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Anyone else getting squelched (muted) a lot


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So I've been getting squelched a LOT lately. I don't mean that it happens once every couple weeks. I mean that it happens up to 2-3 times a week and on more than one server, AND more than one account!


I've noticed that after I cycle through a planetary crawl of posts, when I get back to fleet I can't speak (it doesn't always say I'm squelched.) At least I could alternate accounts... until both got squelched in one night (my alternate almost immediately). I think there may be a bug going around...


Gonna post this in bug reports

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Have you annoyed people with excessive guild advertisement or trade spam? That would explain people reporting you for spam until the squelch hits.

Another option could be that a group of players is trying to harass you by reporting you for spam without you actually writing anything. They could know your characters and maybe also the ones of your other account. If you think that is a possibility you should write an in-game ticket to have the support take a look at it as it is harassment and an abuse of the report spam/squelch function.

A third possibility is you wrote the same words too quickly. A few years back a friend whispered me expressing his excitement over a boss first kill and managed to mute himself for 24 hours by typing yay, yay, yay, yay, yay in too many whispers in a short time frame.

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So I've been getting squelched a LOT lately. I don't mean that it happens once every couple weeks. I mean that it happens up to 2-3 times a week and on more than one server, AND more than one account!


I've noticed that after I cycle through a planetary crawl of posts, when I get back to fleet I can't speak (it doesn't always say I'm squelched.) At least I could alternate accounts... until both got squelched in one night (my alternate almost immediately). I think there may be a bug going around...


Gonna post this in bug reports


I haven't been squelched yet, across any of my five accounts, and I talk a lot in gen chat. So what are you doing?

Edited by xordevoreaux
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I haven't been squelched yet, across any of my five accounts, and I talk a lot in gen chat. So what are you doing?


Ha ha, same. I also tend to be a smart ***, though it's a sly comment here and there. Just pokes at words or phrases that are quite hilarious ha ha ha!

Edited by AceMasterSoul
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So, I now have proof. I was just sitting on my main for about an hour and got squelched. How do I show this? I grabbed video.

edit: Just realized it's not just that. I'm getting muted on one chat window, sometimes, and not just the other.

Edited by RubyRiver
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If you are really completely muted for full 24h with your whole account, keep in mind that it could be someone abusing the report spam button to harass you. If that happens to you, you should write a ticket to the support in game and have them take a look at it and potentially track down the harassers.


If you only partly muted though, it can't be the squelch feature, it has to be something else. There have been several chat related bugs in the past, like refills in Ops groups writing in /ops chat but some or at times all other players of the group wouldn't see their messages. Another one was people being somehow 'desynced' with the server, apparently loosing their guild membership without actually really loosing it, other would see them online and being part of the guild just fine, though the affected characters were also unable to join groups and that. Though the latter was at a time the servers had some issues in general.


So, trying to track down your issue as a possible bug, are the chats you can't use standard chat channels or player made ones? (In theory it is possible to withdraw writing rights in player made channels as well as the guild chat.)

Is this happening on specific planets or zones? Do you have any details of under what circumstances this happens to you?

Edited by Khaleijo
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Happened to me and a friend while doing a non-spammy amount of guild adverts (one per various instances before and after an FP; planethopping). Legacy-wide, not account; friend is squelched, I am only able to whisper and get no red notifications. First time we've ever been restricted. Edited by Anoobite
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There are three things happening lately. There is an increase in squelching reports in the forum but there are also two bad chat bugs that are affecting a lot of people which probably accounts for several of those reports. One bug stops you being able to post and the other stops you seeing new posts to the chat channel. You can solve those two bugs by logging out and back in again or sometimes just changing area by going through a loading screen.


You can tell if you have been squelched by typing /e Test into any chat channel. If you have been squelched you will get the red text telling you as much. If you have not been squelched then you will either see the custom emote or you will see nothing if the chat bug kicks in.


The timing of the two chat bugs seems quite coincidental with BW saying they have updated their system for dealing with gold sellers.


I did create a ticket for the chat bugs but it's been deleted without a reply.

Edited by UlaVii
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So, I now have proof. I was just sitting on my main for about an hour and got squelched. How do I show this? I grabbed video.

edit: Just realized it's not just that. I'm getting muted on one chat window, sometimes, and not just the other.


There has been an issue with chat lately, this could be what's effecting you



EDIT: Just saw the above post...lol

Edited by DarkTergon
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Just popping in to say my chat is still half-banned and friend is still squelched. There is nothing "buggy" about it, this was either another player/guild or their gold seller system. It's really annoying being muted for nothing, going on a day, with no reply. I don't sub to have this happen, got a guild to help run. Edited by Anoobite
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