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Missing Direct Purchases


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I've noticed how certain decorations and armor sets are missing from the direct purchase options. Item's such as Black Vulkar Swooper Armor Set and Bounty Holding Cell. How come? I thought the days of gambling packs were over.


These items are now ridiculously expensive on the GTN, because of the Cartel Market caused inflation, and because their original packs are rarely bought.

Edited by Inzuher
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That is because items on the Cartel Market rotate in an out. Although, I completely agree that their rotation scheme could use some work as there are items that have been up there forever (figuratively) whilst a number of other items have either never been or have not been up for quite a long time.


I would like it if they rotated items in and out more frequently, giving a chance for every CM item to show up. Alternatively, once a year put up everything up all at once.

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That would be nice, but they do not do that so that they can create artificial scarcity.

I wouldn't describe it as artificial scarcity, or at least not in the sense that is used when analysing, e.g. the market for gemstone-quality diamonds (which are actually far more abundant than their price would justify).


It's more about giving us an incentive to check in the CM (to see if the thing we want is available) and therefore see other things that are *also* available and/or promoted. In that sense, it has more to do with why supermarkets rearrange what's where every now and then, so we see things we wouldn't otherwise have bought.

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I would like it if they added several more decorations, then changed out which of those are available every week (or at least every month). They expanded the decoration offerings in the Cartel Market awhile back, which was wonderful, but then it just stagnated.
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I wouldn't describe it as artificial scarcity, or at least not in the sense that is used when analysing, e.g. the market for gemstone-quality diamonds (which are actually far more abundant than their price would justify).


It's more about giving us an incentive to check in the CM (to see if the thing we want is available) and therefore see other things that are *also* available and/or promoted. In that sense, it has more to do with why supermarkets rearrange what's where every now and then, so we see things we wouldn't otherwise have bought.


The problem with your example is that when a grocery store, or any shop, rearranges their merchandise they do not remove items (unless they are Costco). Recently, my grocery store decided to rearrange the "milk" section. Non-dairy milk alternatives were at one end of the wall of refrigerators and dairy milk was at the other end. They swapped them. Yes, they moved things around, but everything was still available.


BW does not just rearrange items on the CM. They completely remove items. They do that to increase the value of items by limiting the supply. The very definition of artificial scarcity.

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The problem with your example is that when a grocery store, or any shop, rearranges their merchandise they do not remove items (unless they are Costco). Recently, my grocery store decided to rearrange the "milk" section. Non-dairy milk alternatives were at one end of the wall of refrigerators and dairy milk was at the other end. They swapped them. Yes, they moved things around, but everything was still available.


BW does not just rearrange items on the CM. They completely remove items. They do that to increase the value of items by limiting the supply. The very definition of artificial scarcity.

To be sure, it's not exactly the same, but the *goal* is more like what supermarkets do than it is like what De Beers does with diamonds. (That is, the goal is undoubtedly to get us to look in the CM more often, rather than to create scarcity to drive GTN prices.)


But I may be wrong, of course.

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