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New PvP rewards system is horrible


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That means that on any given week if you queue for 10 matches win or lose you are guaranteed to have more than enough CQ points on that character for completion. This does not sound like a "complete waste of time" to me...
Some reasons: if you like CQ you will queue while doing other stuff for gaining points, so seeing the infrequent pops I end up done more or less before a pop.

Plus usually CQ is not the main driver for playing PvP, the corresponding missions and possibly gear are, besides the fun to play. At least for me the latter suffers just knowing how the crappy system works.

And third reason: as soon as you reach your CQ limit (which I frequently do on many chars by just casually playing) the 6k are pointess, especially since usually there are only a couple of guilds in for the planetary win. Of course there is a little additional reward going along with the CQ goal, but that is not really worth mentioning.

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Are people finding pvp pops getting longer?


I don't know how it is on some of the "bigger" servers but on Tulak Horde pvp queues are very long in my opinion. I queue'd up the last two or three days and besides getting arenas (which I absolutely hate - in SWTOR and in WoW - so that encourages me to not queue up) which took a good amount of time, there weren't any other warzones at all. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but on servers like Tulak Horde (or the french one, which is even smaller populated than the german one) queue times are bad.


What BioWare should absolutely do is change the requirements for the warzone quests. Letting only wins count is an absolute mistake in my eyes. Sometimes you just can't change the fact that you're on a team with lesser geared or lesser "skilled" people than the opposite. Leechers are in ever MMO with a PvP aspect, its hard to change that.

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Just found more ridiculousness

The mission "Introduction to Warzones" i.e. your first WZ fight . . . you have to win it to get credit. That is over the top.


Yeah, that one is certainly dumb because it is supposed to reward left side gear under the assumption a new pvper at lvl 10 won’t have them yet.


The basic premise of the rewards for that mission is you are already playing with no ear, implants or relics. And bolster doesn’t give you full stats if you have those slots empty. So you are essentially playing with one hand behind your back gear wise. Now they demand you win that match to get the rewards that put you on a more even footing (gear/stat wise).


There is some serious disconnect with the devs and lowbie, mid and reg pvp vs ranked pvp.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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  • 2 months later...

Unranked Warzones now TOTALLY suck. ***!!!! Why do we have to win to get rewards in the unranked system?!!!!

And what happened to the part where you get two wins for winning outranked Warzone?


What are these developers drinking?



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I am convinced EA made this change in reaction to campaigns and complaints made on these forums. The hue and cry to change/improve/redo/update PvP has been a long and steady one, and here we are, with EA having turned its attention to it, and few people are posting that they're pleased about it.


I would hate to be Charle's shoes producing this game. He can't win for losing (to use a phrase) for reacting to what people say on the forums.


which is kind of sad, since to me, this hammers home the fact, that they rather listen and react to blatant unsubstantiated whining, with knee-jerky, oftentimes contradictory, rash and inconsiderate implementations, instead of listening and being inspired by constructive criticism by players who are on the very fronline of the game and which far outweighs the whining and so far included ideas and thoughts so good and reasonable that would catapult this game positively forward a thousandfold and make it the great MMORPG it really is and was meant to be... whiners and statistical charts that not really reflect the game s reality, are bad sources to base your design decisions on, which will influence a lot of peoples game experience...


PVP on Tulak Hord has come to a sudden, screeching halt... and that s a server that has a tiny playerbase compared to other servers already...the few premades duking it out, the few ranked win-traders trading it out, are all that s left... Good players who played PvP for fun mainly and where great at it at the same time and were the bulk of the PvP crowd (me included *takes deep whiff of own fart*) , names you recognized and acknowledged, because they often were your teammates, won t be found anywhere in the Q anymore or have migrated the server and gone to Malgus (UK) and that s a fact, experienced by someone who sees this every day... not some number or indicator on an excel chart... sadly this won t even be noticed by the devs, given the last few "improvements" that were implemented...


come May, i m probably gone myself

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Their metrics had nothing to do with it and the current daily only reguires 1 win. The original daily required 3 wins. So get over it.



The original... way back in 2012 and thus irrelevant to the current discussion.. come to Tulak Hord... try and win your 20 matches in 2 days... i literally had the first weekly after the changes in my log sitting at something like 2/10 for whooping two and a half weeks, before i deleted it and quit PvP since pvp prime-time were stomper-premades, which before, you would be annoyed by, but wouldn t be that big of an inconvenience, since you got your weekly done in a reasonable amount of time at least...

on a small *** server like mine these implementations, which benefited none as far as i m concerned, but ****ed a lot of paying customers over and good, meant the death of pvp for a lot of people... mix that with 10 HBs and the occasional 10 voidstars that are the only ones that pop theses days and make pvp a way bigger tedium than it ever was before, and you got a recipe for *********** up your own game, because of narrow-minded execs and yes-men-devs and the resulting horrific implementations that make your spent money on this game less and less attractive...


it s easy to tell people to "get over it" when you re on one of the highest populated servers, where matches pop way more often, thus increasing your chances of getting a win by a macroscopic margin compared to TH... were you on TH, you wouldn t fan-boy the devs BS decisions like that, i m pretty sure...

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I wonder if having to win Huttball in order to progress their daily/weekly quest, will make more players care about where the ball is at all times. I will have to test it at some point. Too bad they removed Queshball, it was the only Huttball where you had to go really out of your way to pick it up.


It’s actually had the opposite affect IMO. Now everyone leaves the ball alone till the last 1 min of the game and just TDMs. If you grab the Ball for your team no one will help you and if you pass to someone there is a 75% chance they’ll throw it on the ground to reset it even if you are in a great position to score.

When the last minute arrives, no one tried to score, they just try to make sure they are team with ball when it ends. There is zero skill or tactics or strategy in the way Hutt Ball is being played. And god forbid you do actually score and your team might win before the timer because then your own team will abuse you and sabotage you from scoring. Ie, own team pulling you into the fire or letting the other team score on purpose to lvl out the score.

The degradation has only gotten worse under this system, not better. And while ever there is a podium for the boys to eflex and epeen, you will never get them to try and play properly.

Remove the dps, kills, healing and protection from the public end game scoreboard so no one can see other people’s. The only thing that should matter publicly is medals and achievements that would need to be reworked. Then people who need an epeen platform could use the medal and achievement numbers to eflex their prowess. And those would be tied to winning and team dynamics and not the selfish players farming some noobs in the middle of no where to fluff their dps numbers.

This was all suggested to BioWare 12+ months ago and I fell on deaf ears. None of what they’ve done has improved reg pvp enjoyment and there less people playing it. The quality and desire to win has gotten worse in many ways. And there are more extreme examples of some teams dominating totally to others never trying. The regular in between players who want to play for fun and try and win are vanishing.

This lockout in its current environment with only wins counting towards missions and rewards has been an utter failure to improve player participation and enjoyment.


I really Hope JackiKo has been passing on threads like this to BioWare to read. There are so many of them now that show this system has driven players away and people are not enjoying pvp like they use to.

There is a live stream in a few hours and I think if there is nothing in it about revitalising reg pvp from the ground up, they may as well consider removing it or making all pvp scale like ranked is under a public ELO system where losing really does matter (not my first or even 2nd last choice of how to handle it). But if they are intent on only listening to and trying to fix ranked arena population, then you may as well weed out every casual pvper who won’t queue ranked. And least be honest and say we don’t care about reg pvp as it’s not even an after thought.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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So nothing about fixing regular pvp in the live stream. But let’s give them appartments all on the fleet to play barbie dream house and they’ll forget.


I guess the lack of nothing on the Live stream is as loud as they could be in saying forgot about regular pvp, let it die, only ranked pvp maters from now on.


Rip reg pvp.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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