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Callous Conqueror’s Armor Set Clipping Issue!-Please Fix!


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It has been years and Callous Conqueror's Armor, among with many various Cartel Market gear, have horrible clipping issues, especially with the chest piece cloak clipping with the body. With all do respect if people pay money for quality stuff from the market, issues such as these should not be happening. The cutscenes have horrible clipping most of the time. Please adress this issue please, it has been years.
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Its with all type gear chest's that have a cloak that have this problem and its also a old problem that have been report all long on the forum so long the cloak on all the chest suits that have this bug.

So its not only with this gear set its with all the gear sets have this problem.

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This is due to a limitation of the engine. The devs have said that we can either have static capes and the like or we can have capes that move. If we want physics then this is the price. Whether people like it or not, the version of the Hero Engine that BW used for the game was not a finished product and has not been supported by Simutronics (later Idea Fabrik) for several years. The engine has limitations and this is one of them.
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This is due to a limitation of the engine. The devs have said that we can either have static capes and the like or we can have capes that move. If we want physics then this is the price. Whether people like it or not, the version of the Hero Engine that BW used for the game was not a finished product and has not been supported by Simutronics (later Idea Fabrik) for several years. The engine has limitations and this is one of them.


I would rather have static capes, at least with that the cutscenes won't be bugged...

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This is due to a limitation of the engine. The devs have said that we can either have static capes and the like or we can have capes that move. If we want physics then this is the price. Whether people like it or not, the version of the Hero Engine that BW used for the game was not a finished product and has not been supported by Simutronics (later Idea Fabrik) for several years. The engine has limitations and this is one of them.


can you then show my the thread where there have post it on since i have found a thread about a other cartal market suit that also got the same bug and there i read from the developer here is the link from that thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=963909


i know the engine has limitations but if it has limitations why are there releasing still new gear like that in the game and cartal market if its reach his limitations all?

then its easy for then to fix it if there still releasing new gear that have a cape/cloak in the cartal market.

not forget its also with the cape's and cloak's that companions have in the expensions so yea what is it then more?

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That was just a QA bot saying that it would be looked into. That was also posted over 1.5 yrs ago and they have yet to update the thread with more information.


This was posted to the Theorycrafters Discord by Chris Schmidt in July of 2020. Appropriately enough in regards to the same outfit.



This is the price for having physics on our outfits. ESO, which also uses the Hero Engine, would have the same problem. See this thread on the ESO boards.


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but here is something wierd about this bug.

i have test this bug on the taxi speeder on the starter planets a lot off time's with the same suit on diffrend chars i have.


the problem with it is that when i keep using the speeder taxt with my older chars from 2005 time i have start playing there is zero problems with it.


but the new chars i have make after i am playing again 2 years ago have that problem with the speeder taxi.


and here is also the wierd thing: the Roche Scyk speeder and the boosted classic speeder brown have both with all the chars that problem.

but the Rark k-133T speeder has that problem not on all the chars old and new.


if all the suits that have a cape/cloak are still been sold in the cartal market and there have all this cape/cloak bug then why there keep selling a bug product to us still then?

its or fix the problem with the cape/cloack or stop selling then in the cartal market that means also that a lot off cartal suits are gone then.

and people are then not happy so i think fixing is the best way for then now.

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It is not a bug. It is a limitation of the engine. That is not to say, and I certainly do not know, that there is absolutely no way to change the physics so that this does not happen, but the official position from the dev team is that this is the cost of having physics. Perhaps the issue is that addressing the limitation would be cost prohibitive, meaning that it is doable but not feasible. Perhaps it simply is that there is no way to get around it and if there are physics on the capes, tails, and robes then this is something that can happen.
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It is not a bug. It is a limitation of the engine. That is not to say, and I certainly do not know, that there is absolutely no way to change the physics so that this does not happen, but the official position from the dev team is that this is the cost of having physics. Perhaps the issue is that addressing the limitation would be cost prohibitive, meaning that it is doable but not feasible. Perhaps it simply is that there is no way to get around it and if there are physics on the capes, tails, and robes then this is something that can happen.


maybe somebody from the comunety team or developer team can clear this up if its a bug or limitation of the engine there are using.

so long there are more gear coming in the cartal market and in the game are also more reports coming in from the problem so i think there most clear it up then if its a bug or the limitation of the engine then we know it what the it is.

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There are so many cliiping issues in this game that it's definitely an engine flaw, not a bug. Clipping armors, clipping face details (like sith pureblood face details clipping through the masks), clipping mounts (like the newest subscriber reward starship mount with character's clipping weapons and male lekkus). Embrace it and move along. Can't do anything really, and none of the Bioware employee will never address that. Edited by Grendel_Echo
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and what if the engine there are using gets a upgrade more if it can?

that problems like this can be fix more?


i not know if it can but if it can then it will fix a lot off old bugs more in the game.


The engine can not be updated. See my first post. Because BW used a beta version of the Hero Engine, and then heavily modified it, it has not been supported by Simutronics (Idea Fabrik) for years. If I remember correctly, the last time BW received an update from Simutronics (Idea Fabrik) was 2013. Also, ZeniMax had multiple issues getting cloaks to work in ESO, so they turned off visible cloaks. Unless something has changed there is only one visible cloak in that game and it is static with no physics.

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The engine can not be updated. See my first post. Because BW used a beta version of the Hero Engine, and then heavily modified it, it has not been supported by Simutronics (Idea Fabrik) for years. If I remember correctly, the last time BW received an update from Simutronics (Idea Fabrik) was 2013. Also, ZeniMax had multiple issues getting cloaks to work in ESO, so they turned off visible cloaks. Unless something has changed there is only one visible cloak in that game and it is static with no physics.


so in the end off all.

we get most off the Visual problems in the game now thanks to a worng decision make by bioware by using a beta engine version to develop an MMORPG game we get all that type problems now more thanks to that decision more.


first off all thats one off the worse decisions you ever can make when you are a game developer and making a game that most run long with it and use a beta engine version to developer a game thats something the worst things you can do there really not know more how MMORPGS are working when using a beta version is the stupids choose you can make more.

now i see why there are a lot off visual bugs in the game.

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so in the end off all.

we get most off the Visual problems in the game now thanks to a worng decision make by bioware by using a beta engine version to develop an MMORPG game we get all that type problems now more thanks to that decision more.


first off all thats one off the worse decisions you ever can make when you are a game developer and making a game that most run long with it and use a beta engine version to developer a game thats something the worst things you can do there really not know more how MMORPGS are working when using a beta version is the stupids choose you can make more.

now i see why there are a lot off visual bugs in the game.


Yes game is still a bug fest after all these years...

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Yes game is still a bug fest after all these years...


i think also its time there stop using the beta version and work with the real version off the hero engine.

then the limits are better and then there can fix a lot off Visual problems like the cappe/ cloak's of the gear chest's.

and a lot off other Visual problems there are now coming.

and who knows there can do more with it then with a beta version.

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i think also its time there stop using the beta version and work with the real version off the hero engine.

then the limits are better and then there can fix a lot off Visual problems like the cappe/ cloak's of the gear chest's.

and a lot off other Visual problems there are now coming.

and who knows there can do more with it then with a beta version.


If only...

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i think also its time there stop using the beta version and work with the real version off the hero engine.

then the limits are better and then there can fix a lot off Visual problems like the cappe/ cloak's of the gear chest's.

and a lot off other Visual problems there are now coming.

and who knows there can do more with it then with a beta version.


They can not. The version of the engine that is used by the game is not compatible with the current version, which means that the current version will not work with the game. It is not as simple as just loading up the game in the current engine. Also, it is more than merely different versions of the Hero Engine. BW heavily modified the beta version that they received when producing the game. They may both be called "Hero Engine," but they are not the same program.

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They can not. The version of the engine that is used by the game is not compatible with the current version, which means that the current version will not work with the game. It is not as simple as just loading up the game in the current engine. Also, it is more than merely different versions of the Hero Engine. BW heavily modified the beta version that they received when producing the game. They may both be called "Hero Engine," but they are not the same program.


i think you agree also on this that using a beta version from a game engine is more the stupids thing and move you ever can do as a game developer.

to use a beta version for a MMORPG game is in my eye's then still the worst things you can do to the communety.


its there first MMORPG game but a move like that is the worst you can do.

that means we all are stuck now with all the type Visual problems and this game what has been nickname the bug fest all long time has soon a second name that become's more then a visual bug fest.

that means each new visual problem we get will never be fix and soon is playing this game only worse since the there using a beta game engine.


if there can fix it then its good for me and shows that there can fix things like this but in the end it will not be fix so like i have trust the developers 2 years ago all with Zero% has that chance notting for me since 2 years ago there was all a big thread about the bug problems in the game and a lot off people got no trust in the developers then so i think the trust is only get worse and worse.

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