fault that this happened. I'll pass the news on to the guild immediately, I'm sure they all want to reroll.


So, what, you're going to say it's BW's fault that more people want to be Empire than Republic? What do you want, that they forced people to play on the other faction?


Nothing they can really do, they even made the classes mirrors so there's really no one side being better- this is just a matter of more people wanted to be imperial than republic....

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