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Players abusing the squelching in game, report spam is absurd


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this past week i have been squelched many times by people that dont like me just report spam me everytime they see my name the system is broke i played this game a year ago never once squelched now people know how it woprks and use it there favor.... i do referal link clicks and gtn sales so see why i get spam reported..... if you wish to inform me posting my items for sale is spam im only gunna say this once turn trade chat off, if what somebody else is doing to better themselves bothers you im very sorry :p Edited by areaype
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.... i do referal link clicks and gtn sales so see why i get spam reported.....


You mean you spam in spatial to get people to use your referral link? Yes, that's exactly why you get reported....that's the very reason spam reporting was invented. If people want to buy your stuff they can look on GTN - shouting it out as a form of advertising is spam that no one wants to hear.

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Stop doing the things that other people are bothered by.


Making duplicate threads on the same topic after your previous ones were closed and/or deleted is also a form of spam. I'm beginning to see why you're getting squelched.

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I've played this game concurrently for almost a decade and haven't once been squelched.


Going to go out on a limb and say you were doing something bad.


I’ve been squelched once in 9 years. But I can confirm from contacts in the game that there is a cabal of players abusing the feature against people not doing anything to remotely deserve it.

Some are from a specific guild trying to silence opposition or people they don’t like from another guild or guilds they don’t want to be able to recruit and be a threat.

Others are in pvp and doing it against a select few people who they don’t like beating them.

Some are just innocent bye standers who’ve been mistaken for someone else or replied in chat at the wrong time the trolls are out.

It’s is happening and I think BioWare need to review the people who’ve been squelched. If they’ve found to have done nothing wrong, then the people who squelched them should have a 48 squelch applied to their accounts. If the same people keep abusing the system, they should have that ability removed from their account so they can’t squelch anyone ever again.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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If you are harassed by a group of players using the report feature on you although you didn't do anything, you can write an in-game ticket to have the support look at it. If they find the feature is indeed abused, the abusers will get dealt with according to Bioware's rules for harassment.

Keep in mind though that for example having a insult duel in public chat, people are in their rights to use that feature against you. Or if you constantly fill up the whole chat window via trade chat postings for example. Just because you don't think you are spamming doesn't mean others do agree with you there.

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