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Refund for double-charge on Cartel Coin purchase


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As the title reads, what is the best method for requesting a refund on a double-charge of Cartel Coin purchases?


Purchased CC via in-game market and got an error message. Resubmitted the purchase and it went through, successfully and received my CCs. Upon checking my credit card account, I was charged twice.


I really don't feel like having to call customer support, but if that's the only option...

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  • 5 months later...
These types of issues are normally pretty simple to resolve with CS, but I should note, I've heard from a number of people that have found the support email produces faster results than in game ticket, so if there is some urgency with this, I suggest starting with that.
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These types of issues are normally pretty simple to resolve with CS, but I should note, I've heard from a number of people that have found the support email produces faster results than in game ticket, so if there is some urgency with this, I suggest starting with that.


Yeah, in game is useless. Either ring them or use the support email because they are different teams to the ones in the game.

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As the title reads, what is the best method for requesting a refund on a double-charge of Cartel Coin purchases?


Purchased CC via in-game market and got an error message. Resubmitted the purchase and it went through, successfully and received my CCs. Upon checking my credit card account, I was charged twice.


I really don't feel like having to call customer support, but if that's the only option...


I had this exact situation happen to me. You will need to call Customer support. Don't listen to the stories. I called them was on hold for less than a minute. If even that long. Admittedly I am in the United States so I had a CS representative who spoke with an accent but I could still understand her. I explained what happened. She told me I had two options I can wait for a refund. She said it may take up to six weeks, Refunds are always slow. Option two she could give more cartel coins instantly. I took option two. I was off the phone in maybe 10 minutes with my cartel coins.

I have called Customer Support 4 times now since launch I have never had to wait very long and they always helped me. Even the time I transferred an alt to another server to make room for another. I accidentally left the belt of my XP boosting armor on the alt. CS returned the belt to me back on my main server.

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"A "Forum troll" posts outrageous messages to bait people into answering, to sow discord and to derail the discussion. Don't feed the troll, add to your Ignore List."



You know what Mike, your sig is just all sorts of plain wrong.


Ever thought maybe your posts were upsetting the so called troll? You are the one resulting to name calling.


Putting someone on your ignore list is fine and you have every right to do that, asking everyone else to, to silence another player is in-fact a form of cyber bulling. You really are better than that better than that, going by the majority of your posts. A little disappointed. No need to reply, and not asking anyone else to either, so not interested in start a flame war. just disappointed in that sig, man, really are.

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why are people still replying on a five month old thread?


Well, to me, I've only just read it, as It was bumped to page one. Still relevant, at least to me. As said I never check my purchases from BW. I will now going forward. So to the OP, again thank you.

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You know what Mike, your sig is just all sorts of plain wrong.


Ever thought maybe your posts were upsetting the so called troll? You are the one resulting to name calling.


Putting someone on your ignore list is fine and you have every right to do that, asking everyone else to, to silence another player is in-fact a form of cyber bulling. You really are better than that better than that, going by the majority of your posts. A little disappointed. No need to reply, and not asking anyone else to either, so not interested in start a flame war. just disappointed in that sig, man, really are.


You ever get the feeling that people must have some interesting backstories that, if you only knew them, would help to rationalize and put into context their whacked out opinions? :rak_04:

Edited by Ardrossan
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A suggestion for next time. Should you receive an error message do not immediately re-purchase the coins. Wait a bit and check your credit card/debit card to see if it was charged before resubmitting.


I appreciate that. Lesson hard learned, but noted.


Also, an update to those who might be following (because I would want to know if I was following, hence my original reply): it took them a few days, but they did resolve the issue. In my case, in-game support was enough for this issue.


Additionally, to add to what another said re: phone support: I ended up calling them regarding a separate issue, and the wait wasn't terrible (it was maybe 15m?). Could be better, but could be way worse. (That said, for the other issue, phone support was useless, although either posting here or on social media appeared to get the issue resolved.)

Edited by Galbsadi
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