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Devs should take a break on adding achievements


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You do realise for the most part, achievements are something you're just supposed to get over time playing the game right? Going after them specifically is a choice, not something thats required.


They're just an I did this thing thumbs up or an I did this thing 1000 times over x years of playing thumbs up etc. Most aren't actually put in to be actively chased but just to happen over time playing. Actively chasings a choice


True, and that's fine with some achievements. Especially the new log in ones. But the wookie one is absurd, they basically took away what we had already done, and gave us the middle finger. I didn't do it this year, it's an insult to expect one lot of players to do twice the work of another, and that's what this has amounted to. So it's one achievement I'm not going to bother with.

Other's I'll never get, and I'm ok with that, as it's not the content, I play, or can play.

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