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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sprint is a toggle, but why?


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I'm sure this isn't the first thread about this, but I'd really like to hear something. Can anyone explain why Sprint is a toggle? I'm wracking my brain here and I just don't get it. Maybe from an RP perspective, but even then I really doubt anyone cares.


Is it just so that we can analyze move speeds or something?


Can we at least have it stick on when we die?

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No one knows why Sprint is a Toggle, or why it has to be recast after Death (even though many other toggles, i.e. Warrior/Knight Forms, and Trooper/Hunter Ammo Type)


Hopefully they'll make it a base speed increase that's active out of combat... or even in combat, once you train it... or just give it to you at level 1

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Also instead of the datacron hunters toggling off sprint. Couldnt there just be a walk/run toggle like in every other MMO?


(I bet someone can tell me about that one MMO game that didnt have it, but thats not the point.)


Walk/run is not the same as sprint/not sprint. You can walk, you can run and you can sprint.

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1. Make it a skill to learn in your tree? (fail)

2. Keep toggle on after death? (fail) You died!!!

3. Make it an ability you learn passive? (fail)

4. Leave it alone as it is and I'll be more smarter in applying buffs and add that to the list? (WIN)


Remind me to kick people from raids or the guild for that matter that don't know when to toggle spring after they die. That means you forgot to buff after you die. That to me is a useless noob. Seriously people, TOGGLE THE DAMN BUTTON WHEN YOU BUFF YOURSELF.



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1. Make it a skill to learn in your tree? (fail)

2. Keep toggle on after death? (fail) You died!!!

3. Make it an ability you learn passive? (fail)

4. Leave it alone as it is and I'll be more smarter in applying buffs and add that to the list? (WIN)


Remind me to kick people from raids or the guild for that matter that don't know when to toggle spring after they die. That means you forgot to buff after you die. That to me is a useless noob. Seriously people, TOGGLE THE DAMN BUTTON WHEN YOU BUFF YOURSELF.





Couldnt agree more... I dont understand this post at all, lol


Why must I run permanently 35% faster? it is stupid when data-hunting, you jump more than you need and risk falling down, and it is a simple button to push after dying, nothing more complex than that


Bind it next to your class buff, and you hit it after you buff yourself, not difficult at all (nor something unthinkable to do it that way, I suppose...)

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it gives you a relative perspective of speed. You think x is fast until you see y.


If you put your coat on inside, then step outside you wont feel as warm as stepping outside then putting your coat on. Basically, its a mind game.









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