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are all sith classes force users????


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are they all really sith????


the sith sorcerer is sith


but is the imperial agent sith too????


can they use the force????




All Imperial classes serve the Sith Empire in one way or another (Bounty Hunter is more of an independent contractor). But the only ones who are actually Sith (as in force users) are the Sith Warrior (Juggernaut/Marauder) and the Sith Inquisitor (Sorcerer/Assassin).

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All Imperial classes serve the Sith Empire in one way or another (Bounty Hunter is more of an independent contractor). But the only ones who are actually Sith (as in force users) are the Sith Warrior (Juggernaut/Marauder) and the Sith Inquisitor (Sorcerer/Assassin).

;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;




cuz i was playing with my low level imperial sith agent, and she said something like 'what does the sith have to do with this/involved with this'


and i was like, wait you are not sith????




cuz i like her cuz imperial female agents have pretty voices, for me prettier than sith inquisitor and the others


so i was playing with her only for the voice


but if she is not sith then no i prefer to play as sith assassin even though she has uglier voice for me

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Well I think you may be confusing two things. Sith as in Dark Side force users and Sith Pureblood as in the red skinned race.


The vast majority of Sith Purebloods are indeed Force Users but there are exceptions. So when you play an Imperial Agent that is a Sith Pureblood, then this constitutes one of those rare exceptions.


So classes are Imperial and half of them are force user classes (Inquisitor and Sith Warrior) but Sith Pureblood is a race and that's a completely different thing. If memory serves my right, at the release of the game the race of Sith Pureblood was restricted to the Inquisitor and Sith Warrior classes, but this restriction got lifted as per the request of the player community.

Edited by Tsillah
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I don't know if you RP, but what a lot of people do is RP their chars they way they like them, so you could use your own RP, and pretend your agent has force abilities. I used to do a lot of RP when I first started playing, I created an agent that was force sensitive, but not trained, so she could sense stuff going on, but couldn't manipulate anything.

I know it doesn't give you the cool abilities, but it's a way around it

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There's a couple it's either class or planet I do them together so sometimes I mix them up but there are Pure Blood Sith that are not Force Sensitive most of the time they're high ranking military officers.
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I don't know if you RP, but what a lot of people do is RP their chars they way they like them, so you could use your own RP, and pretend your agent has force abilities. I used to do a lot of RP when I first started playing, I created an agent that was force sensitive, but not trained, so she could sense stuff going on, but couldn't manipulate anything.

I know it doesn't give you the cool abilities, but it's a way around it




i only play with symbolically siths (i mean symbolically cuz they are all symbols since is a game and all)


i like my agents voice and shes cute, but u dont have witch sith powers so go away

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no, is your post that needs to be reported, you like to suppress others?


i dont like that person because he says people with girl names are boys 9/10 of times, so i dont read or reply to him


you get reported instead, i hope you get banned for fake-reporting

I don't see why you have a problem with guys playing female characters. I just prefer playing female characters and always have. I may not be able to back the 9/10 frequency up with facts but I've found that a lot of time female characters are played by male players. And vice versa, male characters may also be played by female players.


I'm not sure why you would get upset with me stating that.

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