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PvP and Why It Sucks (As a level 50 Marauder)


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He was fighting level 50's, look at the targets to the right, it says level 50's.


You need glasses, and you and these other baddies are making excuses on why you can't play a skillful class.


Yes, Marauder takes skill, and most of you people don't have a ounce of it.


If one person can play it the way it should be played, then the rest that can't need to...




Have a good day.


So unless everyone goes one exact specialization and is completely geared out in PvP gear, it's a L2P issue? This makes no sense at all.

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So unless everyone goes one exact specialization and is completely geared out in PvP gear, it's a L2P issue? This makes no sense at all.


You have no idea what you are talking about do you?


I have called BS on this whole entire thread, you have been caught.


Everything this thread says is people need to L2P.


The whole Marauder and Sentinel tree are effective in PVP.


The class does not suck.



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You have no idea what you are talking about do you?


I have called BS on this whole entire thread, you have been caught.


Everything this thread says is people need to L2P.


The whole Marauder and Sentinel tree are effective in PVP.


The class does not suck.




I'm going to assume you play a bounty hunter or another such class, because if you actually have played a Marauder/Sentinel up to 50, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. Your entire experience (I'm assuming) is from what you have seen. There are great Marauders, and terrible ones. What is mind-staggering is the amount of difference the PvP gear does to a Marauder. It turns them from useless fat into murderous rampage machines, much more than other classes. Is a Marauder a challenge to play? Yes. It requires near-top-tier gear at all times to even compete with someone who can heal themselves or use heavy armor.

Edited by Ceraz
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@OP: I'm sorry you are getting the L2P hate. As someone that has a mid level Mar, I completely agree with your entire post. It's not that you CAN'T be awesome as a Mar, it's that it's SO MUCH HARDER to be awesome as a Mar.


I knew something was wrong when I started having trouble in PVE. I mean PvP is one thing and balance is always going to be shifting. But being so squishy, coupled with low DPS meant every group of 3 mobs was an "almost dead" situation. I shelved my Mar and rolled a BH and wow what a difference.


I'm sure they are going to address the issues with the Mar class and when they do, I look forward to picking it up again.

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@OP: I'm sorry you are getting the L2P hate. As someone that has a mid level Mar, I completely agree with your entire post. It's not that you CAN'T be awesome as a Mar, it's that it's SO MUCH HARDER to be awesome as a Mar.


I knew something was wrong when I started having trouble in PVE. I mean PvP is one thing and balance is always going to be shifting. But being so squishy, coupled with low DPS meant every group of 3 mobs was an "almost dead" situation. I shelved my Mar and rolled a BH and wow what a difference.


I'm sure they are going to address the issues with the Mar class and when they do, I look forward to picking it up again.


If you die at a low level, that isn't the classes fault it is yours.


There is too much going on besides the inability to L2P, or TO go level up.


OP is dead wrong, the title is dead wrong, you and the bandwagon are dead wrong.


Level 50 is the goal, being a low level and typing lies because of being a baddie is not the goal, and to end this...


L2P or go level up.



Edited by Caeliux
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@OP: I'm sorry you are getting the L2P hate. As someone that has a mid level Mar, I completely agree with your entire post. It's not that you CAN'T be awesome as a Mar, it's that it's SO MUCH HARDER to be awesome as a Mar.


I knew something was wrong when I started having trouble in PVE. I mean PvP is one thing and balance is always going to be shifting. But being so squishy, coupled with low DPS meant every group of 3 mobs was an "almost dead" situation. I shelved my Mar and rolled a BH and wow what a difference.


I'm sure they are going to address the issues with the Mar class and when they do, I look forward to picking it up again.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Towards 40+ even with purple gear for my level I started having some serious trouble with how hard the mobs hit. Before, I used Jaesa (Melee DPS) as my companion and just "blitzkrieged" everything down. Around level 40 I started to have to use Quinn (Ranged Healer) and start carrying medpaks. It's such a shame that the class has so much difficulty without some serious gear to back it up because the story for it is freakin' amazing.

Edited by Ceraz
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Just saying: Stealth is weak in this game and there arent that many usefull abiltys from stealth, i rather se that they make you leave combat earlier so u can restealth smother.


Also playing maradaur as main btw!

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Great OP post, well thought out. I don't agree with all of the points, but here are some I do.


The shield at the door in Voidstar is brutal. It leads to runs. I mean, it lasts so long you can't possibly defuse the bomb, and then if the door actually blows, which it almost always does, while you are stuck up there, you will be lucky to arrive in the next room before that door blows.


It just needs some tweaking. It's a bomb, maybe it should kill anyone close to the door when it blows.

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I just realized how much I typed... Sorry.


I really think I brought up some good points thought, even if they have been brought up countless times before.


Your grosely mistaken if you think you are the only one without a knockback or hutball advantage. Operatives do not have any knockback or speed or leap or grapple skill.


I absolutely hate hutball since it caters to the classes that have those skills. Nothing worse then standing waiting for a fire and watch people just run through it with speed. Or watch someone leap half way across the map avoiding all the hazards.

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Just saying: Stealth is weak in this game and there arent that many usefull abiltys from stealth, i rather se that they make you leave combat earlier so u can restealth smother.


Also playing maradaur as main btw!

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Your grosely mistaken if you think you are the only one without a knockback or hutball advantage. Operatives do not have any knockback or speed or leap or grapple skill.


I absolutely hate hutball since it caters to the classes that have those skills. Nothing worse then standing waiting for a fire and watch people just run through it with speed. Or watch someone leap half way across the map avoiding all the hazards.


I did not know that. Interesting. However, you get that 'blind' ability with its crazy long CC that doesn't wear off during damage, am I right? That thing is nasty.

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Great OP post, well thought out. I don't agree with all of the points, but here are some I do.


The shield at the door in Voidstar is brutal. It leads to runs. I mean, it lasts so long you can't possibly defuse the bomb, and then if the door actually blows, which it almost always does, while you are stuck up there, you will be lucky to arrive in the next room before that door blows.


It just needs some tweaking. It's a bomb, maybe it should kill anyone close to the door when it blows.


I like the explosion idea. Which parts do you not agree with?

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Yes, I said risk and reward. So I'm trudging along for a while on Tatooine when I finally come across my first Republic player in the open world.


What's the level range on Tattooine again? 26-30?


And you go there at level 50 and want "risk" and reward?


Uh, whatever.

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What's the level range on Tattooine again? 26-30?


And you go there at level 50 and want "risk" and reward?


Uh, whatever.


Clearly at the time I was not level 50. Nor should there be rewards for open-world PvP outside of a level bracket.

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huttball - worst idea ever. please dont make me play this map anymore. i want to quit this game when i get it twice in a row. if i ever face my same faction i will quit the game also, its EMPIRE vs REPUBLIC.


voidstar - repetitive....why force us to play it twice. i feel like this map is 2 hours long. stealth bomb planting? serious?


the civil war - my fav.



i like how unresponsive the cap points are, last time i checked 8.0/8.0 was done....somehow you need 9.0/8.0 or 4.0/3/0 to actually cap stuff. retarded.

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Pretty much every point you bring up about the class in itself is points where you just have to learn to use your abilities better, and time them well.


Honestly for every WZ I play I feel like I am just getting stronger and stronger, being able to handle 1v3 pretty often, because of high sustains and amazing defensive CD's.


The marauder / sentinels are extremely strong in PvP but needs practice because the cooldown management and rotations is a very huge part of playing the class correctly.

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OP you will NOT balance nor give a good advice for GENERAL pvp from ONE point of view. So its useless opinion that shows NOTHING useful to devlopers.


To cut it short with all your words you want to lower the skill level of your class and NOT for all mara players, but for yourself only! Nice purpose. Its MMO - that means a lot of people playing and dont care about problems of ONE individual. And noone will cause MMO's are pure realisation of utilitarism model otherwise they FAIL.


Hope you get the picture...

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Before I begin, I'd like to take a moment and talk about the game in general. It is a fantastic game, based on rich lore and beautiful back story with almost unlimited potential. .


I stopped right there.


Sorry, what? Half this stuff is contradictory to the entire SW universe.


Like *** imperials? Why is the technology seemingly more advanced for no apperant reason? Why does half this stuff just seem like a kid making a story? I mean really, have you taken a step back and thought "wow, they just make stuff up as they go huh?"


I've played/watched/read most of the sw stuff. This is deffinitely one of those "hey its star wars in the sense we have force powers and lightsabers" games.


People drone on about this "epic story" gimme a break. This story isn't better than mass effect, and certainly not better than the other sw games. half the time i'm like "ok *** is this" when they introduce a character, in the agents i KNOW i'm going to kill the guy in like 4-5 quest.

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I stopped right there.


Sorry, what? Half this stuff is contradictory to the entire SW universe.


Like *** imperials? Why is the technology seemingly more advanced for no apperant reason? Why does half this stuff just seem like a kid making a story? I mean really, have you taken a step back and thought "wow, they just make stuff up as they go huh?"


I've played/watched/read most of the sw stuff. This is deffinitely one of those "hey its star wars in the sense we have force powers and lightsabers" games.


People drone on about this "epic story" gimme a break. This story isn't better than mass effect, and certainly not better than the other sw games. half the time i'm like "ok *** is this" when they introduce a character, in the agents i KNOW i'm going to kill the guy in like 4-5 quest.


Lol man, SW in Lucas films is just a fairy tale for kids. Stop saying freaking crap it's something more.

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