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Some Love for Bounty Week


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It has been a while since I played this event, and I am remembering why. It feels really tedious an overly gated and progression locked compared to other events.


Currently at most a character can only do one bounty and one kingpin (assuming they paid to unlock them) a day. This will gain you 2 Bounty Contract currency items. Compared to item prices, this seems very low.


When the event first launched it was possible to do every bounty every day. It would be nice if that was brought back. King pin Bounties should also be worth 5 Contracts for completion since you can only do one per day, and each planet is locked to once per week.


Adding in quick travel passes to the planetary contact would also be helpful in making these feel a little less like all you are doing is running around.


The pass for the final turn in in fleet should also place you on the Cartel deck instead of the home location on fleet.


Adding an Ops Lair Boss that drops 5-10 Bounty Contracts and some other fun mounts/decos would help bolster this even a bit as well.

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It has been a while since I played this event, and I am remembering why. It feels really tedious an overly gated and progression locked compared to other events.


Currently at most a character can only do one bounty and one kingpin (assuming they paid to unlock them) a day. This will gain you 2 Bounty Contract currency items. Compared to item prices, this seems very low.


When the event first launched it was possible to do every bounty every day. It would be nice if that was brought back. King pin Bounties should also be worth 5 Contracts for completion since you can only do one per day, and each planet is locked to once per week.


Adding in quick travel passes to the planetary contact would also be helpful in making these feel a little less like all you are doing is running around.


The pass for the final turn in in fleet should also place you on the Cartel deck instead of the home location on fleet.


Adding an Ops Lair Boss that drops 5-10 Bounty Contracts and some other fun mounts/decos would help bolster this even a bit as well.


Agreed wholeheartedly with all these suggestions. Especially regarding the amount of contracts we earn and the fact that there isn't much of a climax or culminating part of the event is also a downer in my opinion. An operation or some event-exclusive heroic mission would definitely make it more interesting, perhaps one involving the Mandalorians given their close ties to the Bounty Hunting profession. They could do something similar to the Dantooine event where there's more of a story mission to it that you can do if you've progressed your playthrough far enough like past Onslaught or something and you're called in by your faction to deal with some issue as the Alliance Commander

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When the event first launched it was possible to do every bounty every day.



It has never changed, it was always 1 bounty & 1 kingpin (if unlocked) per day, per character.


. Compared to item prices, this seems very low.




When the event first started, most things could be bought with credits, if you had the right rep, they changed it, as people weren't doing bounty week enough.

Edited by DarkTergon
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Sadly, I agree with you.


If I'm honest, it's partly the reward items, which don't really appeal to *me* but that's not to say they are bad, just not my cup of tea.


I also don't really have the will to take part because it feels a bit of a pain. There seems to be a lot of travel time for not much reward and the narrative is a bit...er...dry? The event needs more pazzazz somehow. But I feel mean saying so!


As @EAFSAMWISE says, perhaps beefing up the story might improve things?


Anyway, I would love for the event to appeal to me more.

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I liked the bounty hunter outfit from the reputation vendor. So, I grit my teeth and maxed out this track. One of my bounty hunters wears that now. It is tan and red with a hat and a mask covering the lower half of the face.


It was a while ago but I don't recall the actual missions (which are all structured similarly) being fun. Same thing again and again on a handful of characters, lot of running around than doing stuff. For several events.

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They'd have to create new baddies, new achievements, etc, I can't see them doing it, I'd love it, but can't se them doing it :(


i see it more this way if there not going to add new achievements for the bounty event for the new planets.


why get we then new achievements for a stupid daily login system then?

and i can tell you now all we also get some new achievements when there add the Galactic Season system in the game.

the problem is not the achievements.


that there need to create new boundy's sure but its also part off there job there are doing so.

the point is more so long you not have compleet all the boundy achievements you keep running then and so long you not have reach legand rank you keep doing it.

but when you have compleet both off then you not going to do it any more.


and there are super easy now to kill there is no challence any more.

i think a lot off people wane see a some bounty's and a crime lord on Onderon that are lvl 75 that will give some challence for a lot off people.


events we got now like bounty week are getting boring more with the same contant alway's and thats something there need to chance to give old events like bounty week a good upgrade to make it fun again to do then not what there are doing now.

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