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99% of the warzones are Hutball...


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99 times out of 100 I get huttball when I queue up for a warzone due to the large amount of Empire on my server compared to Republic. The problem is that there isn't enough players on the Republic that are queueing for a warzone so the system will instead match you up against the same faction (and the only WZ than allows that is huttball). I love hutball but I also wanna be able to play the others as well.

What I think they could do to solve this is either to change the queueing system so you can sign up for a specific warzone, or make it so that you can't play Empire vs Empire and Republic vs Republic in huttball. If you have any other suggestion please leave a comment. :)

Edited by Dagzer
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Reroll republic?


It's either going to be mostly Huttball or queues like crazy for Empire vs republic if you're empire. Blame the children wanting to be "THE EVIL ******".


I think children are far more likely to want to be OMG JEDI.


And yes Huttball sucks.

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my main was a sniper. I rerolled a gunslinger. I lose damage, I lose burst (grenade cannot be chained for smugglers while it can for sniper), I lose CC (flash is 90 sec cd and not 60 sec cd) and I lost an interesting class story (smuggler story to at least 30 is like the BH first 4 levels of just fetch/find quests and before anything interesting happens). However I rarely have to see huttball.


These are the compromises I made to continue playing a sort of gimp sniper, without entering huttball every game.

Edited by shadowAI
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I see your point about the long queues that would occur. But I think that I would rather wait 15 extra minutes or so just to play a different warzone now and then. So I think that if they allow you to sign up for a specific WZ the problem would be solved.
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I see your point about the long queues that would occur. But I think that I would rather wait 15 extra minutes or so just to play a different warzone now and then. So I think that if they allow you to sign up for a specific WZ the problem would be solved.


Yes theres many ways to solve the problem.


*inter-faction fighting on all warzones (call them practice matches for those of you who get mad at inter-faction fighting).

*warzone selection.

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It wouldn't be a 15 minute que. It would be significantly longer on most servers. I think you fail to realise just how many more Empire there are than Republic on many servers. On mine we're about 70% empire according to the guild stats. We'd have to wait quite some time. Huttball is a great way to solve a problem like this and I'm sure they will add more forms of this type of combat later on too.
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