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Please Make the Macrobinocular and Seeker Droid Missions Soloable


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Devs/game designers, please consider this much needed feature request.


It has been many moons since the Seeker Droid and Macrobinocular storylines were introduced, and almost no one is doing the Heroic 4 missions that complete these quest lines, because it is so hard to find other people who also need to complete these last quests in the chain. Could you prioritize a change to both Heroic 4 end quests (The Shroud's Last Stand/The Shroud Revealed and The Alchemy of Evil/Uprooting the Last Seed) to Heroic 2+ so they *could* be completed solo? Other Heroic 4 quests have been adjusted over the years to accommodate similar solo play styles (lookin' at you, Aurora Cannon), so the player community knows this is possible.


We've been asking for this change for a while, and it would mean a lot to the faithful players of this game to see such an important change. Appreciate your consideration in this matter. May the Force be with you.

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  • 2 months later...

I vote to leave them alone. They're fun the way they are. Yes, it can be a bit of a slog to try to get a group together to do them, but there's no hurry is there?

It may require that you get a group to meet up at a particular future time, much like scheduling an OPs run.


Btw, it's only the Shroud ones that really requires 4 people to operate things. The other one can be solo'd or be done with less than 4, such as 2 + 2 comps, etc.

Edited by JediQuaker
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The entirety of both mission chains are solo save for the final missions. As Aberd stated, when they were first released it was possible to find groups for these missions with relative ease. Now, not so much. The final seeker droid mission can be soloed, I have done it, but it can be difficult and doing so will be out of reach for many. Fortunately, that one is easy to do with people who are not on the mission. The penultimate macrobinocular mission can only be done by people who are on the exact same stage of the mission, otherwise you can not progress to the frogger stage of the mission. The final macrobinocular mission can be done with people who are not on the mission, if the mission does not bug out. The mission is buggy enough as is, but is much worse with people who are not on the mission.


The final missions of the seeker droid and macrobinocular chains should be solo friendly.

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Agreed! Once upon a time, it was easy to find groups for the final missions, but now it's nigh-on-impossible to get a PUG for the final Macrobinocular, at least without paying the others in the group to do it. Maybe make a change to the 4 man puzzles so they can be activated by one person, like the puzzle to get the bonus boss in The Esseles FP.


And tweaking the difficulty down to the current [HEROIC 2+] level would be a good idea. Sure you can solo the final Seeker Droid mission, but some of those bosses can take a long time to kill.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It's a long time ago but I'm still pissed off by the time I did all the macrobinocular and seeker droid missions and got suddenly hit in the face by a "Heroic [4+]"


Me too, I cursed the gods! lol.... Yes this is well overdue. Hopefully one of the devs will see this....

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Devs/game designers, please consider this much needed feature request.




We've been asking for this change for a while, and it would mean a lot to the faithful players of this game to see such an important change. Appreciate your consideration in this matter. May the Force be with you.



Agree!! Time to make the change!!

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I vote to leave them alone. They're fun the way they are. Yes, it can be a bit of a slog to try to get a group together to do them, but there's no hurry is there?

It may require that you get a group to meet up at a particular future time, much like scheduling an OPs run.


Btw, it's only the Shroud ones that really requires 4 people to operate things. The other one can be solo'd or be done with less than 4, such as 2 + 2 comps, etc.


Theyre not "fun the way they are" they are unplayable the way they are, I have been looking, actively, for months now, posting in forums discords and the fleet and havent been able to find more than 1 other person to do them.


with this is a worse situation than C W G Flashpoint because we have spent HOURS just to get a finale locked behind a heroic that cant be completed

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  • 3 weeks later...
they changed so much in this game that it makes me sick. I agree Leave it the way it is. If any of you are on the Satele shan server and need help please mail me on my main charater WARCHILDVOLK (Republic) or Evilwarchild (Empire) My guild REPUBLIC/EMPIRE EXPENDABLES would be happy to help you with any quest or mission, I am the guild master and founder. we been here sense lvl 50 turned to 55 and the Rise of the hutt cartel came out.
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  • 1 year later...
On 4/16/2021 at 9:48 AM, JediQuaker said:

I vote to leave them alone. They're fun the way they are. Yes, it can be a bit of a slog to try to get a group together to do them, but there's no hurry is there?

It may require that you get a group to meet up at a particular future time, much like scheduling an OPs run.


Btw, it's only the Shroud ones that really requires 4 people to operate things. The other one can be solo'd or be done with less than 4, such as 2 + 2 comps, etc.

Okay I don't know who you think you're speaking for but this is an unbelievably bad take. These questlines are soloable until the very end, where the game demands that you get a full group of 4 humans together to solve them. I can tell you as a matter of fact that on pubside and impside the amount of people who will even reply to requests for help, let alone join in are dwindling to near nothing. At the very least, the game shouldn't pretend Seekers and Macro quests are solo content until the very end.

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  • 1 year later...

This thread is still one of the top google results on this.

From a basic design perspective having a long solo quest chain end on mandatory group content is not well thought out.  Especially if it's an obscure side-quest.

Very very few players ever get to finish these chains.  Most of the ones that even consider doing them get warned off of them after doing any cursory research.  As soon as you need to look for tips on any step, you will discover that the chain can't be finished solo.  That's exactly what happened to me. I got about 2/3 of the way through one, went to find tips on big red or something (maybe krayt dragon eggs?), and then found out I couldn't finish it on my schedule and noped right out.  Haven't touched them on a single character since.

We have this elaborate content that may as well not exist for the great majority of the playerbase.  That is such a  waste in a game that is as limited on developer resources as this one,

Edited by Yeebo
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The final mission for the seeker droids is soloable. Not very easy, but if you know how it works it's doable. The big challenge is mechanics, because the difficulty scales with group size. Binocs still need more players for the very last one, regardless of what you do, though there are ways to do it with less than 4 with certain classes. 

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there really need to chance the 2 heroic 4 end missions since its only getting hard and hard to find people to do with it.


for The Shroud’s Last Stand/The Shroud Revealed there can chance it in 2 way's so that more people can compleet it.

that the first option is to chance that players can share the missions with other players that also have compleet can help then.

or chance it so that it can be solo able by remove or chance the 4 person part from it.


and for the The Alchemy of Evil/Uprooting the Last Seed there can chance the second boss i think what is anoying to compleet it solo to make it what easyer if you enter the heroic solo so that the second boss i think become's a little easyer to compleet solo.

then you fix both problems more and people not have to search for a long time to find other players that not have compleet then also.

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