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Security key question


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Hey, so i had to deactivate my security key because of a new phone, and i got a new one. Having a security key attached to your account always gives you monthly 100 CC from the date that you added a security key, so does the date of the monthly CC change to the new one or is it still going to be the old date?
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It depends on how the deadlines work and how they "count" it


I actually suspect it will be the old date, assuming that you added the new SK before the next payout date.


I've implemented systems like this before and it's easier to just set a scheduled check at a specific point in the future to check again if the SK is still active and whether a payout is warranted. Doesn't really matter what happens in between.


Starting from the new date just complicates things. Either you will "lose" whatever time you had earned between the last payout date and when you removed the SK, or the system will start "counting" again once a new SK is set on the account. This however would make the system really messy (do you count a month as 30 days? every month at the same day? (and if so, what do you do about Feb 29?). Special cases, spaghetti code, general horribleness. I hope they didn't do it this way.


As far as I'm concerned, one of the cardinal sins of the computer programmer is overcomplicating dates...

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It will change to the date you added the new key. I saw this in my own account when I changed to WinAuth after some concerns over how much longer the battery in the CE FOB would last, and did not want to go thru the potential song and dance of contacting CS if my smart device was ever unavailable for whatever reason. Edited by Kaveat
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