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MODDABLE "orange" quality gear ONLY for levels 1-49, very disapointed :-(


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i have seen lvl 50 purple armor mods in the game. so your whining is moot.


annnnd they are as good as tier gear? no yep what i thought =3 also pvp mods? no then imma continue to *****...


Indeed all of the orange gear I have found with my consular is an ugly brown robe. Has anyone found a piece of orange gear that is NOT brown and ugly on the republic side? If so, please tell me where you got it, so I can search it out.


as a consular try looking at social gear, its light modable armor its what my SI uses, and a wide variety of different sets.

Edited by Lokai
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I dress for myself, I don't dress for others.


nop :p you think you dress for yourself. Infact you dress for the others (because everyone else is getting dressed also:P) and for not going in jail like a perv :p


on topic.


you cant' craft epic enchaments ? or what epic encha you craft is inferior to the raided gear?


if this is the case then crafting is obsolute at endgame, it is good for leveling-alts but in your main tune you will end up with a money making gatherer (slicing) and farm it with no end :p


ps. not 50 still thats why i am asking.

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If BW insists on keep this failure of a system of theirs I propose the following changes:


1. Reverse engineering an item as a crafter has a chance to return the moddable version

schematic for that item.


2. Implement a social set which has a piece for every slot which is basically invisible/ alpha 0. E.g. = Slave girl set + invisible belt/ bracers?


3. Make all end game sets Bind on Aquire/pickup including the mods within them.


4a. Make the mods in the above mentioned sets interchangeable so that they CAN be used in other moddable sets but only by that player (BoA/P).




4b. If not 4a, then lock ALL the mods in end game gear and allow mods of equal quality to be looted or crafted. Or even purchased i.e. using pvp commendations.


You may say, this almost makes end game gear obsolete if mods of equal quality can be looted/crafted etc.

Thats not the case considering to aquire the gear your talking either hardcore raiding, or equivelant hardcore pvp. Which rewards you with the gear pre-slotted.


Getting the mods and your own orange quality gear would probably still be more difficult which it in all honesty shouldn't be.

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annnnd they are as good as tier gear? no yep what i thought =3 also pvp mods? no then imma continue to *****...




as a consular try looking at social gear, its light modable armor its what my SI uses, and a wide variety of different sets.




yes they are just because you havent seen them drop yet doesnt mean they dont exist. RNG, the R stands for random.

Edited by Mrshush
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There are mods at 50 but none that best the raid quality gear or pvp gear. And the the primary mods on these gear items are LOCKED so you can't take them out and stick them in your favourite orange set.


If i remember correctly BW said they locked these mods so people wouldn't farm them for..? Idk to make a profit? They could have simply made end game tiered gear BoP and also make any mods in that gear BoP if that was the case.


Ok, I see your point.


Hmm, I still think that they add some equivalent mods etc. sooner or later, as not everyone does raid for the items that drop there. Crafting in MMO´s pretty much always gave as good gear as the highest boss - and since SWTOR does have a good crafting system, I am sure there will be a way.


That you cant take the mods out of the drops is... understandable if they want to push the crafting a bit, but if there isnt a crafting mod on the same lvl atm. then this is kinda flawed.


Guess we need to wait and see, if one of the BW guys could enlighten us there.

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those are from beta... during beta could mod any item in game, and was no issue with this because could YANK mods out, and pretty much all gear was modable. Beta was beta was beta... in game screenies or its old information is downside to sites like thottbot and torhead collect data but, not all of that data is actually in game way it was detected.


Example armoring mod exists, and it is that mod that is in data mine, BUT that mod is locked into a gear set thus its in games data, but not actually in game way it appears in the data. So we need in game screenshots to even confirm this...and all i need and i'll shut up...also yet to see pvp mods plain and simple.


agree with pvp mods, ill try and find the person again.


and when any item could be modded was dropped about 4phases before the RC, and this is datamined from the RC when the nda was removed.


the biggest thing is, i think you are worrying way way way too much that they are gonna force gear onto you like in wow. the game has barely been out, a lot of content is still in the works, yeah not an excuse, but it is expected when you have big brothe... EA pubishing it.

Edited by Mrshush
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agree with pvp mods, ill try and find the person again.


and when any item could be modded was dropped about 4phases before the RC, and this is datamined from the RC when the nda was removed.


There was no "official" Release Candidate, there was a last beta build in the thanksgiving weekend.


Also much that was in that last build was REMOVED when the client whent "final" for the EGA and release

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There was no "official" Release Candidate, there was a last beta build in the thanksgiving weekend.


Also much that was in that last build was REMOVED when the client whent "final" for the EGA and release


well, yeah they didnt call it the RC but, i didnt have to delete and reinstall, but yeah.


and apologies lokai, reading all the slicer QQ has gotten me in a sour mood, and taking it out on the wrong ppl.

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Dont be disapointed, this is only the first tier, and as we have seen from other MMO games, it will change. Maybe tier 3 will be all orange gear, or just mods dropping.


yes but more vocal we are greater chances that devs are going to at least consider fixing the issue.

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yes but more vocal we are greater chances that devs are going to at least consider fixing the issue.


Absolutely ! its absurd this issue even exists , as they implemented the orange gear in the first place....


I remeber the last post in this thread to that developer on the beta forums (ill see if i can find a google cache version of it) was that some beta tester commented that in the end this horrible bandaid fix did not make any sense and was poorly thought through, as to the developer answering that now he wanted to keep this "solution" on pricicple and the beta tester answered him back that at that point the developer was just being pigheaded.


Since that post NO official word has come from any developer on this issue, and where are now living with the "fruits" of this "brililiant" developer "solution" in the live version of the game.


Why even raid for those horrible looking armor sets then ? at least most MMOs i have played over the last 20 years, raiders (especially the so called hardcore ones) raided for the looks of their gear and to show off at major cities etc (even though they would NEVER admit that was the prime reason for raiding more than 40 hours a week :-)


To see the content of the new raids was actually second to those hardcore raiders.

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Ok, after reading all you guys, I'll make this clear: after seeing how EVERY SINGLE top quality MMO has solved this issue with different and valid solutions (WoW, LOTRO, AoC, Aion...), if Bioware won't let me wear my char like I want on the end-game, I'm cancelling my account. Simple as that. I expect more from a 2011 MMO game. And I know many RP's are on the same boat as me.
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i dont know why you dont have faith in this happening. it was a huge issue brought up all thru beta. i disagree with the louder you are the quicker its gonna happen.


something like aesthetics is always gonna be second to actually fixing some of the endgame bugs. its only been 10(17)days.


also, wow just recently added a feature to change how gear looks. bw has been working on this for a while, they havent found a solution. start up more constructive threads suggesting they BOP mods or something. less i want it now damn it threads.

Edited by Mrshush
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Ultimately it doesn't matter if those mods are in the game, because they're putting emphasis on a single path forcing us down it. They created their moddable item system for the purpose of allowing us to look the way we want.


But for it to be viable end game, we have to go out of our way to either get these high end mods crafted (Which we can't because crafters cap at 49.) or hardcore raiding to get the mods.


Hardcore raiding to get mods to have your own personal look when you can just farm pvp for a few days and get a full pvp tiered set?


Point being, We're being punished for wanting to have custom appearances with this system. So stop your trolling about wether the mods are in game or not.


- Reposting this because it was removed, apparantly pointing out someone who is imposing their opinion and missing the topic of the thread is disrespectful lmao.

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i dont know why you dont have faith in this happening. it was a huge issue brought up all thru beta. i disagree with the louder you are the quicker its gonna happen.


something like aesthetics is always gonna be second to actually fixing some of the endgame bugs. its only been 10(17)days.


AT least HALF the current bugs in the game should have been solved BEFORE release, better even to have pushed the release back, BUT as you said yourself this would never happen with that "big brother" breathing their accounting and financial department down their neck....


The more times goes the more i appal EA

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Ok, after reading all you guys, I'll make this clear: after seeing how EVERY SINGLE top quality MMO has solved this issue with different and valid solutions (WoW, LOTRO, AoC, Aion...), if Bioware won't let me wear my char like I want on the end-game, I'm cancelling my account. Simple as that. I expect more from a 2011 MMO game. And I know many RP's are on the same boat as me.


games to fun for me to quit per say i just wont be top tier i guess... love bioware but ever since EA took over, has been a steady theme with them when comes to there games.




In BG and NWN series you never saw racial limitations, or really any limit at all. I could kill who i wanted, wear gear i liked(well class limitations BUT was WOTC really) and even mod game to be any race i like! Limitations were in game were typically very minor! could be an orc wizard, or elf barbarian and was no one telling me otherwise!


Come Dragon Age first thing i noticed was race/class limits...and game goes on to further limit what you can do. DA 2 all but said " lawl races are terrible idea!" and now we come to SWTOR where even more superficial limits put on us.


Just wanna tell bioware devs as a LONG time player of your games, a DIE HARD fan for years now...stop it! just stop with stupid limits! give us our modable gear, give us races we want! and stop trying to impose limits on what we can do!

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games to fun for me to quit per say i just wont be top tier i guess... love bioware but ever since EA took over, has been a steady theme with them when comes to there games.




In BG and NWN series you never saw racial limitations, or really any limit at all. I could kill who i wanted, wear gear i liked(well class limitations BUT was WOTC really) and even mod game to be any race i like! Limitations were in game were typically very minor! could be an orc wizard, or elf barbarian and was no one telling me otherwise!


Come Dragon Age first thing i noticed was race/class limits...and game goes on to further limit what you can do. DA 2 all but said " lawl races are terrible idea!" and now we come to SWTOR where even more superficial limits put on us.


Just wanna tell bioware devs as a LONG time player of your games, a DIE HARD fan for years now...stop it! just stop with stupid limits! give us our modable gear, give us races we want! and stop trying to impose limits on what we can do!


Have you guys found out if indeed its only Empire side getting the purple color crystals in their PVP weapons (though locked) ?


It seems Republic side gets the "light blue" variation instead, which makes even more limitations (until a purple color crystal is discovered from some raid that is) but again this does not help for PVP players....

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from what ive seen, there really is no issue here.


from the darth hater operations guide:




The highest tier is Rakata, and both helms and schematics dropped from hard mode Karagga’s Palace. All armor set pieces and weapons that were purchasable from vendors required a token turn in and not commendations. Rakata level implants and ear pieces are vendor purchasable for 120 commendations, which come from Ilum daily quests and turn-ins.


take a look at this level 140 rakkata chest piece:




Rakata Combat Medic's Body Armor

Bind On Pickup


861 Armor (Rating 140)

Durability: 120/120

Total Stats:

+105 Endurance

+122 Aim

+51 Alacrity Rating

+48 Critical Rating


Item Modifications:

Armoring (58)

+44 Endurance

+61 Aim


equivalent mod:




Advanced Reflex Armoring 25

Binds on Equip

Armoring (Item Modifications)

Total Stats:

+61 Aim

+44 Endurance

Requires Level 50

This Armoring can be used to upgrade your armor. Armoring will change the level of the item.



Mod (58)

+37 Endurance

+61 Aim

+11 Critical Rating


Enhancement (58)

+24 Endurance

+51 Alacrity Rating

+37 Critical Rating


Requires Level 50


now for pvp:




Battlemaster Combat Tech's Body Armor

Bind On Pickup


861 Armor (Rating 140)

Durability: 120/120

Total Stats:

+92 Endurance

+94 Aim

+51 Accuracy Rating

+50 Expertise

+48 Critical Rating


Item Modifications:

Armoring (58)

+31 Endurance

+33 Aim

+50 Expertise


equivalent mod:




Advanced Decisive Armoring 25

Binds on Equip

Armoring (Item Modifications)

Total Stats:

+33 Aim

+31 Endurance

+50 Expertise Rating

Requires Level 50

This Armoring can be used to upgrade your armor. Armoring will change the level of the item.


Mod (58)

+37 Endurance

+61 Aim

+11 Critical Rating

Enhancement (58)

+24 Endurance

+51 Accuracy Rating

+37 Critical Rating


Requires Level 50


just because these mods havent dropped yet, doesnt mean they arent in the game separately..


admittedly though, a dev confirmation would silence a lot of the concerns.

Edited by SithInitiate
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