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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUGGED:] Bounty Hunter End of Act 1 Not able to progress


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That's right. End of Act 1.... I won the Great Hunt and I can't progress. I was summoned to Dromund Kass to accept the Mandalorian Ceremony for winning the Great Hunt (after boarding the Rebel Crusier and killing the Jedi)... I had an unfinished quest at Nar Shadda (Zero Protocol) and I went there instead. Before I landed, I got the 'Nice going' speech from Crysta. I'm a level 31 Bounty Hunter Merc and I tried to complete the outstanding quest and abandoned it.


I come back to Dromund Kass and get into the Mandalorian Enclave and I can't talk to Crysta. She just gives me 'Don't keep the huntmaster waiting....' I can't have the conversation I'm supposed to have with her. when it DID happen, it was on my ship, and the background was literally outer space. And the characters were meshed together.



What am I supposed to do?

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Alright. While this specific bug hasn't happened to me, a very similar one did back in beta on my Smuggler. All you can really do is put a ticket into CS at this point, they should be able to sort it out, as they did for me back then.
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That's right. End of Act 1.... I won the Great Hunt and I can't progress. I was summoned to Dromund Kass to accept the Mandalorian Ceremony for winning the Great Hunt (after boarding the Rebel Crusier and killing the Jedi)... I had an unfinished quest at Nar Shadda (Zero Protocol) and I went there instead. Before I landed, I got the 'Nice going' speech from Crysta. I'm a level 31 Bounty Hunter Merc and I tried to complete the outstanding quest and abandoned it.


I come back to Dromund Kass and get into the Mandalorian Enclave and I can't talk to Crysta. She just gives me 'Don't keep the huntmaster waiting....' I can't have the conversation I'm supposed to have with her. when it DID happen, it was on my ship, and the background was literally outer space. And the characters were meshed together.



What am I supposed to do?


I am having this exact same problem. I have submitted a ticket to BW and a week later all they could tell me was to watch for future patch notes.


This is preventing me from going past ACT 1, I cannot start my legacy, I am unable to continue my class storyline so thus cannot get the 4th-5th companions...


I am almost lvl 50 and still stuck on ACT 1. I am really irritated that something so simple could gimp my character so badly, and BW just doesn't show any concern.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Had probs with my BH class quest line where the dialogue sequences would freeze/pause before any dialogue options appeared. Submitted ticket and got only the canned "We have passed your ticket...blah blah". The fix for me was simple...ran file repair through the launcher and voila! problem solved. Hope this helps( might even help with some of the other "Bugs")
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  • 2 weeks later...

About the class quest, I finished mine a couple of days ago and it worked fine. I don't know if they fixed it in the last patch or not.


Anyone else falling to their deaths every time they go through the elevator in Nar Shadda during the Honor Regained quest? For whatever reason every time I click the elevator button I load dead on the other side.


This happened to me too, but only once. After that I could enter through the elevator again and didn't get killed.


I did get another bug later though.


Possible spoiler:


When I have taken Mandalore's place I was sent to hunt Jicoln (I think his name was). I bring his body back to Mandalore's ship, but as soon as I leave my ship and enter the hangar on Mandalore's ship, I get stuck. I can't move anywhere, if I jump I just hang in the air. The door to my spaceship also appears open and I can look inside. I tried resetting UI, logging out/in, closing client etc. nothing helped.


So I used fleet pass to get out. After that quest disappeared, I later got a mail from Mandalore that he heard that I killed Jicoln etc. it seems the quest had finished even though I couldn't do anything.



I have now continued on my class quests, but as I don't have another BH to compare with, I'm not sure whether I missed out on anything during/after this bug.

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