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Please add sellable event reward


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Recently i am back to game and i am sure lots of users are same as me since steam launch.


I was excited about nightlife casino event and hoped to make some credits during event because i don't want decorations,mounts etc, but want some credits for gears.

However i found out golden certificate rewards(cartel one is very rare) are all legacy bound and can not be traded, meaning i can not make credits.

So literally those rewards(event) are for oldbies who do care about decorations, mount collections etc and have millions billions credits already.

EVENT in other games usually is meant to be short cut for newbie(selling rewards) , collection for oldbie(deco, etc)


My personal experience is I didn't even have 2million credits and was having hard time getting credits to buy gears(augment 73 74 thing..), other new users would experience the same stuff. If some event rewards were sellable it would be very helpful for newcomers to get some gears. Some old users might don't care since they have billions credits but if i can get 1-2million credits through event it can be game changer. And come on it is little tiny impact.

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They will never do this for two reasons: Events are recurring and supposed to be a time and credit sink.


They are tied to the achievement system that is supposed to entice you to keep working for the rewards. The idea is not to completely skip the events by buying the rewards with credits.

There is already high inflation in the game and BioWare tries to take out as much money as possible from the economy. Allowing the sale of unique Event rewards, especially the extremely low chance Casino drops, would wreck the economy even further.


It is actually not that hard to earn credits in this game if you are committed. Doing Heroic runs with a high level character will net you several millions each week. And if you are doing them in a group it goes even faster and you earn a little more xp and credits in the process.

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Just buy one of those 30 pack crates you're guaranteed to get some good stuff that will sell. If your a sub its super easy to make credits, tradeskills are kinda shifty right now but some of the stuff actually sells decently. Actually in some cases the mats sell better than making the things, get gathering professions on the toons you play most often. That's what I did I got the different actual professions on characters I barely play and then the ones I play alot I have like scavenging and slicing, and bioanalysis. But if you're willing to fork up 40$ you will make good credits you can't lose, least I haven't /knocks on wood
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As others have said, the events are time and credit sinks - they are not and hopefully will never be there for people to make money from them by selling the "rewards".


It seems that you want to make money from selling in game rewards/items (instead of the quicker way of buying stuff on the CM and then selling via GTN). Get some gathering skills up - like to max - go out and gather tons of items then sell them on the GTN.


As for gearing - I'd probably suggest you try and avoid buying *anything* from the GTN as the drops you get plus the fleet modification vendors should really cover you. I've gone from 1 to 75 and almost full 306 gear without having to buy anything other than modifications from the fleet vendors on the way.

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I'd agree that event rewards shouldn't be salable. Basically, as it stands now, when you see someone riding one of the event speeders, or hanging out with an event companion or pet, you can be sure that they actually did the event to get it, and didn't just buy it.

I think this also applies to various other PvP and OPs rewards. However, in those cases, some players with lots of credits can "buy" a PvP or OP run to get the shiny reward, which in some ways makes the reward meaningless.

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I'd agree that event rewards shouldn't be salable. Basically, as it stands now, when you see someone riding one of the event speeders, or hanging out with an event companion or pet, you can be sure that they actually did the event to get it, and didn't just buy it.

I think this also applies to various other PvP and OPs rewards. However, in those cases, some players with lots of credits can "buy" a PvP or OP run to get the shiny reward, which in some ways makes the reward meaningless.


Going to throw in my two cents here... /agree



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