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RE: Patch Notes - Game Update 6.1.4


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ok, foremost, still not happy with the blanket : "A 50% damage penalty has been applied to the X and Y disciplines while they are guarding allies." - stop back handing PvE with PvP nerfs /adjustments


Bug fixes: in general, thanks. some are far past due...


Changes to squelch have been made across the galaxy. Squelched players will no longer be prevented from talking in guild, group, or ops chats. Additionally, players may be squelched only on the origin worlds and still able to talk in other planet chats.


And this is supposed to help combat spammers HOW again?


I know there was a lot of CQP adjustments, but the number of up/down vs numbers stated typos - either in the up/down or in the number(s) stated - is appalling. This needs to be proofed and restated for clarity as to actual intent /design (as in not waiting for a flood of bug reports to go back and proof /fix the notes). maybe publishing this bit on a spreadsheet would make it easier...


Level bracket reward changes - not going to get into the reinventing wheel with level sync, however the primary concern of most being the type /bracket of rewards that is being claimed on current level at completion vs the level that toon was when they took/started the quest(s) - OR if a previous quest claim upped the level to bump the rest into the next bracket - has not been addressed


- note: if this is an issue of auto-complete vs return to terminal (and if return to terminal: allowing multiple turnings with a single click vs clicking for each one) - this is one that is rather murky, and should be re-opened for community feedback and maybe altered for something that a player can change in their game /character settings.


Objective repeat changes: most were clarified as to the changes made, but a couple stand out as not having any notes to the change(s) made:

  • “Crafting: Dark Project” - ???
  • “Rakghoul Resurgence: Lair of the Eyeless Pinnacle” - ???

Edited by Kaveat
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I know that when they talked about it before the nerf for guard was for PvP only. So I wonder if they changed their minds or forgot to mention that in the patch notes.


For squelch it's not meant to combat spammers but to combat abuse of the squelch function. So you misunderstand the purpose of this change.


As for the conquest changes, I do believe this was on the PTS for a while so this is the list after they got feedback already.

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I know that when they talked about it before the nerf for guard was for PvP only. So I wonder if they changed their minds or forgot to mention that in the patch notes.


For squelch it's not meant to combat spammers but to combat abuse of the squelch function. So you misunderstand the purpose of this change.


As for the conquest changes, I do believe this was on the PTS for a while so this is the list after they got feedback already.


Guard: clarity of wording makes a very large difference, and as posted at is still a slap on PvE


Squelch - as they reported when the system was made live, squelches primary function was to combat spammers, a point they made multiple mentions to be working to make improvements against in this update, yet this one allowance guts its primary function.


What is tested on PTS is not always 100% of what goes live. They themselves have pointed out many times, that they pick and choose which they they do (and do not) put on PTS, and in some cases what was on PTS never even made it to the live servers (ever).


Level 71+ are now locked out of most of those conquest activities anyway, so a few typos are pretty much irrelevant ...


... and does not in any way negate the need for appropriate accuracy of the information being reported upon. all it is going to do is sow confusion and generate needless bug reports /posts. We already have a hard enough time getting quality proofed content and responses to actual issues, why intentionally make it worse?

Edited by Kaveat
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Guard: clarity of wording makes a very large difference ... and does not in any way negate the need for appropriate accuracy of the information being reported upon. all it is going to do is sow confusion and generate needless bug reports /posts. We already have a hard enough time getting quality proofed content and responses to actual issues, why intentionally make it worse?


I have to agree, clarity is essential and perhaps my reply was slightly too snide - Bioware should adhere to high standards and proof read their patch notes before publishing them.

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I know that when they talked about it before the nerf for guard was for PvP only. So I wonder if they changed their minds or forgot to mention that in the patch notes.


On the livestream last month they said it would be both pvp and pve, saying they didn't balance pve content around dps using guard so they "don't believe it will be a fundamental change to these encounters".


If they communicated something different since that stream, then I am not aware of it.

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Guard: clarity of wording makes a very large difference, and as posted at is still a slap on PvE
Yes clarity is key.

Squelch - as they reported when the system was made live, squelches primary function was to combat spammers, a point they made multiple mentions to be working to make improvements against in this update, yet this one allowance guts its primary function.
the purpose of the system is as you say, however, the purpose of this CHANGE to it is to limit the effects of abuse.

What is tested on PTS is not always 100% of what goes live. They themselves have pointed out many times, that they pick and choose which they they do (and do not) put on PTS, and in some cases what was on PTS never even made it to the live servers (ever).

Agreed. It's not necessarily what goes live but it is an opportunity for feedback. I personally don't even believe in the whole PTS thing as it is. I just wait till it goes live and then see what actual changes are made, but if you want to give feedback and have at least some hope of changing something then the PTS is the place.


And yes, the quality of the write up of these patch notes is terrible. So many mistakes and omissions. It might be a record for them.

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On the livestream last month they said it would be both pvp and pve, saying they didn't balance pve content around dps using guard so they "don't believe it will be a fundamental change to these encounters".


If they communicated something different since that stream, then I am not aware of it.

Ahh I missed that livestream. Figures. Well, then I stand corrected.

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So, my very specific question about...


"Objective Repeat Changes"...

“Crafting: Dark Project”

What's changing?


...was already asked?


Please don't be a dunce and respond if you don't have a(n) (correct) answer.

I was, simply, asking in advance of the patch. I guess I will get my answer when it's live.

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  • Dev Post

Hi folks,


Thanks for the different feedback concerning the 6.1.4 patch notes.


I've verified the different points in the Conquest changes you reported with our team. Here are the correct numbers:


The points rebalanced section:

  • “Crafting: Aid the War Effort” is now worth 750 points (down from 1100)
  • “Crafting: Inventor” is now worth 750 points (up from 600)
  • “Crew Skills: Harvesting” is now worth 750 points (up from 600)


Objective Repeat Changes:

  • “Crafting: Dark Project” is now a Daily Repeat Objective (change from Weekly Repeat)
  • There was no change on the "Rakghoul Resurgence: Lair of the Eyeless Pinnacle" Objective.


I also made the changes on the Game Update 6.1.4 page.

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I don't know if this bug has anything to do with this new updated, but a couple of days ago 2 old reputations appear on my reputation list across my legacy, the BOUNTY SUPPLY COMPANY and the INTERPLANETARY COMPONENT EXCHANGE, I read that these 2 should have been merged into UNDERWORLD EXCHANGE since game updated 5.9.2, I put a ticket haven't received an answer yet hope you can help me on this matter, and thank you for your good work
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a mod merged your post (and my reply to your post) into mine, no need to be snarky about not noticing that small but significant detail.


I noticed your not noticing and, also, your not noticing that I replied to your post, not necessarily to you. I also noticed that you didn't notice that I asked a very specific question. Assumptions make an as* out of umpteen ions ;):p

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Hi folks,


Thanks for the different feedback concerning the 6.1.4 patch notes.


I've verified the different points in the Conquest changes you reported with our team. Here are the correct numbers:


The points rebalanced section:

  • “Crafting: Aid the War Effort” is now worth 750 points (down from 1100)
  • “Crafting: Inventor” is now worth 750 points (up from 600)
  • “Crew Skills: Harvesting” is now worth 750 points (up from 600)


Objective Repeat Changes:

  • “Crafting: Dark Project” is now a Daily Repeat Objective (change from Weekly Repeat)
  • There was no change on the "Rakghoul Resurgence: Lair of the Eyeless Pinnacle" Objective.


I also made the changes on the Game Update 6.1.4 page.


thanks for the update and corrections, hope it helps mitigate some of the reports that are sure to be incoming.


On other notes:

  • most of the existing SW & AT 276 & 286 augments had their isotope requirements halved to match AT, though the blue 276 crit and redoubt from SW are still at 10.. ??
  • can no longer right click on names in general chat for a context menu (if you look them up in the 'who' window, you can get the r-click menu there)
    - REQ: if this change was intentional, make it so that shift clicking on a player name opens them in the WHO window
    -- ok, this is weird. after using the who window, now can right click on names in chat again... will have to play with this one a bit

Edited by Kaveat
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Got ya, thanks for clearing that up!

I remember a patch a while back where they were more specific about *which* zones.


Back in the day it was possible for an Impsider to weave between the exhaustion zones and reach Anchorhead (Pubside "base" on Tatooine), or for a Pubsider to do the same and reach Mos Ila. They removed it and said that was what they did.


I'm guessing that there was something similar somewhere else (possibly Ossus).

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Level 71+ are now locked out of most of those conquest activities anyway...


Well, I stand corrected. I took the level bracket changes e.g. “Tython: Mission Complete” is now available for the 10-49 Level Bracket(s) (change from 10-49,50-70,71+) to mean that level 71+ would no longer receive conquest points for Tython, and other lower bracket missions.


Having just tested it by running Tython plus harvesting and a rank up or two, I made my personal target.


I must say that I am now happy with the conquest changes so far. Well done BW. Also glad to see they have come back and corrected their typos, which is what this thread was really about.

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