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Kickstart Tactical from the Horizon Razors is proof we need higher mount speed


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For the ones that never bothered with them or haven't reached the required Champion reputation rank yet: You put them into the Tactical slot of your character and whenever you start mounting you get a massive burst of movement speed for a few seconds, even when you immediately dismount while the movement buff is still running.


The nice thing is that they have no level requirement and even work on the Rocket Boost perk since it is considered a vehicle, so you can give these Tacticals to your low level alts to zoom around on the early planets. If you also have the Legacy perk unlocked that allows you to mount while moving and your timing is good you can keep mounting and dismounting with the movement buff being constantly up. Even though that means you have to keep pressing the mount button I almost got used to it by now, because this method will cut your travel time roughly in half, which is especially nice on the vast planets like Tatooine and Hoth.


I bought them in a bulk and have them ready for use in my Legacy cargo hold for the characters I currently play. Suffice it to say that they are the most useful event rewards they have given us so far that goes beyond being purely cosmetic and made me long for overall increased mounting speed in the game.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Agreed, I was pleasantly surprised to see they worked so well on rocket boots.


Any other tacticals from the rewards worth looking into? The shield one may be useful for wading through dense mobs on certain planets [Corellia].


I bought at least one piece from all the other Tacticals just in case, but even the ones that are not purely cosmetic like the one you are describing from the Blatant Beks or the other one from the Horizon Razors that knocks back the enemies upon dismounting seem not that useful to me compared to the Kickstart one.


I haven't really tested them out though because I was just too damn happy being able to zap around the planets with double speed.

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I tried the shield one and it's OK but a little clunky. It does prevent you from getting knocked off when you drive through a bunch of enemies. The main issue with it though is that the shield only lasts for 5 seconds so you have to time it correctly and it only helps against one group of enemies at a time, because you cannot mount again once you are in combat.


The one from the Horizon Razors that pushes enemies away upon dismounting is pretty useless. It basically works like a worse version of Force Wave, since the standard enemies immediately get up again, it does virtually no damage at all and there is a 30 second cooldown timer until you can use it again.


So all in all the Kickstarter one is still the best imo.

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It would have been so much better if they had knocked off the useless gimmicks and made three different types:


Horizon: Kickstarter [any level]: increase acceleration

Legend : Kickstarter II [level 50]: increased acceleration, x2 length


Pit Screamers: Shield [any level]: shields from enemy attack

Legend: Shield II [level 50]: shield x2 length


Blatant Beks: aoe attack [any level]: launches aoe blasts while mounted

Legend: aoe attack II [level 50]: aoe attacks x2 damage


That would be simple, useful and the level tiers would make sense. Separate by level just like the rakghoul relics, so ofc you want the lvl 50 ones but they're both for leveling, you want to get real tacticals once you hit 75.

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Proof, not really!

All that would do is remove that tactical from the game. Using that as a so-called proof would apply to anything that a tactical gives. If one gave more Mastery, well that proves that more Mastery is needed. Higher crit chance? well, that's proof we need better gear, to begin with. The tactical was there to let players pick and choose what's best for them as individual players. You may or may not agree with tactical mods in the game, but you have not shown any proof at all, all you have shown is your " I want this" nothing more. As BW has already added two extra speed rates in the last few years it is not needed.

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Proof, not really!

All that would do is remove that tactical from the game. Using that as a so-called proof would apply to anything that a tactical gives. If one gave more Mastery, well that proves that more Mastery is needed. Higher crit chance? well, that's proof we need better gear, to begin with. The tactical was there to let players pick and choose what's best for them as individual players. You may or may not agree with tactical mods in the game, but you have not shown any proof at all, all you have shown is your " I want this" nothing more. As BW has already added two extra speed rates in the last few years it is not needed.


Wow, what a bunch of drivel. I think this thread went way over your head, sorry. If I actually wanted to put down a thesis with evidentiary support that BioWare has to increase the mount speed and get rid of the Tactical in the process, I would have done so in the Suggestion Forum. And you mentioning Tacticals that increase actual character stats makes it even funnier. Apples and Oranges.

This was nothing more than a harmless reminder of the Kickstarter mount Tactical for the ones that, as I said, "never bothered with them or haven't reached the required Champion reputation rank yet" and it led to a discussion about the other versions. I feel like I am back at university.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Wow, what a bunch of drivel. I think this thread went way over your head, sorry. If I actually wanted to put down a thesis with evidentiary support...I feel like I am back at university.


It's depressingly common in this forum to meet people who are apparently offended by figurative language. You're lucky you haven't been scolded for saying "we need" because x lunatic didn't see your representative survey and is furious that you're speaking for the forum without his express consent.

Edited by Ardrossan
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You can equip that tact on a lowbie? Damn I should have gotten it before the vendors disappeared....


Yes, no level requirement whatsoever, which makes the Tactical slot on a lowbie actually useful. I also didn't know before I bought one of those and as soon as I found out I started to bulk up on them.

Edited by Phazonfreak
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Yes, no level requirement whatsoever, which makes the Tactical slot on a lowbie actually useful. I also didn't know before I bought one of those and as soon as I found out I started to bulk up on them.


Ya I really wish I knew that. Sucks the vendors go away when the event ends.

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